  • 毛骨悚的恐惧感掠过我的心头。
    A deadly fear swept over me.
  • 他突感到一阵极大的恐惧。
    A deadly fear swept over him.
  • 乐声在京城上空飘扬,荡漾,跳跃,旋转,后那震耳欲聋的振辐渐渐摇荡开去,一直传到天外。
    floats,undulates, bounds, whirls over the city, and prolongs far beyond the horizon the deafening circle of its oscillations.
  • 他们先抽牌决定发牌人,后便开始发牌。
    They cut for dealer and then began the game.
  • 然后由爱梅发牌。
    Then Amy dealt the cards.
  • 而依理似乎有子嗣的人应当最关心将来,他们知道他们一定得把自己最贵重的保证交代给将来的。
    Yet it were great reason, that those that have children, should have greatest care of future times;unto which, they know, they must transmit their dearest pledges.
  • 这只狗非常喜欢我们,只是有偶离家的习惯。
    The dog loved us dearly, but he had a habit of wandering from home.
  • 现在他已是家有妻室,儿子也12岁了。他深爱着他们。但是,眼前的盎春意使他魂不守舍,他仿佛感到一种轻风般的自由,体验到二十几岁的那种踌躇满志的感觉。
    Now he was a married man with a wife and 12 years old boy and he loved them dearly, but it was spring and somehow he felt free as the wind, the way he felt in his twenties when he thought he had the world in his hands.
  • 她母亲的死很突然。
    The death of her mother was sudden.
  • 他已经宣布从国际奥委会主席这个位置上退休。1924年奥运会给了他一个光荣引退的机会,向他的祖国显示他关于奥运会的设想是成功的,同时也向全世界展示:虽经历了1900年的溃败,但是法国还是有能力成功举办奥运盛会。
    He had announced his retirement as president of the IOC, and the 1924 games gave him a chance to go out in glory by showing his native country that his idea had succeeded and also, incidentally, by showing the rest of the world that France could successfully host the Olympics, despite the debacle of 1900.
  • 而,国人所顾虑的不是这类拥有高技能的科技人才,但是我国的劳动市场中,有不少“外来人才”的职位是本地人能够胜任的,这些人是否应该被称为“外来人才”,是值得商榷的。
    However, Singaporeans are not worried about those who are highly skilled in technology. In our labor market, there are many "foreign talent" whose jobs could be easily filled by locals. It is debatable whether these people are qualified to be called "foreign talent".
  • 一阵骚乱结束了我们的辩论。
    A sudden comfusion choked off our debate.
  • 顾客注册时,通过特殊的仪器将指纹扫描进数据库,后指定一张信用卡或结算卡为购买的物品结账。
    A customer signs up by having a finger scanned into a database by special machines and designating a credit or debit card to which purchases will be charged.
  • 她丈夫把她存折上所有的钱都取走了后逃亡美国。
    Her husband debited all the money against her account and then escaped to America.
  • 支票根据你所要求的确切数额记账,后像用国内支票一样记人你的账户。
    The checks, made out to the exact amount you require, are then debited to your account in the same way as a domestic check.
  • 因为提升了拉塞尔没提升萨拉, 这件事竟惹起了轩大波.
    The promotion of Russell instead of Sarah really made the sparks fly.
  • 比拟作阵雨的突泻落。
    a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower.
  • 必须先还清债务后再置办物品。
    Getting out of debt must be placed before buying anything new.
  • 之所以有这样的错误,当不是由于新加坡人连简单的算术都不会,而是在新加坡独立之前,我们习惯将新马当作一个整体,从1941年12月8日日军在吉兰丹的哥打¤鲁登陆那天算起到日本投降,经过三年八个月。这样讲没有错,但是新加坡被日本攻占是两个月后的事,因此,说新加坡被日本统治三年八个月就不对了。
    Of course, it is not a case of Singaporeans not being able to do simple sums. Before Independence, we were used to treating Singapore and Malaysia as an entity. So, three years and eight months is right if the counting begins from 8 Dec, 1941, the day Japanese soldiers landed in Kota Baru, Kelantan. But it was only two months later that Singapore was seized.
  • 侍者:当可以,我们供应咖啡,鲜制的和没有咖啡因的两种,还有热巧克力、鲜奶和脱脂奶。
    Yes, of course. We have both the freshly-brewed and the decaffeinated. We also serve hot chocolate, fresh or skimmed milk.
  • 周围各处都是在变化、衰落,后又出现新生机。
    All around were change, decay, and new life.
  • 旧的资产阶级民主主义文化,在帝国主义时代,已经腐化,已经无力了,它的失败是必的。
    The old bourgeois-democratic culture became enervated and decayed in the era of imperialism, and its failure was inevitable.
  • 在这一过程中,一些西藏传统文化中所没有而为现代文明生活所必需的新文化如现代科技教育和新闻传播等得到发展,一些具有藏民族特色的优秀文化传统在新时代下得到弘扬和光大,同时,一些传统文化中与社会发展和人民生活不相适应的陈腐、落后的东西逐渐被淘汰,这是符合文化发展规律的自现象,也正是西藏文化在新形势下不断繁荣发展的表现。
    During this process, some new aspects of culture which are not contained in the traditional Tibetan culture but are essential in modern civilization have been developed, such as modern scientific and technological education and news dissemination. The fine cultural traditions with Tibetan features are being carried forward and promoted in the new age, and the decayed and backward things in the traditional culture that are not adapted to social development and people's life are being gradually sifted out. It is a natural phenomenon in conformity with the law of cultural development, and a manifestation of the unceasing prosperity and development of Tibetan culture in the new situation.
  • 以前你曾经迷惑过我:
    Deceive, as you have heretofore:
  • 你竟会欺骗我伤害了我。
    You unexpectedly can deceive me to have harmed me.
  • 抛弃突地或无情地欺骗或抛弃(情人)
    To deceive or drop(a lover) suddenly or callously.
  • 1799年12月,乔治.华盛顿猝逝世。
    In December 1799, George Washington died unexpectedly.
  • 他和象他那样的人是正派兼聪慧的唯一化身。
    Since he and his kind are the only representatives of decency comblined with wisdom.
  • 他衣着体面,而他很少有一块钱可供花用。
    He dresses decently, yet he seldom has a guinea at command.
  • 有意弄虚作假,是不好的;怕讲老实话,虽原因是多方面的,不同于弄虚作假,但也是不好的。
    Deliberate deception is undesirable, but fear of speaking the truth is not good either, even though people involved may advance a variety of reasons and it is not the same as deception.
  • 什么也没有决定。
    Still there was nothing decided.
  • 她对这个提议漠置之.
    She was decidedly cool about the proposal.