  • 国际奥委会雇用了清一色的国裁判和官中员来协调场地和解释规则。
    IOC employed an exclusively British jury of referees and officials to regulate the venues and interpret the rules.
  • 以10英尺的间隔排列
    arranged at intervals of ten feet
  • 过去香港遇到问题总还有个国出头嘛!
    In the past when Hong Kong ran into a problem there was always Britain that could intervene.
  • 国记者贝特兰的谈话
  • 国自治镇风俗一些国自治镇中的一种风俗,没有遗嘱时财产继承权属于最小的儿子,在缺乏继承人情况下,则属于最小的兄弟
    An old custom in certain English boroughs whereby the right to inherit an estate intestate went to the youngest son or, in default of issue, to the youngest brother.
  • 这是因为国男人害怕亲密,他们对其他男性表示友好有困难,举止行为上多少有可能不甚和善。
    This is because the British male is frightened of intimacy, finds it difficult to express friendly interest in other males and can be somewhat aggressive in his manner.
  • 如果与国人一同陷入了某种困境,比如在地铁隧道之类的地方,可以一起唱歌,甚至交谈知心话,但这并不意味着双方打算建立长久的亲密关系。
    Being trapped with an English person in, say, a tunnel in an underground train, might result in community singing, even the exchange of confidences but it is not an invitation to a more permanent intimacy.
  • 尽管班家老太太叫人不可容忍,几个小妹妹也不值得攀谈,可是两位彬格莱小姐却是愿意跟年纪大的两位班小姐作进一步深交,吉极其喜悦地领受了这份盛意;
    and though the mother was found to be intolerable and the younger sisters not worth speaking to, a wish of being better acquainted with them was expressed towards the two eldest. By Jane this attention was received with the greatest pleasure;
  • 他的语调显示他是国人。
    His intonation proclaimed him an English.
  • 语中有些疑问句需用升调.
    In English, some questions have a rising intonation.
  • 你的语发音和语调很棒。
    You have good pronunciation and intonation in English.
  • 他精通语,但他的语调不算很好。
    He is familiar with English, but his intonation is not very good.
  • 语中,quite一词有时靠句中的语调可表达不同的意思.
    In British English quite can have different meanings partly depending on the intonation of the sentence.
  • 怀亚特,托马斯1503-1542国外交官和诗人,因把十四行诗形式引入国文学而著名
    English diplomat and poet noted for introducing the sonnet form into English literature.
  • 图伊特公司创始人斯科特·库克为例。
    Take Scott Cook, the founder of Intuit, for examle.
  • 他们因为勇而获得此项荣誉。
    This honour was conferred upon them in intuition to their valor.
  • 他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵国。
    The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and so stop him from invade England.
  • 一些传教士还竭力主张西方列强用武力强迫清政府开放沿海口岸,声称“只有战争能开放中国给基督”,并直接参与国侵略中国的军事活动。
    Some missionaries strongly advocated resort to force by Western powers to make the Qing government open its coastal ports, saying that it was only war that could open China to Christianity, and directly participated in the British mititary activities to invade China.
  • 900多年来,大海使国不受外敌侵犯。
    For over nine hundred years the sea has defended Britain from invasion.
  • 假如当时国不害怕入侵的话,这条隧道早就建成了。
    If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed.
  • 一支保密部队已经包围了国南部,那里入侵的队伍已在集结。
    A security ring was thrown around those parts of southern England where invasion troops were concentrated.
  • 草地网球是国人发明的。
    Lawn tennis is of English invention.
  • 胡克,罗伯特1635-1703国物理学家,发明家和数学家,他系统阐述了行星运动理论
    English physicist, inventor, and mathematician who formulated the theory of planetary movement.
  • 接受调查的所有人都曾在20世纪30年代填写过一份格兰和苏格兰城市及农村家庭饮食状况的调查表。
    All of the adults in the study had filled in a food inventory during the 1930s for a research study looking into the eating habits of families in rural and urban areas of England and Scotland.
  • 在公债上投资1000 英镑
    invest £1000 in government stock
  • 已有120家中国公司在国投资,希望今后还能有更多。
    there are 120 Chinese companies investing in the UK and we would welcome more.
  • (作者是国大学毕业生)投资股票的策略
    (The writer is a graduate from a university in the United Kingdom.)  Strategies for investing in the stock market
  • 英镑的石油股份投资
    An investment of 500 in oil shares
  • 国仍然是我们最大的海外投资者,国和香港的关系也不止於贸易和商业之上。
    Britain remains our largest outside investor, and there remains far more to our relationship than trade and commerce.
  • 发票为到岸价35英镑.
    The invoice was for 35 cif.
  • 阿尔斐俄斯河希腊南部伯罗奔尼撒的一条河,全长约113公里(70里),流入爱奥尼亚海
    A river of the Peloponnesus in southern Greece flowing about113 km(70 mi) to the Ionian Sea.
  • 电离层地球大气层的一个区域,该层由于太阳辐射而导致的电离影响无线电波传输。它从距地表50公里(30里)的高度延伸到距地表400公里(250里)处
    A region of the earth's atmosphere where ionization caused by incoming solar radiation affects the transmission of radio waves. It extends from a height of50 kilometers(30 miles) to400 kilometers(250 miles) above the surface.