  • 这个距离北极点只有500英里的地方已是尸横遍野,一位去过那里的野生动物官员说:“有只熊胖得都圆了!走起路来肚皮拖地。”
    “One bear was so fat he was square! His stomach dragged along the ground,” said a wildlife official who visited the carcass riddled site, located just 500 miles from the North Pole.
  • 他们大步严肃地走了进来,拿一个纸板箱。
    They marched solemnly into the house, carrying a cardboard box.
  • 西航海者指南针上的基本方向,即从正北按顺时针方向转270度,正对东方
    The cardinal point on the mariner's compass270= clockwise from due north and directly opposite east.
  • 他小心地拿试验标本,怕把它弄坏。
    He handled the test sample with care, because he was afraid of spoiling it.
  • 你能不能想像一家大公司的总裁居然不太注意衣?
    Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?
  • 「这里躺威廉姆的身体。
    Here lies the body of William Jay.
  • 沉湎于不负责的活奢华的生活方式。
    indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life.
  • 生活优裕,生活奢华过安逸、舒适或幸运的奢侈生活
    Living a carefree life of ease, comfort, or prosperity.
  • 这位模特在认真地摆姿势。
    The model was posing carefully.
  • 他不讲究衣着。
    He is careless of his clothes.
  • 快活地咧嘴笑;愉快的一挥手
    A careless grin; a careless wave of the hand.
  • 他漫不经心地与我交谈
    He talked with me carelessly.
  • 玛丽抱怨汤姆参加她的生日晚会穿太随便。
    Mary landed on Tom for dressing so carelessly for her birthday party.
  • 他不小心把一个烟头扔在森林里,干树叶便起火来。
    When he dropped a cigarette end in the forest carelessly the dry leaves caught fire.
  • 他爱怜地抚摸他的妻子。
    He caressed his wife lovingly.
  • 我的心,同它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,渴望要抚爱这个阳光熙和的绿色世界。
    My heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.
  • 她尽情享受温泉的抚爱。
    She feasted on the caress of the hot spring.
  • 她也抚爱它,用手轻轻抹去它唇旁嘘厚厚一层的泡沫,然后吻了它一下。
    And she still caressed him, and gently with her hands she wiped away the deep foam from his lips, and kissed the bull.
  • 他看书名,看作者名,读了些片断,用眼和手爱抚书卷,只有一次他认出了一本读过的书,别的书他却全都陌生,作者也陌生。
    He glanced at the titles and the authors' names, read fragments of text, caressing the volumes with his eyes and hands, and, once, recognized a book he had read. For the rest, they were strange books and strange authors.
  • 我们装一船生铁从佩思启航。
    We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion.
  • 格林纳达遍地的绿色草木顺陡峭的山坡一直延伸到加勒比海的几个最好的海滩。
    Grenade's wall-to-wall greenery extends right down the steep hillsides to some of the best beaches in the Caribbean.
  • 纷乱的雨点敲打玻璃窗;巨钟发出的嘈杂的声音;嘈杂的隆隆的炮声。
    shattering rain striking the windowpanes; the shattering tones of the enormous carillon; the shattering peal of artillery.
  • 他可以编造出一段故事,说自己忙工作忘了照看烤的糕点。
    He would fix up a tale about his work making him forget caring the cakes.
  • 卡尔整天带一副愤恨不平的样子,好像大家都有意怠慢或伤害他。
    Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight or injure him.
  • 人们被他的音乐所俘获--它总是在变换,总是在探求,总是在发展--但却永远一致、清晰地展现卡洛斯风格。
    They were captivated by his music - always changing, always exploring, always growing -- yet always consistently and clearly Carlos.
  • 这难以表述的屠杀场面,你不禁会想,能有多少士兵能从战场上生还,更不用说打胜仗。
    Watching the unspeakable carnage[5], you wonder how any of the soldiers could possibly have survived the battle, let alone triumphed.
  • 作为“让你的丈夫吃得好,他才会永远爱你”这句话的更富高级趣味的表达方式,我握她的手,说道:“男人是由肉体组成的。”
    I was holding her hand."Men are carnal, " I said, as a more highbrow way of expressing that the way to a man's heart is through his belly.
  • 作为“让你的丈夫吃得好,他才会永远爱你”这句话的更富高级趣味的表达方式,我握她的手,说道:“男人是由肉体组成的。”
    I was holding her hand. "Men are carnal," I said, as a more highbrow way of expressing that the way to a man's heart is through his belly.
  • 他寻求一位朋友的合作,由于这位朋友深受卡内基执力量的感动,便贡献自己的力量;
    He then turned to a friend,similarly broke but smart enough to recognize that value of his idea.Because he was impressed by the power of Carnegie's obsession,the friend joined forces with Carnegie.
  • 我说我愿意。于是,在卡内基先生的协助下,我一直信守当时的承诺。
    I said I would, and with Mr. Carnegie's cooperation, I have kept my promise.
  • 与鳄鱼类似的三叉形骨盆的食草或食肉恐龙。
    herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile.
  • 南美洲淡水鱼,是贪婪地肉食的且攻击并毁灭活的动物。
    small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living animals.