  • 延缓的效果最少在几个月内还不会明显地为人们所注意到。到那时,失业率降到最低点了。
    The effect of deferment will not be physically noticeable for at least several months. By then unemployment will have reached rock bottom.
  • 这个问题在昨晚的会上搁了下来,但是在下一次会议上提出讨论。
    The matter was deferred at last evening's meeting, but will come forward at our next session.
  • 一个自我资助的退休计划:每年储蓄若干数目于帐户中,所赚取的利息被延缓征收税金。
    a self-funded retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement; taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred.
  • 挑战和嘲弄的手势一种违抗或嘲笑的淫秽的手势,中指朝上指或戳,通常与the连用
    An obscene gesture of defiance or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. Often used with the.
  • 如果出现财政赤字,中国政府予以弥补。
    If there is a deficit, the difference will be covered by the Chinese Government.
  • 那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久会关闭。
    The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
  • 韦氏词典道德定义为伦理规范、正直的操守、从道德角度判断的操守或态度。
    Webster's Dictionary defines morality as ethics, upright conduct, conduct or affitude judged from the moral standpoint.
  • 对于modem和通信器两者来说,1996年中是软件的开发来决定硬件自身的价值。
    For both modems and communicators, it will be the development of software in 1996 that defines the worth of the hardware itself.
  • 不是的,来一定不要。
    No, definitely not in the future.
  • 明确目标运用于工作
    Putting Definiteness of Purpose to Work
  • 高清晰度电视试播。
    exercise had give his muscles superior definition.
  • 这一节引入ap及其相关被管理资源的ap维护状态的概念和定义。
    This section introduces the AP maintenance states concepts and definitions for the AP and its associated managed resources.
  • 为宣传林业法律、法规,打击毁林行为,唤起全社会的爱林护林意识,国家林业局决定,开始在全国范围内,组织开展一场集宣传教育、严格执法、重点打击、新闻曝光于一体的行动——“跨世纪保卫绿色行动”,并于近期公布举报电话,动员全社会对违法毁林行为进行监督,为保护森林,发展林业创造舆论条件和法律保障。
    In order to publicize laws and regulations on forestry, crack down on deforestation activities and enhance the public's consciousness of caring and protecting forests, the State Forestry Administration launched the Green Protection Trans-Century Action throughout the country .The Action integrates publicity and education with strict law enforcement, efforts to crack down on law-breaking activities and media exposure. Tip-off telephones have been set up with the purpose of mobilizing the whole society to supervise illegal deforestation activities. All these efforts will help create a positive media background and legal guarantees for forest conservation and forestry development.
  • 如果你蔑视法律,你被送入监狱。
    If you defy the law, you will be sent to prison.
  • 伊拉克其自身置于危险境地,这在决议中早有警告,如果该机构(联合国)仍不能迅速对伊拉克的行为作出相应的有效反应,则会其自身亦置于危险境地。
    Iraq has now placed itself in danger of the serious consequences called for in U.N. Resolution 1441. And this body places itself in danger of irrelevance if it allows Iraq to continue to defy its will without responding effectively and immediately.
  • 原始部落太阳奉为神。
    Primitive peoples deified the sun.
  • 我们决定休假延至下个月。
    We decided to delay our holiday until next month.
  • 代表团于星期一上午到达。
    The delegation will arrive on Monday morning.
  • 他将接见代表团。
    He will give an interview to the delegation.
  • 代表团出发去日本时,已近上午十时了。
    The delegation left for Japan towards ten a. m.
  • 我们派一个政府贸易代表团去美国。
    We are to send a government trade delegation to the U.S.
  • 程序设计语言的一种存储空间,借助某种机制可数据置于其中,并可存取删除这些数据。
    In programming languages, a space together with a mechanism for inserting data objects into it, and for accessing and for deleting data objects from it.
  • 该旅游团在德里下飞机。
    The party will deplane at delhi.
  • 一名独行持枪匪徒,12名熟食店的工作人员赶进两间冷冻室,抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。
    A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with $9,000.
  • 根据这个总体要求,考虑到十届全国人大一次会议要进行政府换届,国务院经过认真研究,对今年的政府工作提出以下建议。
    In keeping with these general requirements, and considering the upcoming election of a new government at the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress, and after careful deliberation, the State Council wishes to put forward the following suggestions for the work of the government in 2003:
  • 我将乐意前来。
    I shall be delighted to come.
  • 如果那人继续对她进行骚扰,我对他这个违法者毫不宽容。
    If the man continues to molest her, I promise to keep no measures with the delinquent.
  • 至少有两所州立少年犯教养所尝试过关押在他们所内的某此少年犯安排到愿意收留照顾他的家庭里。
    At least two of the state training schools for delinquent boys have tried using foster homes for the placement of certain children committed to them.
  • 我们在4小时内衣服给您送来。
    We'll deliver them within 4 hours.
  • 我们按合同规定日期发货。
    We'll deliver as scheduled in the contract.
  • 演讲将在大厅进行。
    The lecture is to be delivered at the hall.
  • 对于购买了带维护的delphiclient/server的顾客,免费接受他们的delphi2.0更新。
    Customer who has purchased Delphi Client/Server with maintenance will receive their Delphi2.0 update free of charge.