  • 针对少数民族地区卫生和医护件差、妇女患病率高的状况,国家特别重视发展少数民族地区的妇女保健事业,大力普及新法接生、妇幼保健、多发病防治和生活卫生常识,积极开展对民族地区妇幼保健医护人员和接生员的培训工作。
    In the light of the poor hygienic and medical conditions and high incidence of disease in ethnic minority areas, the state has attached great importance to developing women's health care facilities there. Enormous efforts have been put into popularizing modern delivery methods, health care for women and children, prevention and control of frequently-occurring diseases and elementary knowledge of hygiene and sanitation. Much has been done to train midwives and gynecological and pediatric medical workers.
  •  第三十四在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的申请人,申请专利或者要求外国优先权的,国务院专利行政部门认为必要时,可以要求其提供下列文件:
    Rule 34 Where an application for a patent is filed or the right of foreign priority is claimed by an applicant having no habitual residence or business office in China, the Patent Administration Department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, require the applicant to submit the following documents:
  • 探险队员们在热带丛林中辟出一路来。
    The explorers hacked their way through the tropical forest.
  • 科塞塔斯河冥府的五河流之一
    One of the five rivers of Hades.
  • 希腊神话中地狱里的一河流,据说是黄泉的一支流。
    (Greek mythology) a river in Hades that was said to be a tributary of the Acheron.
  • 希腊传说中地狱里的一河;死人的灵魂会在这里饮水,从而忘记活着时做过和遭受过的一切事情。
    (Greek mythology) a river in Hades; the souls of the dead had to drink from it, which made them forget all they had done and suffered when they were alive.
  • 船是从哪里开出来的(船籍港是何处)?
    Where does the ship hail from? ie Which is her home port?
  • 发夹一个由金属或其它材料制成,被弯成一个长u形的细瘦的柱形长,用来固定妇女的发型或发式
    A thin, cylindrical strip of metal or other material bent in the shape of a long U, used by women to secure a hairdo or headdress.
  • 顺着这道走,你会走到靠左边的一家理发店。
    Go down this passage and you 'll come to a hairdresser 's on your left.
  • 象两种巨大的食草哺乳动物,中南亚的象属或者非洲的非洲象属中的一种,皮肤坚厚,无毛,长有一长的柔韧的可以卷曲的鼻子,上颚二门齿发展为长而弯的象牙。非洲象属有巨大的扇形状的耳朵
    Either of two very large herbivorous mammals, Elephas maximus of south-central Asia or Loxodonta africana of Africa, having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long, curved tusks of ivory, and, in the African species, large, fan-shaped ears.
  • 小灰蝶蝴蝶亚种灰蝶的一种,翼下有横的纹,后翼有细毛状突起
    Any of numerous butterflies of the subfamily Theclinae, having transverse streaks on the undersurface of the wings and fine, hairlike projections on the hind wings.
  • 第一夫人希拉里·罗德汉姆·克林顿改变发式,成了头新闻。
    When First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton changed her hairstyle, it made the front page news.
  • 莫霍克头一种发型,头皮剃光,只留一长竖起的头发从脑门穿过头顶直到脖子的后颈
    A hairstyle in which the scalp is shaved except for an upright strip of hair that runs across the crown of the head from the forehead to the nape of the neck.
  • 黑夜在那窄道上开车真可怕。
    It was rather hairy driving down that narrow road in the darkness.
  • 在那羊肠小道上驾车使人提心吊胆。
    It was rather hairy driving down that narrow road.
  • 当时我已差不多决定要接受他们的件了。
    I had halfway decided to accept their conditions at that time.
  • 路在去森林的中途分岔了
    The road parts about halfway into the forest.
  • 这房间通过一过道与餐厅相连。
    The room connects with the dining hall by means of a hallway.
  • 切勿以定期会议取代成员之间的频繁接触,打电话、写留言或是在走道上的谈话,都可以使成员获得会议时所需要的资讯,如此一来,便可在会议中迅速解决突发状况。
    Do not let the regular meetings take the place of frequent contact between the members.Telephone calls,notes,and even conversations in a hallway will keep the alliance primed for action when it meets in full,so that sudden developments can be addressed quickly.
  • 在2002年的约翰内斯堡首脑会议上,他们重申了这项承诺,并增加了一项相对应的目标,即在同一年年底之前把缺乏基本卫生件的人口比例也降低一半。
    At the 2002 Johannesburg Summit, they reaffirmed that commitment and added a corresponding target to halve the proportion of people lacking access to basic sanitation by the same year.
  • (生物学)沿任何一通过轴,直径可以均分为二。
    (biology) capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis.
  • (生物学)只能沿一通过轴的直径可以均分为二的。
    (biology) capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane passing through the axis.
  • 炸薯与汉堡一起供给。
    French fries come with the hamburger.
  • 我要一份汉堡包和炸薯
    I'd like a hamburger and French fries.
  • 她叫了一客汉堡包和炸薯
    She ordered a hamburger and French fries.
  • 孩子们午餐想吃汉堡包和炸土豆
    The children want hamburger and fry for lunch.
  • 我要汉堡,炸薯,和咖啡。
    I'd like a hamburger, French fries, and coffee.
  • 牌子上写着要一份汉堡包可以免费供应一份油炸土豆
    The sign says you can get free French fries with every hamburger order.
  • 请给我一个小汉堡、牛奶和一份大份薯
    I'll have a small hamburger, milk, and one large order of french fry.
  • 好的,一个汉堡包,一块炸鸡,一份炸薯和一杯橙汁。
    All right. A Hamburger, a piece of fried chicken, a portion of potato chips and an orangeade.
  • 把这信息反复向学生们强调
    Hammered the information into the students' heads.
  • 十五年的革命和战争,已经锻炼出来这样一政治的和军事的路线了。
    Fifteen years of revolution and war have hammered out such political and military lines.