  • 还有一位息人士于2002年夏天报告,伊拉克已经制造出安装于公路拖车和火车车厢上的可移动生物制剂生产系统。
    A third source, also in a position to know, reported in summer 2002 that Iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars.
  • 截至一九九七年底为止,已有534人接受该处训练,成为防安全大使及训练员。
    At the end of 1997, 534 persons had been trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors and trainers.
  • 因为,如果民族资产阶级是同地主买办一模一样,以卖国贼的狰狞面孔出现,争取领导权的任务就大可取,至少也可以减轻了。
    For if the national bourgeoisie were exactly the same as the landlords and compradors and had the same vile and traitorous visage, there would be little or no problem of contending with it for leadership.
  • 扶贫资金回收率低是我国扶贫攻坚的一大难题,也是改变传统的灭贫穷方式由救济式扶贫向开发式扶贫转轨的焦点。
    The difficulties in carrying out Program for Helping the Poor to Overcome Extreme Difficulties lie in the low return of the funds, which is also the key problem in altering the traditional way of eliminating poverty and changing "blood transfusion" to "blood generation ".
  • 在耐用费品的拥有量方面,由自行车、缝纫机、手表、收音机,已逐步过渡到彩电、洗衣机、电冰箱、音响。
    The durable consumer goods pursued by urban and rural residents have been changed from bicycles, sewing machines, wristwatches and transistor radios to color TV sets, washing machines, refrigerators and music centers.
  • 你打开晶体管收音机,立刻就有声音;当你关掉它时,声音渐渐去。
    When you turn on a transistorized radio the sound comes on immediately ; when you turn off , it fades out gradually.
  • 有关防注意事项的翻译有误。
    The translation of the tire instructions the translation of the fire instructions is not correct.
  • 这一息被广泛传播。
    The news was transmitted from mouth to mouth.
  • 用此系统写的或传送的
    A message written or transmitted in such a system.
  • 国王驾崩的息已外泄。
    It transpired that the King was dead.
  • 听到胜利的息, 全国人民一片欢腾。
    On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy.
  • 另一位了解该项目详情的息人士--伊拉克一名民用工程师证实说,伊拉克的确拥有安装在拖车上的可移动生物制剂生产设施。
    A second source, an Iraqi civil engineer in a position to know the details of the program, confirmed the existence of transportable facilities moving on trailers.
  • 防人员须破门而入, 才能抢救困在屋里的人.
    Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.
  • 消息传得很快。
    The news travelled fast.
  • 好消息传播迅速。
    The good news travelled quickly.
  • 法老号到港的息老人还不知道。这时他正踩在一张椅子上,用颤抖的手指在窗口绑扎牵牛花和萎草花,想编成一个花棚。
    The news of the arrival of the Pharaon had not yet reached the old man, who, mounted on a chair, was amusing himself by training with trembling hand the nasturtiums and sprays of clematis that clambered over the trellis at his window.
  • 尾动幼虫,摇尾幼虫吸虫纲虫的寄生幼虫,其尾在成虫阶段
    The parasitic larva of a trematode worm, having a tail that disappears in the adult stage.
  • 这消息哄动了全村。
    The news made a tremendous stir in the village.
  • 部落和部落文化在几个世纪前就灭了
    Tribes and tribal customs that died out centuries ago.
  • 消息泄漏出来。
    Information trickled out.
  • 水灾区渐渐传出了有关死亡人数的息。
    News has begun to trickle out of the flooded area about the number of dead.
  • 死亡人数的息从灾区慢慢传来。
    News had began to trickle out of the flooded area about the number of the dead.
  • 别把生命磨在琐事中。
    Don't wear away your life in trifles.
  • 息透露出来的经过是这样的--他看到第二个女儿在装饰帽子,就突然对她说:“我希望彬格莱先生会喜欢你这顶帽子,丽萃。”
    It was then disclosed in the following manner. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with,"I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy."
  • 振奋人心的获胜消息
    The heady news of triumph.
  • 繁琐礼节都取消了。
    Trivial formalities have been done away with.
  • 听了这一息后,他得意洋洋。
    After he heard the news he trod on air.
  • 因疾病、疑虑、坏息而苦恼
    Be troubled by illness, doubt, bad news
  • 因疾病、疑虑、坏息而苦恼
    Be troubled by illness, doubt, bad news
  • 在诊断告警或在检修apc故障时,有很多关键的息文件可以用。
    Many key message files are available when you are diagnosing alarms or troubleshooting APC faults.
  • (用户会看到一个息,表明已经手工使该apdso退出服务)。这样会在对ds0进行故障检修时,防止恢复该小区。
    (You see a message that the AP DSO was removed from service manually.) This is to prevent the cell from being restored while DS0 troubleshooting is in progress.
  • 一个从事灭工作的人;一个以根除啮齿动物和害虫为职业的人。
    someone who exterminates; someone whose occupation is the extermination of troublesome rodents and insects.