  • 暴风眼中心欺骗性的平静;故意骗人的包装;令人误解的相似之处;统计数字可能现误导人的形式。
    the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm; deliberately deceptive packaging; a misleading similarity; statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading.
  • 与此相似,流水线会快得多地制作微处理器。
    Similarly, pipelining makes for much faster microprocessors.
  • 20世纪70年代现类似的令人沮丧的情况。
    A similarly frustrating thing took place in the 1970s.
  • 那些参加奥运会的运动员们也发了同样的感慨,他们对这个极具挑战性的场地给予了高度的评价。
    The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed.They spoke very highly of the challenging courses.
  • 掏出一些钱
    Taking out some money
  • 有钱出钱。
    Those who have money offer money.
  • 在推广香港的服务业口方面,该局同样制定推广主题,把相关的服务行业归类。
    Similarly, its promotion of Hong Kong's service exports is structured thematically around clusters of related service industries.
  • 厨房里炉子上的番茄正用文火煮着,散发来的香气和着窗外的微风飘进屋来。
    The tomatoes simmered, their aroma blending with the breeze coming in from the open windows.
  • 西蒙出外捕鲸鱼。
    Simon went fishing for to catch a whale.
  • 西蒙总是吹嘘自己在高尔夫球场上的杰才能。
    Simon's always talking big about his prowess on the golf course.
  • 西蒙被指控酒后开车,已被迫庭。
    Simon has been brought before the court on a charge of drunken driving.
  • 这是出去的路吗?
    Is this the way out?
  • 西蒙酒喝得太多时总是洋相。
    Simon always makes a complete ass of himself when he’s had to much to drink.
  • 南美洲西部的共和国;西蒙·玻利维亚在年把玻利维亚从西班牙独立来。
    a Republic in western South America; Simon Bolivar founded Bolivia in 1825 after winning independence from Spain.
  • 主旋律在最自然的伴奏中婉转回旋,起连结作用的小过门恰到好处地赋予和声色彩,衬托最质朴的谐调来为主旋律。
    The melodies curve over the, simplest of accompaniments, and the little connecting interludes give just enough harmonic color to set off the simple harmony that supports the melodies.
  • 叫卫队来集合整队!
    Turn out the grard!
  • 显露出魅力
    Turn on the charm.
  • 哈里,把他赶出去。
    Turn him out Harry.
  • 3.工作应该目标明确、重点突
    3.Keep it simple and focused.
  • 这是在遇到危险或灾难的时候能发的最简单的信号。
    It is the simplest signal to make, in time of danger or disaster.
  • 他因过于喧闹而被赶会场。
    He was turned out of the hall for making too much noise.
  • 了解喷气发动机如何工作的最简单的方法就是观察一下空气从气球中逸的情景。
    The simplest way to understand how a jet engine works is to watch air escaping from a balloon.
  • 我发现艾得已经有计划要一本书,但是那本书的情节极其简单。
    I find that the argy wormwood planned to work out a book, but the plot of book is the simplest.
  • 今天上午我面试的那个男孩似乎有点笨,他几乎没能回答我的任何问题,甚至连最简单的问题,他也没能答
    The boy I interviewed this morning seemed somewhat empty-headed; he could answer hardly any of my questions, even the simplest ones.
  • 系统调试中重要的第一步,用单步方式检查可使信息送入寄存器的最简单的指令以及那些允许建立系统状态的指令。
    An important first step in system debug which checks out in a single step mode the simplest instructions that enable information to is entered into registers and which permit system states to is set up.
  • 她总是表现学究式的思想方法。
    She's always shown an academic turn of mind.
  • 要是我都能看她对他的好感,而他却看不,那他未免太蠢了。”
    If I can perceive her regard for him, he must be a simpleton indeed not to discover it too."
  • 显示孩子似的简单和易信。
    exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity.
  • 只有你能猜得出。
    Only you can guess.
  • 只有时间才能做回答。
    Only time will tell.
  • 仅仅是做贫穷的样子。
    is only professedly poor.
  • 显示不矫柔造作的单纯,不狡猾或不世故的。
    marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience.