  • 有不只一个截不同的方面或性质的。
    having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities.
  • 特里也直觉地感到了这一点,而且为自己这种显非职业的情感感到沮丧和矛盾。
    Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her.
  • 你最好先仔细调查了解一下,后再决定购买哪部车。
    You’d better look around before deciding which are to purchase.
  • 先花点时间估计你到底有多少成功的希望,后再做决定。
    Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding.
  • 我当赞成你的决定。
    I sure favor your decision.
  • 非法或者凭借暴力突和果断的更换政府。
    a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force.
  • 那水手忽看到一名海盗跳上了甲板。
    The sailor suddenly saw a pirate jumping onto the deck.
  • 而,util包含了数量众多的类,我们有时希望使用其中的几个,同时不想全部明确地声明它们。
    However, util contains a number of classes and you might want to use several of them without declaring them all explicitly.
  • 很大的下降;明显地下降。
    fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly.
  • 力量、数量或重要性的突下降。
    a sudden decline in strength or number or importance.
  • 人口自增长率继续下降。
    The natural growth rate of population continued to decline.
  • 制衣业的就业人数虽持续下降,但仍是本港最大的制造业,一九九九年九月时有雇员58400名。
    Despite declining employment, the clothing industry remained the largest manufacturing industry, employing 58 400 persons in September.
  • ,由于代理必须有能力打开“包”,看看其内部或者对其内容进行译码,所以安全和加密也随之而来。
    Of course, security and encryption also come into play, since the proxy must be able to open the "package" to look at it or decode its contents.
  • 装饰物包括:用天木料或漂白过的橡木制成的家具。
    The decor includes furniture of natural woods or bleached oaks.
  • 后,它释放“诱饵”去吸引病毒。
    It then deploys “decoy” programs designed to attract the virus.
  • 草原的面积每年减少约65~70万公顷。
    The annual decrease of the natural grassland is about 650000~700000 hectares.
  • 根据我的经验,只要把售价利润降低自就薄利多销。
    Well, it's been my experience that decreasing your mark-up will increase your turnover rate.
  • 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡,而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。
    Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.
  • 但是,不能因此就说这一切都是格林斯潘和他的美联储公开市场委员会的同事造成的,虽他们去年上半年提高了利率并一直等到今年一月才开始降息、在三月份纳斯达克指数跌到2000点以下时仍拒绝在两次例会之间额外降息的呼吁。
    That doesn't answer the question of whether Greenspan and his colleagues on the Feberal Open Market Committee blew it by raising interest rates in the first half of last year, waiting until this January to begin decreasing them, and resisting calls for a surpr ise between?meeting rate cut as the Nasdaq sank below 2000 in March.
  • 命运命运使的天数;命运
    A decree made by fate; destiny.
  • 所以,找到令你兴奋的事情,后全身心地投入去做。”
    So, find what thrills you and dedicate your time to going for it."
  • 社会主义新人当要努力去实现人民的利益,捍卫社会主义祖国的荣誉,为社会主义祖国的前途而英勇献身。
    The new socialist man will of course work hard for the interests of the people, defend the honour of the socialist motherland and dedicate himself to her future.
  • 除非我们努力增进年轻新加坡人对科研的热忱,并鼓励他们从事这门行业,要不新加坡在这20到30年内恐怕跟诺贝尔奖无缘。
    The fact is that unless we do something about increasing the awareness of and love for scientific pursuits among young Singaporeans, and encourage them to dedicate themselves to such careers, this sad record of zero Nobel Prize will last another 20 to 30 years.
  • 突然莫名其妙地发怒
    Dive off the deep end
  • 地意外地击败呼声很高的选手。
    defeat suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • 因损害是由船本身的内在缺陷所致,贵公司显应负责任。
    You evidently responsible as damage result from vessel latent defect
  • 他将就使用一件不完善的工具而仍完成了任务。
    He made out with a defective tool and still got the job done.
  • 封建主义的残余影响当不止这些。
    Of course, surviving feudal influences are not manifested only in such defects.
  • 这个事实,说明了党的提拔干部的工作,仍有重大的缺点。
    This shows there are still serious defects in the process of selecting and promoting cadres.
  • 而,他毫不迟疑地保护他的女儿。
    Still he did not hesitate to defend his daughter.
  • 先生,你的影响对他显是很有力的,他永不敢违抗你或故意伤害你。
    Your influence, sir, is evidently potent with him: he will never set you at defiance, or willfully injure you.
  • 小山,山冈陆地上局部的天高地,有明显轮廓,略小于大山
    A well-defined natural elevation smaller than a mountain.