  • 食品样多了,营养却降低了;
    more kinds of food, but less nutrition;
  • 转墙的浴室;铺有瓦片的厨房。
    baths with tiled walls; a tiled kitchen.
  • 我答应我去逛贱卖场时费不会超出100英镑,因此你不必惊慌。
    I promise I won't spend more than a hundred pounds in the sales so don't get your knickers in a twist.
  • 那辆车她了5000美元。
    That car knocked her back $5000.
  • 用梭编的方式制作边。
    make lacework by knotting or looping.
  • 粗糙的边;用编织和结形边制成。
    a coarse lace; made by weaving and knotting cords.
  • 染结边的织物使产生一种不一般的模式。
    dye after knotting the fabric to produce an irregular pattern.
  • 教育局约占全市预算的四分之一。葛德华先生提出将在1989年度费1亿2300万元在新添及扩大的项目,使该局全部预算达到63亿元。
    The Board of Education accounts for about a fourth of the city's budget. For 1989, Mr.Koch proposed to spend $123 million on new and expanded programs, bringing the board's total budget to $6.3 billion.
  • 他的朋友给他起了一个“公子”的绰号。
    He has been given a label of "playboy" by his friends.
  • 汤姆被他的朋友们称为“公子”。
    Tom have being give the label of "playboy" by his friend.
  • 无论如何,思想理论问题的研究和讨论,一定要坚决执行百齐放、百家争鸣的方针,一定要坚决执行不抓辫子、不戴帽子、不打棍子的“三不主义”的方针,一定要坚决执行解放思想、破除迷信、一切从实际出发的方针。
    However, in the study and discussion of ideological and theoretical questions, we must always resolutely follow the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend", the principle of the "three don'ts" (don't pick on others for their faults, don't put labels on people, and don't use a big stick), and the principle of emancipating our minds, abandoning blind faith and proceeding from reality in everything.
  • 修筑一条铁路要费许多劳动力。
    It takes a lot of labor to build a railway.
  • 力气的事,他一点也不想干。
    He does not want anything like labor.
  • 操劳的农民;操劳于摘棉的奴隶们那弯曲的背;在黑暗的深处操劳着的采煤工。
    drudging peasants; the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton; toiling coal miners in the black deeps.
  • 修筑一条铁路要费许多劳动力。
    It takes a lot of labour to build a railway.
  • 金链,水黄皮任一种金链属的树木或灌木,尤指下垂金链,因其下垂的黄色束而被种植
    Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Laburnum, especially L. anagyroides, which is cultivated for its drooping clusters of yellow flowers.
  • 过了小塔宫,直至查理五世兴建的城墙,展现在眼前的是一片片庄稼,一座座林苑,宛如一张柔软的地毯,只见其间绿树成荫,团锦簇。在林苑中央,树木繁茂,幽径交错,一看这树林和曲径的迷宫,便可认出这就是路易十一赏赐给科瓦蒂埃的那座名闻遐迩的迷宫园。
    Beyond the Tournelles, as far as the wall of Charles V.,spread out, with rich compartments of verdure and of flowers,a velvet carpet of cultivated land and royal parks, in the midst of which one recognized, by its labyrinth of trees and alleys, the famous Daedalus garden which Louis XI. had given to Coictier.
  • 在格子架上编织花环
    Lace garlands through a trellis.
  • 边制成的或类似边的。
    made of or resembling lace.
  • 她的衣服镶有花边。
    Her dress was embellished with lace.
  • 她的衣服用边装饰。
    Her dress was ornamented with lace.
  • 她用花边装饰衣服。
    She ornamented her dress with lace.
  • 边的、与边有关的或象边的
    Of, relating to, or resembling lace.
  • 她的夜礼服饰有边。
    His evening dress is laid with lace.
  • 衬边边图案的实心部分
    The solid part of a lace design.
  • 包含或像边的工艺品。
    work consisting of (or resembling) lace fabric.
  • 边垫子在其上编织边的垫子
    The pad on which bobbin lace is made.
  • 凸边边,网带没有地网的、粗制的、大
    A coarse, large-patterned lace without a net ground.
  • 装饰垫布通常由边或亚麻布做成的装饰性小垫布
    A small ornamental mat, usually of lace or linen.
  • 藏起一点儿边;藏起亿万元钱
    Tuck away a bit of lace; tuck away millions.
  • 网格状边,方格网带有简单方格网眼图案的网或
    A net or lace with a simple pattern of squares.
  • 紧身马甲妇女穿的有边的外衣,如背心一样穿在外衣的上面
    A woman's laced outer garment, worn like a vest over a blouse.