  • 单轴的属于、有关或影响个轴的
    Of, relating to, or affecting one axis.
  • 通过单名字对其进行访问的种数据集合。
    A collection of data referred to by a single name.
  • 方位运动或另位置用以参照的位置
    A position to which motion or another position is referred.
  • 与囊有关或有囊样的作用。
    relating to or affecting a bursa.
  • 个个体的语法数字范畴。
    grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit.
  • 说明属于、用于或者特指某类、种或组对象。
    Of, applied to, or referring to a kind, class or group.
  • 依据您十月二十日的询问函,我们报价如下。
    Referring to your inquiry of November 20, we have quoted as below.
  • 种影响呼吸系统的疾病。
    a disease affecting the respiratory system.
  • 作者在开头提了下非洲的早期历史。
    The author begins by referring to the early history of Africa.
  • 影响到咖啡植物的种枯萎病。
    a blight affecting the coffee plant.
  • 我想他指的是那两个贵族中年纪小些的那个。
    I thought that he was referring to the younger of the two noblemen.
  • 她立刻写了封信给他,叫他注意她所读的那段文字。
    She wrote him at once, referring him to the paragraph she had read.
  • 这里指的不是农民群众,主要是些领导干部。
    Here I am referring mainly to some leading cadres, not to the peasant masses.
  • 麻疯病是种影响皮肤和神经的疾病。
    Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves.
  • 尖锐直接的谈及或涉及个人的个人品格或私人事务,特指无礼的令人讨厌的谈及和涉及。
    pointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively.
  • 依照今天上午的谈话,随函呈上本公司新产品的小册子本。
    Referring to our conversation of this morning, we enclose a pamphlet describing our new article.
  • 当这位太太说起个聪明小伙子时,我知道她指的是比尔。
    I know the lady is referring to Bill when she speaks of a bright young lad.
  • 来,和政府的财政发生了冲突。
    This has affected government revenues.
  • 我来给你再斟上杯。
    Let me refill your cup.
  • 我来给你再斟上杯。
    Set me refill your cup.
  • 你要再来一杯吗?
    Would you like a refill?
  • 请允许我给您再斟上杯。
    Allow me to refill your cup.
  • 再给您添杯好吗,先生?
    Would you like a refill, sir?
  • 布什:嗯,我想我们应该再去倒杯。
    Well, I think it's time to refill our glasses.
  • 再用这瓶子装东西之前,定要将它涮干净。
    Make sure that the bottle is completely rinsed out before you refill it.
  • 伯恩:嗯,对不起,我想再来杯。
    Well, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to refill my glass.
  • 詹姆斯,你离茶壶更近,你更方便——正好也给我再添杯吧!
    You are closer to the pot, James; it'll be easier for you - and while you're there, I could use a refill too!
  • 疑病症患者个患有疑病症的人
    A person affected with hypochondria.
  • 精神病患者个精神错乱的人
    A person affected by psychosis.
  • 如果无论你坐在酒吧的什么位置,当你的酒杯快要见底的时候,不用你招呼,酒吧的服务生就会马上过来为你斟酒,这个创意听起来很不错吧?其实只要用种高科技的啤酒杯就可以实现这切了。
    Drink up that beer -- another will soon be whisked to the table thanks to a hi-tech pint glass that tells bar staff when it needs refilling.
  • 步处理或精处理数据(术语)。
    To further process or refine data(slang).
  • 个以精炼某种特殊的东西为工作的人。
    one whose work is to refine a specific thing.