  • 7.弹劾案的判决,不得超过免职及取消其担任合众国政府任何有荣誉、有责任或有俸的职位之资格;但被判处者仍须服从另据法律所作之控诉、审讯、判决及惩罚。
    Clause 7:Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
  • 消防处在五月展开的"消防安全大使"计划,旨在为社会人士提供消防安全训练,然后由他们将防火知识及技巧传授市民大众。
    The 'Fire Safety Ambassador' scheme launched in May aims to provide fire safety training to members of the community, who will then disseminate such knowledge and skills generally.
  • 服从海陆空三军权限的消息(包括所以故意分发公众的消息或材料)的安全审查。
    security review of news (including all information or material intended for dissemination to the public) subject to the jurisdiction of the armed forces.
  • "这个技术员把他公司主产品的核心机密泄露其它公司,对该公司造成了严重损害。"
    The technician has done a serious disservice to his company by disclosing the kerneled secrets about its main products to other companies.
  • 你把我国的军事机密出卖敌人,对国家造成了严重的损害。
    You have done a serious disservice to your country by selling military secrets to our enemies.
  • 如果你把那封怒气冲冲的信寄校长,那将对你和你们班大大不利。
    You will be doing your class and youself a disservice if you send that angry letter to the headmaster.
  • 在上述几个例子中,最终产品和自然界供的物质大不相同,因此按习惯的说法,自然界仅仅提供原料。
    In these several cases the ultimate product is so extremely dissimilar to the substance supplied by nature, that in the custom of language nature is represented as only furnishing materials.
  • 所以没有人能够隐密,除非他自己留一点掩饰底余地;
    So that no man can be secret, except he give himself a little scope of dissimulation;
  • 新儿的母亲,因为新儿多病,想把他寄名一个贫苦人家做干儿,消解一些灾厄。
    Xin-er's health had not been very good. His mother decided to allow him to be taken as a god-son by someone who was really poor so that some of his ill luck could be dissipated.
  • 不饱和的在一定温度下能够溶解更多的溶质的
    Capable of dissolving more of a solute at a given temperature.
  • 漆任一种纯色或有色的合成涂料,是由硝酸纤维素或别的纤维素涂料的衍生品与增塑剂和颜料混合在一起形成的一种挥发性溶剂,用来表面增加高度光滑性
    Any of various clear or colored synthetic coatings made by dissolving nitrocellulose or other cellulose derivatives together with plasticizers and pigments in a mixture of volatile solvents and used to impart a high gloss to surfaces.
  • 为…增光,…带来荣誉
    To bring honor or distinction to.
  • 值得予最大的光荣或者声望。
    worthy of the greatest honor or distinction.
  • 这种动物已经打得快绝种了。
    The game is being hunted to the verge of distinction.
  • 可我记得清清楚楚你是答应了要我打电话。
    But I distinctly remember you promising to phone me!
  • 胡佛听后说:“阁下,从前,有人被一条狂叫的狗叫的心神不宁,他找到狗的主人,请求他狗拴上一根绳子。
    Hearing this Hoover said,"Sir,once,a man was driven to distraction by a barking dog. He found the dog's owner and asked him to tie the dog with a rope."
  • 拿太行、太岳、冀南这几个区域来说吧,几年来我们的工作,在中央的领导之下,是有成绩的,但是由于我们同志,特别是我们这些负责的同志还有不少的歪风,予工作的损害也是令人痛心的。
    In Taihang and Taiyue areas and southern Hebei, for instance, we have achieved much in our work during this period under the leadership of the Central Committee. However, it is distressing that some of our comrades, especially some leading comrades, still follow erroneous ways in doing things and so have seriously impaired the work.
  • 把书分给学生
    distribute books among the students
  • 他们把新衣服发孤儿院的小孩们。
    They dispensed new clothes to the children in the orphanage.
  • 给学生发书
    to distribute books to students
  • 小份额发以小份额发;少量的配
    To give out in small portions; distribute sparingly.
  • 将某物分发一些人;分发某物
    Deal sth outbgive sth out to a number of people; distribute sth
  • 我来这里询问有关贵公司要我批发经销商的电影放映机。
    I'm here to ask about the movie projectors you wanted me to distribute to our outlets.
  • 特许经营权特许个人在特定的领土内销售商品或提供服务的权利
    Authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a certain area.
  • 本章也描述了如何在您的安全域内分发webseat客户软件用户。
    This chapter also describe how to distribute the webseat client software to user within your secure domain.
  • 他们客户散发传单。
    They distributed leaflets to customers.
  • 葡萄酒大量配给。
    Wine was distributed freely.
  • 农民们给耕地施肥。
    The farmers distributed manure over a field.
  • 奖品分发了5位优胜者。
    The prizes were distributed among five winners.
  • 发配食物无家可归的人是救苦救难的行为。
    Distributing food among the homeless is an act of mercy.
  • 无家可归的人们发放食物是一种减轻他们痛苦的行为
    Distributing food among the homeless was an act of mercy.
  • 把某物分配指定的地区或人的行为。
    the act of distributing something to designated places or persons.