  • 少女呀,你的纯朴,如湖水之碧,表现你的真理之深邃。
    Maiden, your simplicity, like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.
  • 她把这一理论讲得深入浅
    What she says is a useful simplification of the theory
  • 极简派音乐当代音乐的一个流派或形态,以其极端简化的节奏和形式、延长的和弦和旋律重复为特征,其经常能产生一种震颤的使人神的效果
    A school or mode of contemporary music marked by extreme simplification of rhythms and patterns, prolonged chordal or melodic repetitions, and often the achievement of a throbbing, trancelike effect.
  • 射击抛的泥鸽子的运动。
    the sport of shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled upward in such a way as to simulate the flight of a bird.
  • 我一点也不怀疑,他确实在装一付热情的样子。
    I do not doubt that he is simulating enthusiasm.
  • 没有人提反对意见。
    Nobody offered any objection.
  • 大家可以注意到飞机下面喷射东西来,那是2000公升的模拟炭菌。
    Note the spray coming from beneath the Mirage; that is 2,000 liters of simulated anthrax that a jet is spraying.
  • 我顺便在这里告诉大家一个事实,《考克斯报告》提到的激光模拟核爆炸本来是依据中国科学家王淦昌先生1964年提的惯性约束核聚变思想发展的,中国从来没说其他国家使用这一思想是窃龋
    By the way, I'd like to tell you a fact that the concept Simulated Nuclear Explosion by Laser used in the Cox Report was developed on the basis of Inertial Confinement Fusion , which was originally advanced by Mr. Wang Ganchang of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1964. China has never said that the use of this theory by other countries is a theft of technology.
  • 许多大学和公司正在付相当大的努力来增进对人鼻工作方式的认识,从而进行嗅觉的电子模拟。
    Universities and companies are putting considerable effort into improving the understanding of how the human nose works and on simulating olfaction electronically.
  • 超动感影院会在一九九七年圣诞节开始放映一全新的电影,名为"古殿之谜",让游客体验更多新奇刺激的感受。
    A new film, Secrets of the Lost Temple, was launched as part of the Film Fantasia simulator ride in Christmas 1997 to offer guests greater thrills.
  • 用于修饰或说明诸事件按时间顺序现,既不同时也不重叠。
    Pertaining to the occurrence of events in time sequence, with no simultaneity or overlap of events.
  • 和音一个习惯上被认为具有和谐和决定性效果的同时奏的音程组合
    A simultaneous combination of sounds conventionally regarded as pleasing and final in effect.
  • 一群人同时说话发的声音。
    any utterance produced simultaneously by a group.
  • 我把它们同时寄给了不同的版商。
    I posted them simultaneously to different publishers.
  • 不协和同时发各种声音的不和谐的混合
    Inharmonious combination of simultaneously sounded tones; dissonance.
  • 同时,接收机接收并打印文件。
    Simultaneously, the receiving machine captures and prints the document.
  • 多路传输用多路传输系统同时传信息或者信号
    To send messages or signals simultaneously using a multiplex system.
  • 和弦三个或三个以上听起来同时奏的通常为谐和的音调的结合
    A combination of three or more usually concordant tones sounded simultaneously.
  • 我们同时来,互相同时道了早安。
    We simultaneously appeared, at the same time wishing each other good morning.
  • 当我俩在一起时,常常会同时用同一个字或同一个句子对某事作反应。
    When we're together,we often respond simultaneously with the same word or sentence.
  • 不可饶恕的人的美好品行的缺失的罪过;神学家们列举七种道义的罪孽。
    an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace; theologians list 7 mortal sins.
  • 把…讲去把…对别人说
    To tell to another.
  • 再举一个突的例子。
    Take another striking example.
  • 领导以色列人从埃及穿越红海走向一段旅程,这段旅程以大批人埃及而闻名;在西奈山上他从上帝那里接受了十戒。
    the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus; Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.
  • 旧约第二卷;讲述摩西领导以色列人离开埃及奴隶制度;埃及时上帝给了他们十条戒律,在西奈山上授十戒及摩西律法。
    the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus.
  • 从另一点来说;从另一个角度
    As another point of view; from another standpoint.
  • 他作的承诺是真诚的;他遵守自己的诺言。
    He is sincere in his promises.
  • 姚大爷赶紧走上前来[走了来]。
    Uncle Yao hastened forward [out].
  • 他所表示的关心看来并非自内心。
    His professions of concern did not seem sincere.
  • 他们想表现他们是有诚意的。
    They wanted to show that they were sincere.
  • 所有的客人都看来她那过分热情的欢迎是不真诚的。
    Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere.
  • 吴大叔把我们送了去。
    Uncle Wu saw us out.