  • 有一次他说:“如果我当不成一舞蹈演员,我很可能会变成一个少年阿飞。”
    If I weren't going to he a dancer, he once said, I would have been a teenage hoodlum.
  • 最后她终于想到了写字,用一只蹄子把她的字--很短的一个字--划在沙地上。
    At length she bethought herself of writing, and inscribed her name-it was a short one-with her hoof on the sand.
  • 马丁的左钩拳副其实。
    martin's left hook deserves its fame.
  • 一方面,很多机构或团体对华文不甚重视,草率待之;另一方面,也有很多人却又特别“重视”、笃信姓学,希望用传统的方块字来克服命运风水中的不顺。
    While some organisations or groups do not give a hoot, many people believe strongly in choosing an auspicious name that can help bring good“feng shui”and overcome obstacles in life.
  • 在世界各地,家家户户都知道胡佛已成了吸尘器的代词。
    Hoover has become a household word for a vacuum cleaner through the world.
  • 当美国选民于1928年选举赫伯特·胡佛,一个世界著的矿业工程师、作家和战争亲善官,当美国第三十一任总统时,美国的工业和金融业正处繁荣时期。
    When United States voters elected Herbert Hoover, who had established a worldwide reputation as mining engineer, writer, and war-relief administrator, 31st president in 1928, the country was enjoying an industrial and financial boom.
  • 他希望到这个部门当一技术人员。
    He hoped to enter the department as a technician.
  • 许多字已加入到单中。
    Many names have been put into the hopper.
  • 我已决定派一特工人员去收集情报,但是如果他被抓住的话,那就会给外交战线带来麻烦。
    I've decided to send in an agent to gather intelligence, but if he gets caught it will stir up a hornet's nest on the diplomatic front.
  • 许多令人发指的罪行都是借宗教的义犯下的。
    Horrible cruelties and frightful crimes were perpetrated in the name of religion.
  • 我为不可状的恐慌所控制。
    I was seized by a nameless horror.
  • 久负盛的吐鲁番葡萄、库尔勒香梨、哈密瓜等远销国内外市场,特色园艺业、种植业近年来迅速发展。
    Turpan grapes, Korla pears and Hami melons, which have long been famous Xinjiang products, sell well on both foreign and domestic markets.Specialty horticulture and crop planting have leapfrogged in the past few years.
  • 布郎太太以好客闻
    Mrs Brown is known for her hospitality.
  • 岛上的居民以好客闻
    The islanders are known for their hospitality.
  • 那个城镇以传统美国式的好客而闻
    The town is famous for its old-fashion American hospitality.
  • 他非常慷慨,以其好客而出
    Generous to a fault, he was noted for his hospitality.
  • 那个城镇以传统美国式的好客而闻
    The town is famous for its old - fashioned American hospitality.
  • 早晨5点10分,游击队员闯入大楼持半自动武器开火,一些以色列运动员从窗户和侧门逃生,有9运动员被挟为人质。
    They burst into the Israeli building with sub-machine guns blazing at 5:10 am. Some Israeli athletes escaped through the windows and side doors. Nine taken hostage.
  • 她取得了职业人质谈判能手特里·桑的协助。他是一生于澳大利亚的退伍的特种航空兵,在过去的9年里使尽浑身解数,处理过多起世人瞩目的绑架案。
    She retains the services of professional hostage negotiator Terry Thorne,an Australian born SAS veteran who over the past nine years has handled numerous high profile kidnappings,using every means at his disposal.
  • 自1992年以来,共有210多联合国文职人员被蓄意谋害,另有约265人在世界各地的联合国行动中服务时被扣作人质,其中包括5在2001年丧失生命的文职人员。
    Since 1992, more than 210 UN civilian staff have been killed as a result of malicious acts and some 265 taken hostage while serving in UN operations worldwide, including five civilian staff members who lost their lives in 2001.
  • 每年有超过400万在世界各地游历的人士入住这些旅舍,并为旅游业带来超过150亿美元收益。
    Every year more than 4 million people see the world through this youth hostel network and hostellers contribute over US$15 billion to tourist revenues annually.
  • 协会的宗旨,是通过提供简单的旅舍,帮助所有人,特别是青年人,认识、珍惜和爱护郊野和胜地点。
    Through the provision of simple hostel accommodation, the HKYHA aims to help all, especially young people, to understand, love and care for the countryside and places of interest.
  • 在几个星期的时间里,那家汽车公司就解雇了八千四百工人以工时计算,是该公司整个劳动力的五分之一。
    In a matter of weeks, the automobile plant laid off8, 400 workers-- one fifth of its hourly work force.
  • 众议院的四百三十五议员每两年选举一次。
    The 435 members of the House are elected every two years.
  • 警察挨家挨户巡逻。
    The policeman passed from house to house.
  • 该网站由世界水评估方案秘书处主办,但置于教科文组织下和由其管理。
    The web site will be housed and maintained at UNESCO, under the auspices of the World Water Assessment Programme secretariat.
  • 成了家喻户晓的名字
    Has become a household name.
  • 现在,它却已变成了家喻户晓的字。
    Now it is a household name.
  • 他们的佣人只是一个和巴狄斯丁姑娘同年的女仆,叫马格洛大娘,现在,她在做了“司铎先生的女仆”后,取得了这样一个双重头衔:姑娘的女仆和主教的管家。
    Their only domestic was a female servant of the same age as Mademoiselle Baptistine, and named Madame Magloire, who, after having been the servant of M. le Cure, now assumed the double title of maid to Mademoiselle and housekeeper to Monseigneur.
  • 拉波特美国得克萨斯州东南部的一座城市,位于加尔维斯顿海湾和休斯敦东部。是一个著的避暑胜地。人口16,836
    A city of southeast Texas on Galveston Bay east of Houston. It is a popular summer resort. Population,16, 836.
  • 他大声地呼叫我的字。
    He howled (out) my name.
  • 阿拉克伊朗中西部的一个城市,位于德黑兰西南。它是运输中心,以地毯闻。人口210,000
    A city of west-central Iran southwest of Tehran. It is a transportation hub noted for its carpets. Population,210, 000.