  • 不努力于取一切必要的条件,甚至必要条件有一不备,势必重蹈南京等地失陷之覆辙。
    If a strenuous effort is not made to secure all the necessary conditions, indeed even if one of these conditions is missing, disasters like the loss of Nanking and other places are bound to be repeated.
  • 当我们现在和最近将来力民主自由的时候,他们无疑地又要来破坏。
    At present and in the near future, while we fight strenuously for democracy and freedom, they will no doubt resort to their wrecking again.
  • 战斗,尤指武器战斗;斗
    Fighting, especially armed battle; strife.
  • 内部斗挫伤了团队合作的目的
    Internal strife defeats the purpose of teamwork.
  • 闹事者挑起麻烦或端的人
    One that stirs up trouble or strife.
  • 高校间的竞有助于改变国家的态度。
    Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation.
  • 工人们的不协作态度,则是可能表明大规模的工业竞到来的迹象。
    The workers's non-cooperation is a straw in the wind that might indicate widespread industrial strife to come.
  • 生活充满矛盾和斗,我们需要朋友支持,需要朋友帮助我们摆脱困境。
    As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties.
  • 梦里欧罗巴看见两个大陆为了夺她而相斗,一个是亚细亚,另一个是远方的那片海岸,双方都呈现出女人的形象。
    In the dream Europa beheld two continents at strife for her sake, Asia and the further shore, both in the shape of women.
  • 这使这个五十年代曾见证最激烈政治斗、最精彩的政治演讲的芳林公园,再次肩负一个新时代的使命。
    This will give a new lease of life to Hong Lim Park, which witnessed the most heart-stirring political strife and brilliant orations during the 1950s.
  • 那种多党制是资产阶级互相倾轧的竞状态所决定的,它们谁也不代表广大劳动人民的利益。
    That system came into being as a result of strife and competition among different sections of the bourgeoisie, and none of the parties represents the interests of the masses of working people.
  • 安哥拉非洲西南部一国家,邻接大西洋,以前曾是葡萄牙的殖民地,经过长期游击战于1975年独立,之后一直处于内乱之中。罗安达是首府和最大城市。人口8,140,000
    A country of southwest Africa bordering on the Atlantic Ocean. Formerly a Portuguese colony, the country became independent in1975 after a long guerrilla war and has been torn by civil strife ever since. Luanda is the capital and the largest city. Population,8, 140, 000.
  • 当斗是向着日本帝国主义的时候,美国以至英国的走狗们是有可能遵照其主人的叱声的轻重,同日本帝国主义者及其走狗暗斗以至明的。
    When the struggle is directed against Japanese imperialism, then the running dogs of the United States or Britain, obeying the varying tones of their masters' commands, may engage in veiled or even open strife with the Japanese imperialists and their running dogs.
  • 但是,政治智慧是在复杂政治斗中锻炼出来的,香港主权全由中英政府谈判包办,香港人只能靠边站,这样,香港又怎能产生李光耀?
    Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strifes to bring about political wisdom. While the negotiations over Hong Kong's return were monopolised by Beijing and London, how could the territory expect to produce a Lee KuanYew of its own?
  • 工会为取更好的工作条件而罢工。
    The union struck for better work conditions.
  • 我们为取自由而斗
    We strike for freedom.
  • 罢工者正取改善工作条件和加薪。
    The strikers were pushing for better working conditions and higher wages.
  • 罢工者和雇主间的长期斗尚未结束。
    The long struggle between the strikers and their employers is not yet played out.
  • 努力争取更大的进步
    strive hard to make greater progress
  • 和诱惑[困难]作斗争
    strive with [against] a temptation [difficulty]
  • 怎样争取最后胜利?
    How shall we strive for final victory?
  • 打算再次取到奖学金。
    Plan again to strive for the scholarship.
  • 作最坏的打算,取最好的结果。
    Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.
  • 你同时也必须取做出表率。
    You must also strive to lead by example.
  • 我尽力而为取最佳。
    I strive for the best and I do the possible.
  • 他们通过拼命维护自己利益的方式来取保障。
    they strive for security by truculently asserting their own interests.
  • 两狗相一骨头,第三只狗衔起走。
    Two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it.
  • 我们要取整个中华民族的大团结。
    We should strive for the great unity of the entire Chinese nation.
  • 我们在国际上要取和平的环境,在国内要排除一切干扰。
    We should strive for a peaceful international environment and overcome all domestic obstacles.
  • 作为一个教员你必须取使你自己和你的学员都很优秀。
    As a trainer you must strive for excellence both from yourself and your trainee.
  • 美国和中国为加强我们之间的纽带,为两国人民享有更高度的繁荣而合作,为取世界更可靠和公正的和平,曾接受过时代的挑战。
    America and China accepted the challenge to strengthen the ties that bind us, to cooperate for greater prosperity among our people, and to strive for a more secure and just peace in the world.
  • 目标努力取或设想获得的事物;目标
    Something worked toward or striven for; a goal.