  • 这样……美国炼糖公司就必然处于种理想的地位,可以把任何新的竞争者挤得不能立足。
    …the American Sugar Refining Company would certainly be in an ideal position to push any new competitor off the map.
  • soapspec:soapspectmodel是对xmlspectmodel类型的进步细分,soapspectmodel用于表示与web服务之间的交互是通过soap的。
    soapSpec: Further refining the xmlSpec tModel type, a soapSpec is used to indicate that the interaction with the service is via SOAP.
  • 种稀有的多价金属元素,重,化学性质类似锰,用于些合金中,精炼钼的副产品。
    a rare heavy polyvalent metallic element that resembles manganese chemically and is used in some alloys; is obtained as a by-product in refining molybdenum.
  • 这件事对他的生产生重大影响。
    Will the new rules affect me?
  • 贝敦美国得克萨斯州东南城市,位于休斯顿船道上的加尔维斯顿湾上方。是个炼油和工业中心。人口63,850
    A city of southeast Texas at the head of Galveston Bay on the Houston Ship Channel. It is an oil-refining and industrial center. Population,63, 850.
  • 个被雇来修复或修整古代设备的技术工人。
    a skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish antique furniture.
  • 兰州中国中部黄河沿岸城市,位于成都以北。是重要的油料加工中心和甘肃省的首府。人口1,060,000
    A city of central China on the Huang He(Yellow River) north of Chengdu. A major oil-refining center, it is the capital of Gansu province. Population,1, 060, 000.
  • 他的天才无可置疑,而最使他的评论家们烦恼的是他不愿全力以赴地改进种才能,而定要把时间分散地用在指挥、作曲、演奏这几个方面。
    His genius was indisputable, arid what most galled his critics was that he refused to de vote himself to refining one talent, but insisted on dividing his time between conducting, composing and performing.
  • 烤钵冶金法种使银和金等金属不氧化的提纯过程,在高温下金属混合物被氧化,低劣金属被分离出来并吸入烤钵的墙上
    A refining process for nonoxidizing metals, such as silver and gold, in which a metallic mixture is oxidized at high temperatures and base metals are separated by absorption into the walls of a cupel.
  • 用电提炼金属的新方法是如此经济,以至于使得铝具有多种实际用途,用铝制造各种炊具就是铝的最初用途之
    The new method far refining the metal with the aid of electricity so much cheaper that aluminum became practical for many purposes , one of the first of which was for making pots and pans.
  • 在这个过程中,不仅要继续采取必要的末端治理措施,更要加快源头削减,通过推广清洁生产、建设循环经济、提高标准、完善规划、调整能源结构、完善工业布局、提高机动车质量等工作,使污染物排放总量有较大幅度的降低,城市的环境污染控制水平达到个新的高度。
    To tackle both symptoms and causes, this process needs not only the traditional end-of-pipe measures, but also the source reduction instruments like promoting cleaner production, developing recycled economy, raising higher standard, refining city plan, adjusting energy structure, improving industrial layout, and introduction of automobiles at higher quality. In this way, the total discharge of pollutants should be reduced significantly, leading environmental pollution control to a new stage.
  • 同时,综合运用经济、法律和必要的行政手段,以纺织行业为突破口,逐步扩大到煤炭、冶金、建材、石化、制糖等行业,关闭了大批产品质量低劣、浪费资源、污染严重和不具备安全生产条件的企业,淘汰了大批落后设备、技术和工艺,压缩了部分过剩生产能力。
    At the same time, starting with the textile industry and gradually moving to the coal, metallurgical, building material, petrochemical, sugar refining and other industries, we used economic, legal and necessary administrative measures to close a large number of enterprises that produced shoddy goods, wasted resources, seriously polluted the environment or were unsafe for production. This eliminated large quantities of old equipment and many obsolete technologies and production processes, and reduced the excessive production capacity.
  • 位中学生物教师的影响下, 他从事医学研究。
    Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.
  • 仔细思考一个问题
    Reflect on a problem
  • 市场疲软,反映出目前出口装船之景象已告段落。
    Market easier reflect now satiate export shipment.
  • 发出像蛋白体样的颜色或者光。
    reflect light or colors like an opal.
  • 仔细想想我对你说的那些话。
    Reflect upon all I have said to you.
  • 个国家的文学反映出它的政治吗?
    Does the literature of a nation reflect its politics?
  • 他得思考下如何答复。
    He has to reflect on what answer to give.
  • 我必须思考下如何答复那个问题。
    I must reflect upon how to answer the question.
  • 在做重大的事情之前要从容不迫地思考下。
    Take your time to reflect before doing important things.
  • 决定是否体现你对此事的观点?
    Does this decision reflect back your opinion on this matter?
  • 个入射点条反射线与垂直于表面的线之间的夹角。
    the angle between a reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence.
  • 个国际委员会;国际事务
    An international commission; international affairs.
  • 时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念。
    The literature of a period reflect its value and taste.
  • 腾格拉尔想了会儿。
    Danglars reflected for a moment.
  • 种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
    A reflected signal on a communication channel.
  • 他停下来沉思了会儿。
    He paused and reflected for a moment.
  • 这个建议我仔细想了些时候。
    I reflected on this proposal for some time.
  • 她把这句话思索了会儿。
    She reflected for a moment on the word.
  • 我把他对我说的话细细回想了遍。
    I reflected on all he had said to me.
  • 中国式装饰风格的物品件表现出中国艺术影响的物品
    An object reflecting Chinese artistic influence.