  • 前面说过,抗日战三个战略阶段的作战形式,第一阶段,运动战是主要的,游击战和阵地战是辅助的。
    As indicated above, the forms of warfare in the three strategic stages of the War of Resistance are as follows. In the first stage mobile warfare is primary, while guerrilla and positional warfare are supplementary.
  • 工人们举行罢工,同资本家进行面对面的斗
    The workers came out and staged a face- to- face struggle against the capitalists.
  • 革命就是不能那样舒服,往后还要更艰苦,越接近胜利斗越艰苦。
    No revolution can be staged with ease, and in future the struggle will become more and more arduous until final victory.
  • 在这一长段令人震惊的战场景之后,斯皮尔伯格才将影片中的人物和故事展现在观众面前。
    Only after the staggering[1] extended battle sequence does Spielberg introduce you to the characters and story.
  • 从以阶级斗为纲转到以四化建设为中心,从停滞封闭转到改革开放,还有当前所进行的各种改革工作,都是在变。
    For example, we have changed from taking class struggle as the central task to concentrating on modernization, we have changed from stagnation and a closed-door policy to reform and a policy of opening to the outside world, and we are carrying out all sorts of reforms.
  • 但是,正面相持和敌后相持是成反比例的,正面相持的局面出现,敌后斗的局面就要紧张。
    However, stalemate along the front means the reverse of stalemate in the enemy's rear; with the emergence of a stalemate along the front lines, the struggle behind the enemy's lines will become intense.
  • 这种空谈主义过去和现在已经存在,但是还不算很多,战发展到相持阶段和反攻阶段时,空谈主义可能多起来。
    We have had this kind of idle chatter before and we have it now, though not very much so far; But there may be more as the war develops into the stage of stalemate and then of counter-offensive.
  • 在前期(包括战略防御和战略相持两个阶段),主要的是游击战;在后期(战略反攻阶段),主要的将是正规战
    In the first period (comprising the stages of the strategic defensive and strategic stalemate) it is guerrilla warfare which is primary, while in the second (the stage of the strategic counter-offensive) it is regular warfare which will be primary.
  • 就全国来说,在抗日战全过程的三个战略阶段(防御、相持、反攻)中,首尾两阶段,都是正规战为主,辅之以游击战
    Of the three strategic stages (the defensive, the stalemate and the counter-offensive) in the entire process of the war in the country as a whole, the first and last are stages in which regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary.
  • (一)目前的政治形势是:(1)日本帝国主义受了中国抗日战的严重打击,已经无力再作大规模的军事进攻,因而敌我形势已处在战略相持阶段中;
    1. The present political situation is as follows: (a) Japanese imperialism has been dealt a heavy blow by China's War of Resistance and is already incapable of launching any more large-scale military offensives, so that the relation of forces between the enemy and ourselves has now reached the stage of strategic stalemate.
  • 斯大林格勒之战不但是苏德战的转折点,甚至也不仅是这次世界反法西斯战的转折点,它是整个人类历史的转折点。
    The battle of Stalingrad is not only the turning point of the Soviet-German War, or even of the present anti-fascist world war, it is the turning point in the history of all mankind.
  • 红军必须在边界这等地方,下斗的决心,有耐战的勇气,才能增加武器,练出好兵。
    Only through the determination to fight and stamina in fighting in places such as the border area can the Red Army add to its arms and train up good men.
  • 金价开始下跌时,大多数人都相抛售。
    Most people were stampeded into selling gold when the price began to fall.
  • 使所有的对外贸易停顿下来了。
    The war brought all foreign trade to a standstill.
  • 影片极其有效地以简洁、完全真实的方式展现战
    It is far more effective by presenting war with simple, stark honesty.
  • 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必
    It is a race against time to stop people die from starvation.
  • 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必
    It is a race against time to stop people dying from starvation.
  • 一些新闻界人士私下论说支持他的浪潮表明大部分公众对自由派舆论缺乏强有力的反对。
    Some journalists argue privately that the wave of support for him indicated that large sections of the public were starved of the good red meat of opposition to the liberal consensus.
  • 在国家、民族或派别之间进行的公开的使用武力的常持续一段时间的冲突的状态
    A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.
  •  (1)本联盟两个或两个以上国家之间对本公约的解释或适用有议不能依谈判解决时,有关国家之一可以按照国际法院规约将议提交该法院,除非有关国家就某一其他解决办法达成协议。
    Any dispute between two or more countries of the Union concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, not settled by negotiation, may, by any one of the countries concerned, be brought before the International Court of Justice by application in conformity with the Statute of the Court, unless the countries concerned agree on some other method of settlement.
  • 并且由于中国的进步,就是说有共产党领导的坚强的军队和广大的人民群众存在,因此抗日游击战就不是小规模的,而是大规模的;
    furthermore, China is progressive, that is to say, she has a staunch army and broad masses of people, both led by the Communist Party, so that, far from being small-scale, our anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare is in fact large-scale warfare.
  • "这样一场激烈的论过后,你怎么还能保持如此心平气和,镇静自若?"
    "How can you stay so cool, calm and collected after such a hot argument?"
  • 的实践证明,我国工人阶级不愧是久经考验的立场坚定的革命领导阶级。
    These struggles show that our working class is indeed the steadfast and time-tested revolutionary leading class.
  • (五)坚持全面提高对外开放水平,积极参与国际经济技术合作和竞
    5.Steadfastly opening wider to the outside world and actively participating in international economic and technological cooperation and competition
  • 全国的爱国同胞,爱国军队,爱国党派,一致团结起来,坚决地实行第一种方针,采取第一套办法,取第一个前途;
    Let all patriotic people, patriotic troops and patriotic parties and groups unite as one and steadfastly carry out the first policy, adopt the first set of measures and strive for the first perspective;
  • 第一种隐形飞机是f?117。为防止对手研制出对抗设施,f?117的生产十分保密。该飞机于80年代初开始投入使用,而首次真正接受作战检验还是在海湾战中。
    The first of these stealth aircraft was the F 117.Built in secret to deny potential opponents the opportunity to develop countermeasures,the F-117 became operational in the early ls and did not get its first real trial by combat until the Gulf War.
  • 近代技术(有线电、无线电、飞机、汽车、铁道、轮船等)的发达,又使战的计划性增大了可能。
    Modern technical developments (telegraphy, radio, aeroplanes, motor vehicles, railways, steamships, etc.) have added to the possibilities of planning in war.
  • 前者除直接动员人民加入部队外,可采取集中小部队的办法;后者则依靠战中的锻炼和提高武器的质量。
    Apart from directly mobilizing the people to join the forces, increased numbers can be attained by amalgamating small units, while better quality depends on steeling the fighters and improving their weapons in the course of the war.
  • 参加战的各政党也将受到锻炼和考验。
    The political parties taking part in the war will also be steeled and tested.
  • 约翰在战中目睹的苦难使他对双方军队都不同情。
    The suffering John had seen in the war steeled his heart against both the opposing armies.
  • 我们很多人因一场论、一次误解或某一痛苦的经历便对他人心存芥蒂,耿耿于怀。
    So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have stemmed from an argument,a misunderstanding,or some other painful event.
  • 在严查过境贩毒的同时,中国政府持续组织禁毒专项斗,不断对毒品危害严重地区进行重点整治,狠狠打击了国内毒品违法犯罪活动。
    While stemming the trafficking of drugs from abroad, the Chinese government has continuously organized special battles against drugs, constantly focussing attention on areas where drugs constitute a serious problem and hitting hard at drug crimes at home.