  • 在夜间尚能忍受这种高温,但天就令人感到呼吸困难。
    The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
  • 白糖什么味道?
    How does sugar taste?
  • 糖价格下跌了1角钱。
    Sugar has gone down 10 cents.
  • 我已经唱过了您的天的歌。
    I have sung the songs of the day.
  • 他脸色苍,双颊陷了下去。
    He looked very pale; his cheeks had sunk in.
  • 冬天白天多有太阳。
    Most of the days are sunny in winter.
  • 冬天白天多有太阳。
    Most of the day is sunny in winter.
  • 可是伊丽莎看出她们对待任何人仍然很高傲,甚至对待吉英也几乎没有两样,因此颇不喜欢她们;
    but Elizabeth still saw superciliousness in their treatment of every body, hardly excepting even her sister, and could not like them;
  • 在有机物质表面生长的(通常为色)的菌类。
    a fungus that produces a superficial (usually white) growth on organic matter.
  • 霉,霉菌通常在植物或多种有机物表面形成色生长物的菌类中的一种
    Any of various fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic materials.
  • 我该说明我并不赞成改革。
    I must own myself no supporter of reform.
  • 只说给观众而认为不会让台上其他演员听到的一段对话
    A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and supposedly not heard by the other actors on stage.
  • 属于理平头和聚在摇滚乐会或参加人至上主义者的活动的英国或美国社团的年青人。
    a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations.
  • “白种优越”的谬论
    the fallacy of “white supremacy”
  • 人至高无上的危险观念(认为色人种优於其他人种因而应成为主宰者)
    The dangerous notion of white supremacy, ie that white races are better than others and should control them
  • 兽医认为特克斯有内障,也许可以手术去除。
    Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed.
  • 小偷被弄得措手不及而被迫坦交待。
    The thief was surprised into confessing.
  • 在俄罗斯,孩子们很小的时候就明,这是一种别人夺不走的资本。
    In Russia children understand, surprisingly early, that it is a source of capital that cannot be taken away from you.
  • 用一尺宽的红相间的颜色喷成的直棒;测量员用来测量东西。
    a straight rod painted in one-foot bands of alternate red and white; used for sightings by surveyors.
  • (班图人的)一种长袖衣服(通常为色);东非男子穿着。
    (Swahili) a long garment (usually white) with long sleeves; worn by men in E Africa.
  • 沼泽草木一种美洲灌木或小乔木,生长于的沼泽地带,叶子坚韧,有黄色果实,花为色成长状花序,这种花序从前一个季节的生长物的尖端生出,(总状花序西里拉)
    A New World shrub or small tree(Cyrilla racemiflora) of warm swampy areas, having leathery leaves, yellow fruit, and white flowers in clustered racemes that are borne at the tip of the preceding season's growth.
  • 他看见了一只天鹅。
    He saw a white swan.
  • 他们在天鹅旅社住下了。
    They billeted in White Swan Hotel.
  • 他穿色服装到处炫耀。
    He swanked around in white suits.
  • 贝克郡猪一种养殖的中型黑色猪,腿、脚和脸上有色斑纹
    One of a domestic breed of medium-sized black swine with white markings on the feet, legs, and face.
  • 正在这时,一道光闪过,老约翰消失了。
    Just then there was a swirl of white and Old John disappeared.
  • 从祖父烟斗里喷出的色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。
    Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy swirls danced around our heads.
  • 9月13日,美国网上充斥着各种激励人们团结起来的电子邮件,有的邮件中人们点燃蜡烛(为遇难者祈祷),有的邮件中人们披上象征美国国旗的红蓝三色的衣服,这些邮件中都用这样的话语来激励人们:"让恐怖分子看看我们美国人是紧紧团结在一起的。
    From lighting candles to wearing the red, white and blue colors of the American flag, several e-mails swirled around the country on Thursday, urging readers to, in the words of one, ''show those terrorists that we Americans stick together''.
  • 他发誓说他是清的。
    He swore he had clean hands.
  • 约翰把这件工作向我解释得简单明,使我能确实了解情况。
    John explained the job to me in words of one syllable so that I would be sure to understand.
  • 白是纯洁的象征。
    White is the symbol of purity.
  • 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上,意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能头偕老。
    By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.