  • 这些符号我完全不明是什麽意思.
    These symbols mean nothing to me.
  • "我明了,"总统同情地说。
    “ I see,” the president said sympathetically.
  • 一个年轻漂亮的女人手拿一根色的拐棍小心翼翼地上了一辆公共汽车,车上的乘客们同情地看着她。
    The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.
  • "超级男孩"在美国起动较慢,但到初秋,两支跻身排行榜前40名的歌曲(《我想你回来》和《撕裂我的心》)促使专辑卖到了金唱片的销量。
    'N Sync was slow in getting out of the gate in the United States,but by early fall,two Top 40 hits (I Want You Back and Tearin' Up My Heart) had propelled the album to platinum sales.
  • 丁香花属植物一种丁香属紫香花植物,尤指西洋醒香,因其束状紫色或色芳香花朵而广为栽培
    Any of various shrubs of the genus Syringa, especially S. vulgaris, widely cultivated for its clusters of fragrant purplish or white flowers.
  • 阿司匹林,乙醯水杨酸一种从水杨酸中提取的色晶体化合物,ch3cooc6h4cooh,常以片剂的方式用于减轻疼痛,退烧和消炎
    A white, crystalline compound, CH3COOC6H4COOH, derived from salicylic acid and commonly used in tablet form to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation.
  • 一个教养恶劣的人,必须先恢复其心地的清,才能有效地学习任何事物。
    The mind of a person who has been badly taught must be borne a tabula rasa before he can learn anything properly.
  • 倒挂金钟属的任何一种植物,是热带灌木,因其美丽、下垂的淡紫色、微红色或色的花被广泛栽培;产于中美或南美洲、新西兰和塔希提岛。
    any of various tropical shrubs widely cultivated for their showy drooping purplish or reddish or white flowers; Central and South America and New Zealand and Tahiti.
  • 要求男人打色领结、穿燕尾服。
    requiring white ties and tailcoats for men.
  • 北半球的各种短尾小型啮齿动物,身体上部为灰色软毛,下部为色,尾部多毛,耳朵大;一些身上寄生有太平洋硬蜱或肩胛。
    any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur gray above and white below with well-furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks).
  • 弗吉尼亚鹿夏季有红色皮毛的尾鹿
    The summer morph of the white-tailed deer, having a reddish coat.
  • 一种色的、软而紧密的滑石,用于在布帛上画线或去除油渍。
    a soft white compact talc used to mark cloth or to remove grease stains.
  • 滑石由一种色的软滑石制成的粉,被裁缝用来在布帛上标线并被干洗工用来去油斑
    Chalk made of a soft, white variety of talc, used by tailors for marking fabrics and by dry cleaners for removing grease spots.
  • 老师叫孩子们一个一个讲话,如果他们一起说,他就听不明他们说什么了。
    The teacher told the children to talk one at a time; if they talked all at once, he would not understand them.
  • 黑色、棕色、深棕色、深褐色及色。
    Black, brown, dark brown, dark tan and white.
  • 她的自简直等于一篇即席说明。
    Her confession was simply tantamount to a casual explanation.
  • 灼的铁水从出铁口流出。
    White-hot liquid iron run off through the tapping hole.
  • 灼的铁水从出铁口流出。
    White - hot liquid iron is running off through the tapping hole.
  • 一种色的软质金属元素,易失去光泽,存在于稀土矿物中,通常被归为稀土类。
    a white soft metallic element that tarnishes readily; occurs in rare earth minerals and is usually classified as a rare earth.
  • 果皮红色、黄色或绿色,果肉发,脆的,味道从甜到酸的水果。
    fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh.
  • 北风卷地草折,胡天八月即飞雪;忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。
    The north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them; And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar sky Is like a spring gale, come up in the night, Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.
  • 生长于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛的中、小型的树,有光滑的由到浅灰的树皮,呈片状或条状脱落。
    small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips.
  • 北美东部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小香花,叶带酸味。
    deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves.
  • 法官驳回该项指控,说所控罪状已全部被证据推翻,那个人显然是清无辜的。
    The magistrate dismissed the charge saying that the evidence had torn it to tatters and the man was clearly innocent.
  • 纳税人:我没听明
    Taxpayer: I do not understand it.
  • 经验会使你明人情事理。
    Experience will teach you common sense.
  • 就说我们对老师的要求吧,在印象中我们对老师的形象就已经有了一个固定的模式,认为老师应该是某个样子的,男老师要净净,斯斯文文的,女老师应该要穿裙子,应该要如何如何,一旦不符合这种模式的,家长和校长就会对他们印象打折扣。
    But what do we expect of our teachers?We have a stereotyped idea of what a teacher should look like. We expect male teachers to appear neat and refined, and female ones to wear skirts. Principals and parents would become suspicious if a teacher fails to fit into the model.
  • 就说我们对老师的要求吧,在印象中我们对老师的形象就已经有了一个固定的模式,认为老师应该是某个样子的,男老师要净净,斯斯文文的,女老师应该要穿裙子,一旦不符合这种模式的,家长和校长就会对他们印象打折扣。
    But what do we expect of our teachers? We have a stereotyped idea of what a teacher should look like in our mind. We expect male teachers to appear neat and refined, and female ones to wear skirts. Principals and parents would become suspicious if a teacher fails to fit into the model.
  • 穿白色球衣的队。
    The team in white.
  • 第29届美国总统;他的两位被任命人卷入了宫丑闻事件(1865-1963)。
    29th President of the United States; two of his appointees were involved in the Teapot Dome scandal (1865-1823).
  • 欧洲川续断,花色粉色;已经引入美国。
    European teasel with white to pink flowers; naturalized in United States.
  • 人会投人候选人的票,因为他们一肚子怨气,”一位83岁不愿透露姓名的人选民说。“他们认为中国人抢了他们的地方。”
    "White people will vote for a white candidate because they are teed off" said and 83-year-old white voter, who asked not to be identified. "They think the Chinese took the place over from them."