  • 波卡特罗美国爱达荷州南一城市,位于爱达荷福尔斯西南偏南。从1882年起它就一直是一个铁路枢纽,同时也是爱达荷州立大学(建于1901年)的所在地。人口46,080
    A city of southeast Idaho south-southwest of Idaho Falls. It has been a railroad junction since1882 and is the seat of Idaho State University(founded1901). Population,46, 080.
  • 班诺克人居住于美国爱达荷州南部和怀俄明州西部的美洲人土著
    A Native American people inhabiting southeast Idaho and western Wyoming.
  • 无叶,花蜡白色,茎丛生,白色兰花成总状花序;产自从美国西北部到加利福尼亚北部一带至爱达荷洲。
    waxy white nearly leafless plant with stems in clusters and racemes of white flowers; northwestern United States to northern California and east to Idaho.
  • 路易斯顿美国爱达荷州西北部的一个城市,位于华盛顿州的城市斯波坎的南偏南并与其邻接。该市是木材、谷物、牲畜地区的商业和工业中心,是爱达荷准州的第一个州府所在地(1863年至1864年)。人口28,082
    A city of northwest Idaho on the border south-southeast of Spokane, Washington. A commercial and industrial center in a timber, grain, and livestock region, it was the first capital(1863-1864) of the Idaho Territory. Population,28, 082.
  • 爱达荷福尔斯美国爱达荷州南部一城市,位于波卡特洛北偏北方向。这里原是矿工们涉水过斯内克河的地方。人口43,929
    A city of southeast Idaho north-northeast of Pocatello. The site was originally a miner's fording point over the Snake River. Population,43, 929.
  • 他认为那西理想吗?
    Do he think it's ideal?
  • 他认为那西理想吗?
    Does he think it 's ideal?
  • 成对物一对相仿或一样的西
    A pair of similar or identical things.
  • 成比成对的相同或相似成双或成对的西
    Paired or coupled with something identical or similar.
  • 她以说出手提包有什麽西,证明那是她的。
    She identified the bag as hers by saying what it contained.
  • 您随身有什么西可以证明您身份的吗?
    Do you have something to identify you?
  • 请你到这边认领你的西,好吗?
    Would you mind coming over to identify your things?
  • 毛泽思想是个思想体系。
    Mao Zedong Thought is an ideological system.
  • 在毛泽时代,意识形态挂帅给社会带来了负面影响;
    During the Mao Zedong era, the society suffered when ideology reigned supreme over everything else.
  • 而在观念形态上作为这种新的经济力量和新的政治力量之反映并为它们服务的西,就是新文化。
    And the new culture reflects these new economic and political forces in the field of ideology and serves them.
  • (最珍爱的西)这个成语出自《圣经》。
    The idiom ‘one’s ewe lamb’ fell from the Bible. One’s ewe lamb.
  • 被神化的西一种超自然的偶像;偶像
    An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
  • 烧用火焰烧、点燃或烤(西)
    To burn, ignite, or scorch(something) with a flame.
  • 我以为不论在好的或坏的意义上,世界没有一样和它相象的西。
    I am inclined to think that, in a good or bad sense, there is nothing like il in the world.
  • 光滑冬青一种北美洲部的(冬青属光滑冬青)灌木,有黑色的象浆果的果实
    A shrub(Ilex glabra) of eastern North America, having black, berrylike fruit.
  • 偷东西是违法的。
    It is illegal to steal things.
  • 非法获取的西或钱财。
    goods or money obtained illegally.
  • 奈尔斯美国伊利诺斯州北部的一个村落,是芝加哥河沿岸芝加哥市的一个工业郊区。人口28,284
    A village of northeast Illinois, an industrial suburb of Chicago on the Chicago River. Population, 28,284.
  • 芝加哥美国伊利诺伊州最大的城市,位于该州的北部密歇根湖上。是中西部重要的港口城市以及商业、经济、工业和文化中心。这座城市在1871年曾被一场大火灾几乎摧毁。人口2,783,726
    The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in1871. Population, 2,783,726.
  • 努马美国布鲁明顿北偏北伊里诺斯州中心的小镇。是伊利诺斯州大学(建于1857年)所在地。人口40,023
    A town of central Illinois north-northeast of Bloomington. It is the seat of Illinois State University(founded1857). Population,40, 023.
  • 伯班克伊利诺斯北部的一个城市,位于芝加哥郊区。人口27,600
    A city of northeast Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Population,27, 600.
  • 卡本代尔美国伊利诺斯州南部一城市,位于圣路易斯州南部。该市为南伊利诺斯州大学(建于1869年)的一个分校所在地。人口27,033
    A city of southern Illinois southeast of East St. Louis. It is the seat of a branch of Southern Illinois University(established1869). Population,27, 033.
  • 西塞罗美国伊利诺斯州北一城市,芝加哥郊区的工业区和居住区。人口67,436
    A town of northeast Illinois, an industrial and residential suburb of Chicago. Population,67, 436.
  • 福雷斯特帕克美国伊利诺州北的一座城镇,位于芝加哥以西。主要为住宅区。人口15,177
    A village of northeast Illinois west of Chicago. It is mainly residential. Population,15, 177.
  • 兰辛伊利诺斯州北部的一个城镇,位于芝加哥郊区靠近印地安那边界。人口29,039
    A village of northeast Illinois, a suburb of Chicago near the Indiana border. Population,29, 039.
  • 卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻
    A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago.
  • 森特罗利亚美国伊利诺斯州中南部城市,位于圣路易斯部。建于1853年。人口15,126
    A city of south-central Illinois east of East St. Louis. It was founded in1853. Population,15, 126.