  • 他们对他评论的正性持疑。
    They challenged him about the fairness of his remarks.
  • 他们挑战那家司在电子学领域中占据的领先地位。
    They challenged that company's supremacy in the field of electronics.
  • 在这样一个不断发展壮大的司,本人可以干份具有挑战性的工作,充分发挥我的潜能。
    With such a growing company, I can take a challenging job to exploit my potential.
  • 能成为贵司在...地区的业务代表是非常吸引人的。何时我能会见您并做一自我介绍?
    The offer to become your representative in... is challenging. When can I introduce myself to you?
  • 我在那家司没多大机会晋升,所以我现在正寻找个晋升机会大、更具有挑战性的工作。
    I see little chance of being promoted, so I am looking for a more challenging job with prospects of promotion.
  • 就像那些勇敢地向社会挑战的战友们或那些逃避到澳大利亚或法国的意大利去补偿其人生所失的伙伴们那样,他那众多的男女主人也都找到了幸福。
    So many of his heroes and heroines find happiness as comrades bravely challenging society, or thinking the world well lost by going into retreat in Australia or France or ltaly.
  • ”至此,张健完成了人类挑战自身极限的壮举,创造了在国际开水域里男子游泳最长距离的世界纪录。
    Up to now, Zhang Jian finished the feat of a human being challenging himself and created the world record of swimming the longest distance in an international open water area.
  • 法官在他的办室里会见了两位律师。
    The judge met the two lawyers in his chambers.
  • 法官在办室听到此项申请。
    The judge hears the application in chamber.
  • 要不是想象力(在作怪),男人在侍女的怀抱里也会象在爵夫人的怀抱里一样感到快乐吧。
    Is it not for imagination, a man will be as happy in the arms of a chambermaid as of a duchess.
  • 要不是想象力(在作怪),男人在侍女的怀抱里也不会像在爵夫人的怀抱里一样感到快乐的吧。
    Were it not for imagination, a man would be as happy in the arms of a chambermaid as of a duchess.
  • 他并不感情外露,当他离开办室去参加最后一次会议时,他的脸色跟平常一样。
    He did not wear his heart on his sleeve, and when he left his chambers to walk to that last meeting, his face was much as usual.
  • 为了解决这个问题,查伯斯正努力将cisco用来购买数据通信司的股票转换为资本。
    To even the odds, Chambers is capitalizing on Cisco's stock, which he's using to buy data-traffic companies.
  • 现在,约翰.查伯斯的主要任务就是将众多的语音、数据和视频信号通过电缆司的“管道”发送到全世界范围内的各个用户家中。
    Now Chambers is concentrating on sending bundles of voice, data, and video signals into the world's homes via cable companies' "fat pipes.
  • 在约翰.查伯斯的领导下,网络硬件和软件的制造商cisco系统司已经成为因特网的“交通警察”:全世界百分之八十的因特网都必须通过cisco设备进行操作。
    Under chambers, this maker of networking hardware and software has become the Internet's traffic cop: 80 percent of the world's Internet connections now run through Cisco equipment.
  • 改变办室的混乱状况,使之有些条理
    Reduce the chaos in one's office to some form of order
  • 例如:国会就有一名职牧师,负责在会期开始时主持祈祷。
    Congress, for example, has an official chaplain who opens the session with prayer.
  • 众喜爱他,并且电影销售商索要越来越多的卓别林的片子,在极短的时间内,他成了电影界的重要人物……
    The public loved him and distributors were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture...
  • 自私的人试图让自己获得资本而不顾民权利的神圣理想-马里亚·维斯顿·查普曼。
    Selfish men were...trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of civil rights- Maria Weston Chapman.
  • 这位小说家把女主人刻画成反覆无常而又多情的人.
    The novelist characterizes his heroine as capricious and passionate.
  • 作家把他最近一部小说中主人的性格描述成又懒惰又自私。
    The writer characterized the protagonist in his latest novel as lazy and selfish.
  • 如果请国际化大司的执行官们描述来自不同国家的商务人士和经理人的特点,他们的描述可能会是这样的:
    If you ask a group of international executives to characterize business people and managers from different countries, their descriptions may be something like this:
  • 这个困难是容易表征的:很多司已将至关紧要的网络资源(如文件服务器、磁盘存储和磁带驱动器)集中在数据中心。
    The difficulty is easy to characterize: Many companies have centralized critical network resources -- such as file servers, disk storage and tape drives -- in the data center.
  • 到目前为止,司财务情况甚佳。绘图拼字——基本上是一种在纸上比手划脚——使司在两年之间销售额从零增至1亿2500万元。
    So far, the company is on a roll. Pictionary—which is basically a way of playing charades on paper—took it from zero to more than $125 million in sales in just two years.
  • 下班时间打办电话你们收不收费?
    Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time?
  • 你的所有开销都可以由司偿付。
    Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company.
  • 你的所有开销都可以由司偿付。
    Any expenses you may incur will is chargeable to the company.
  • 超过100斤的行李要额外收费.
    Luggage in excess of 100 kg will be charged extra.
  • 因妨害众利益而受到指控
    Charged with committing a public nuisance
  • 这辆汽车在街道上飞奔;他猛冲进我的办室。
    The car tore down the street; He came charging into my office.
  • 罗伊利用共汽车罢工的机会,用他的汽车把人们送到火车站,收费一英镑趁机取利。
    Roy made capital out of the bus strike by charging people a pound to take them to the station is his car.
  • 在泊车位需求殷切的地区,停车收费表于星期日和众假期也会收费,让更多驾车人士有机会使用这些泊车位。
    Meter charging in areas of high demand has been extended to include Sundays and public holidays to facilitate a better turnover of parking spaces.