  • 亥维赛,奥利弗1850-1925国物理学家,他预言了电离空气层即现在所知的电离层的存在
    British physicist who predicted the existence of the ionized atmospheric layer now known as the ionosphere.
  • 电离层中的最底层,处于地球表面以上至里的部分,反射低频无线电波。
    the lowest region of the ionosphere (35 to 50 miles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves.
  • 电离层中的一层,距地面至里处,反射中等波长的无线电波。
    a region of the ionosphere (from 50 to 90 miles up) that reflects radio waves of medium length.
  • 电离层的最高层,距地球表面至里,有高度密集的自由电子,对远距离无线电传输非常有用。
    the highest region of the ionosphere (from 90 to 600 miles up) that contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for long-range radio transmission.
  • 达文波特,约翰1597-1670国清教徒,1637年逃往美国,而且帮助建立了在康涅狄格洲的纽黑文殖民地
    A city of eastern Iowa on the Mississippi River opposite Moline and Rock Island, Illinois. It grew rapidly after the first railroad bridge across the Mississippi was completed in1856. Population,95, 333.
  • 国-伊拉克朴次茅斯条约
    Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of Portsmouth
  • 联合王国包括格兰、 威尔士、 苏格兰、 北爱尔兰.
    The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
  • 爱尔兰守护神;五世纪在爱尔兰的国传教士。
    a patron saint of Ireland; an English missionary to Ireland in the 5th century.
  • 英国
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland
  • 爱尔兰的雷雨远较格兰为少
    Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in English
  • 便士一种爱尔兰和国的货币单位
    A unit of currency in Ireland and the United Kingdom.
  • 爱尔兰的雷雨远较格兰为少。
    Thunderstorm is much less common in ireland than in england.
  • 在都铎王朝时代许多格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰。
    Under the Tudor many English people are transplant to Ireland.
  • 1905年爱尔兰共和国的一场政治运动,为了促进从国的独立和爱尔兰的统一;成为爱尔兰共和军的政治分支。
    an Irish republican political movement founded in 1905 to promote independence from England and unification of Ireland; became the political branch of the Irish Republican Army.
  • 国他们叫一个卖铁器的为五金商。
    in England they call a hardwareman an ironmonger.
  • 格兰人们把铁器店叫成ironmongery。
    in England they call a hardware store and ironmongery.
  • 从前生活在纽约州的好战的印第安族人;在美国独立革命期间,易洛魁族联盟是国的同盟。
    any member of the warlike North American Indian peoples formerly living in New York state; the League of Iroquois (or Five Nations) were allies of the British during the American Revolution.
  • 语中“tohave”变化不规则。
    In English"to have" conjugates irregularly.
  • 它确实有一股似乎无法抵挡的诱惑力,而且有迹象表明它正向国流传。
    Indeed there's a seductiveness about it that seems irresistible and the signs are that it is heading for Britain.
  • 在毛泽东为中央起草这个指示的时期,中共中央委员、中共中央东南局书记项的思想中存在着严重的右倾观点,没有坚决实行中央的方针,不敢放手发动群众,不敢在日本占领地区扩大解放区和人民军队,对国民党的反动进攻的严重性认识不足,因而缺乏对付这个反动进攻的精神上和组织上的准备。
    At the time of writing, Comrade Hsiang Ying, member of the Central Committee and secretary of its Southeast Bureau, held strong Rightist views and was irresolute in carrying out the line of the Central Committee.He did not dare fully to arouse the masses to action and to expand the Liberated Areas and the people's army in the Japanese-occupied areas, did not sufficiently realize the seriousness of the possibility of reactionary attacks by the Kuomintang, and was therefore unprepared for them mentally and organizationally.
  • 4里路根本不值一提,冉迪只能活几个月了,我不值得浪费时间为这4里路而感到恼怒生气,于是我不再抱怨了。
    Four miles was nothing -- certainly not a space or time worth wasting in anger and irritation when he had only months to live. So I stopped complaining.
  • 亚伯拉罕平原与加拿大魁北克城北部相近的一片土地。1759年在法国和印度之战中,国人在詹姆斯·沃尔夫将军的带领下,在这场决定性战役中击败了路易斯·蒙特卡姆将军率领的法国军队,这场胜利使国在加拿大占据了优势地位
    In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.
  • 不久前,有人把一则以回教和回教徒为主的文新闻报道翻译成华文。
    Not long ago, someone was translating a news story on Islam and Muslims from English to Chinese.
  • 国人是以岛为家的民族.
    The British are an island race.
  • 纽波特国南部市级自治区,是吉利海峡中怀特岛的行政和商业中心。人口23,570
    A municipal borough of southern England. It is the administrative and commercial center of the Isle of Wight in the English Channel. Population,23, 570.
  • 道格拉斯爱尔兰海上国马恩岛东南部自治市。它是岛上最重要的城市和有名的海滨胜地。人口20,368
    A municipal borough of southeast Isle of Man, England, on the Irish Sea. It is a popular seaside resort and the most important city on the island. Population,20, 368.
  • 南安普敦格兰中南部地区的一个市镇,临吉利海峡中的一个海湾,面对怀特岛。建立在罗马人与萨克森人居住地的遗址上,长期以来都是一个重要港口,尤其对客轮而言。人口208,800
    A borough of south-central England on an inlet of the English Channel opposite the Isle of Wight. Founded on the site of Roman and Saxon settlements, it has long been a major port, especially for passenger ships. Population,208, 800.
  • 这一策略除了使得国民党内外省精被孤立、排挤,以致选择出走,一再削弱了国民党的力量,也使得许多黑道人物得以“漂白”(从政),形成为人诟病的“黑金政治”。
    These moves ended up isolating the cream of KMT, chiefly made up of mainlanders, and eventually forcing them to quit, thus sapping the strength of the ruling party.Meanwhile, a large number of native Taiwanese with criminal records were able to launder themselves clean by joining the power structure, thus giving rise to the much-condemned black-gold politics.
  • 这一策略除了使得国民党内外省精被孤立、排挤,以致选择出走,一再削弱了国民党的力量,也使得许多黑道人物得以“漂白”(从政),形成为人诟病的“黑金政治”。
    These moves ended up isolating the cream of KMT, chiefly made up of mainlanders, and eventually forcing them to quit, thus sapping the strength of the ruling party. Meanwhile, a large number of native Taiwanese with criminal records were able to launder themselves clean by joining the power structure, thus giving rise to the much-condemned black-gold politics.
  • 阿斯顿,弗朗西斯·威廉1877-1945国化学家及物理学家。他因在非放射性元素的同位素的发现过程中取得重大进展而获1922年诺贝尔奖
    British chemist and physicist. He won a1922 Nobel Prize for developments that led to the discovery of isotopes in nonradioactive elements.
  • 地中海东岸的一个国托管地;年分成约旦和以色列两部分。
    a British mandate on the east coast of the Mediterranean; divided between Jordan and Israel in 1948.
  • 现代语;现代希伯来语是以色列希伯来语。
    Modern English; New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew.