  • 通过抽丝形成边状图案的一种装饰性的刺绣品。
    ornamental needlework done by drawing threads to form lacelike patterns.
  • 美国东部的一种穗兰,绿色,唇瓣深撕裂。
    fringed orchid of the eastern United States having a greenish flower with the lip deeply lacerate.
  • 美洲夏季开的几种兰之一,因有流苏或撕裂状的唇瓣而易识别。
    any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip.
  • 灰色装饰图案在淡色玻璃上用可玻化颜料绘成并经烧结后形成的边图案
    A lacy pattern painted on light glass with vitrifiable paint and fired.
  • "于是我从园的棚子里拿来一架梯子,把它靠在墙上,并开始向卧室的窗子爬去。"
    "I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window."
  • 该轮运送的50包棉的提单已收悉。
    I have received a bill of lading for fifty bales cotton by that vessel.
  • 谨奉上棉200包的提单一份,请查收并回复为荷。
    I wait on you with the enclosed bill of lading for the two hundred bales of cotton.
  • 《茶花女》
    Lady of the Camellias
  • “茶花女吗?”
    'The Lady of the Camellias?'
  • 在高科技方面,我们要开步走,不然就赶不上,越到后来越赶不上,而且要更多的钱,所以从现在起就要开始搞。
    Now is the time for us to promote the development of advanced science and technology; otherwise, we'll be lagging far behind and will have to spend much more money to close the gap.
  • 她花钱很得当。
    Her money is well laid out.
  • 朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。
    The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.
  • 板上悬着一盏灯。
    On the wall suspends a lamp.
  • 一种带有鱼叉状小叶片和无数小型白色或粉红色朵的高大植物。
    tall plant with small lance-shaped leaves and numerous tiny white or pink flowers.
  • 苋一种普通的野草(藜藜属),长有叶面有斑的长矛状叶子,开有绿色的小
    A common weed(Chenopodium album) having lance-shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers.
  • 橄榄树一种地中海地区的常青树(油橄榄木犀榄属)有白色芳香朵,矛状坚韧的叶和可食的核果
    A Mediterranean evergreen tree(Olea europaea) having fragrant white flowers, usually lance-shaped leathery leaves, and edible drupes.
  • 阳光灿烂的园、景象、景色
    A sunlit garden, scene, landscape
  • 花因缺水而枯萎。
    The flower languished from lack of water.
  • 花因缺水而凋萎。
    The flowers languished from lack of water.
  • 所有的都因缺水而枯萎。
    All the flowers are languishing from lack of water.
  • 后来施特劳斯与兰纳决裂,组成了自己的乐队,到20几岁时已在最大的几个露天园演奏了。
    Strauss split with Lanner, formed his own group, and by his middle twenties was playing in the largest outdoor gardens.
  • 马缨丹属各种芳香植物的任一种,主要是热带灌木类马缨丹属,有浓密的穗状序或头状序和颜色鲜艳的小
    Any of various aromatic, chiefly tropical shrubs of the genus Lantana, having dense spikes or heads and small colorful flowers.
  • 大衣或上衣翻领的钮扣孔上佩带的
    Flower worn in the buttonhole of the lapel of a coat or jacket
  • 农业要几个月的时间才能生产出食物。
    Agriculture only brings forth food after the lapse of months;
  • 这幢气派的大楼了大量的钱。
    Large amounts of money were spent on the magnificent building.
  • 我沿着小路边溜达,边赏,心情非常好。
    I was as happy as a lark just strolling along the lanes and looking at the flowers.
  • 花花大亨
    th People vs. Larry Flynt
  • 一种夜蛾的幼虫;尤其对玉米、棉和番茄的破坏性极高。
    larva of a noctuid moth; highly destructive to esp. corn and cotton and tomato crops.
  • 蜜的多毛的苍蝇,形似蜜蜂;幼虫寄生在蜜蜂的幼体上,与昆虫有关。
    hairy nectar-eating fly that resembles a bee; larvae are parasitic on larvae of bees and related insects.
  • 现在不是奢侈钱买新立体音响的时候。
    This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.
  • 由于邻居们嫌吵,我丈夫了好几个星期训练它用爪子拔门闩,自己走进去。
    As the neighbours complained of the noice, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
  • 在如何使用零钱上,他们给予孩子太多的自由。
    They allow their children too much latitude in how they spend the pocket money.