  • 腔作势对于意大利经理人来说至关重要。
    To put on an impressive appearance,is important to Italian managers.
  • “都”管辖的人口有一万至五六万之多,有独立的武如团防局,有独立的财政征收权如亩捐等,有独立的司法权如随意对农民施行逮捕、监禁、审问、处罚。
    The tu had jurisdiction over a population of from ten to fifty or sixty thousand people, and had its own armed forces such as the township defence corps, its own fiscal powers such as the power to levy taxes per mou of land, and its own judicial powers such as the power to arrest, imprison, try and punish the peasants at will.
  • 两个犯有武抢劫罪的人被判处四年监禁。
    The two men who had committed armed robbery were condemned to four years’ imprisonment.
  • 包装不善
    inferior (improper, negligent, poor) packing
  • 品质不良且包明显不当,贵公司理应负责。
    Holding you are responsible as improper quality and packing evident.
  • 品质不良且包明显不当,贵公司理应负责。
    Holding you is responsible as improper quality and packing evident.
  • 由于包不当而引起的一切损失均应由卖方负责。
    All loss due to improper packing shall be born by the seller.
  • 由于包不当而引起的一切损失均应由卖方负责。
    All loss due to improper packing should be borne by the seller.
  • 改进包方法十分必要。
    It is necessary to improve the packaging.
  • 我们的包方法应加以改进。
    Our packing method shall be improved.
  • 你们如果有更好的包方式可以向我们推荐。
    Your recommendations on improving packing would be appreciated.
  • 我们认为损坏是由于劣质材料和包不当而造成的。
    We think the damage is caused by inferior material and inadequate packing.
  • 统统相符合的事,在战争或战斗中是极其少有的,这是因为战争或战斗的双方是成群的武着的活人,而又互相保持秘密的缘故,这和处置静物或日常事件是大不相同的。
    Such complete correspondence is extremely rare in a war or a battle, in which the belligerents are groups of live human beings bearing arms and keeping their secrets from each other; this is quite unlike handling inanimate objects or routine matters.
  • 一种对监视机器工作情况的操作人员进行监视的置。如操作人员精神不集中或打盹儿,本置就会发声报警。
    A device to watch the operator who watches the machine.If the operator is either inattentive or napping, the alertor sounds an alarm.
  • 防窃听多声磁带记录了许多同一时刻说话声音的磁带,用作一种防窃听置使私人的或秘密的谈话不被偷听者听到
    A tape recording of several dozen voices talking at the same time, used as an antibugging device to make private or secret conversations inaudible to eavesdroppers.
  • 致残剂一种可使人暂时致残的置或物质,如平定暴乱时所用的催泪瓦斯
    A device or substance, such as tear gas, used to incapacitate individuals temporarily, as in riot control.
  • 病为逃避责任或工作而病或作其它形式的无能为力
    To feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work.
  • 中国无产阶级政党的主要的和差不多开始就面对着的任务,是联合尽可能多的同盟军,组织武斗争,依照情况,反对内部的或外部的武的反革命,为争取民族的和社会的解放而斗争。
    The main task of the party of the Chinese proletariat, a task confronting it almost from its very inception, has been to unite with as many allies as possible and, according to the circumstances, to organize armed struggles for national and social liberation against armed counter-revolution, whether internal or external.
  • 一种压入产生印痕的置;用于保护封闭口,识别文件。
    a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents.
  • 长凹槽一种作为饰性图案刻在柱身上的修长的、通常为环状的糟
    A long, usually rounded groove incised as a decorative motif on the shaft of a column, for example.
  • 对于这样大的机数量,t.30实现的质量参差不齐,不一致性有时妨碍了传真的传输。
    With this huge installed base, there is wide-ranging quality of T.30 implementation, an inconsistency that sometimes prevents the transmission of faxes.
  • 伯恩:我们对你们价格的竞争力一贯比较赞赏,不过,就象我前面说过的那样,你们服的质量有时还不太稳定,交货有时也会脱期。
    we've always appreciated the competitiveness of your prices, but as I said earlier, the quality of your garments is sometimes inconsistent, and the delivery is not always on schedule.
  • 买方希望船延至月底,希望不会给你们带来不便。
    Buyer request shipment is delayed till end month hope no inconvenience.
  • 买方希望船延至月底,希望不会给你们带来不便。
    Buyer requesting shipment is delayed till end month and hope no inconvenience
  • 上这些仪器,他仿佛没有感到不方便,他假没听见。
    He made as if he felt no inconvenience from wearing the instruments.
  • wfm2.0是去年11月最后敲定的,有此标准的新机器最早可望在1月交货。
    Version 2.0 of WFM was finalized in November, and the new machines that incorporate it are expected to start shipping as early as January.
  • 好配件,并开始滚动起来。
    It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll.
  • 将单个元件组成一台设备或一种结构的过程。例如,将大量的晶体管组成一个“集成”电路。
    The process of incorporating separate items to form a single unit or structure; for example, the incorporation of a large number of transistors into an"integrated" circuit.
  • 增强动力或电压的
    Device for increasing power or voltage
  • 墙上镶嵌着大理石的饰面。
    The walls were decorated by incrustation with marble.
  • 抗日战争中全民武反抗的具体事实,将教育全党进一步地认识这个问题的重要性,每个党员都要时刻准备武上前线。
    The fact that the whole nation is rising in armed resistance in the war against Japan should inculcate a better understanding of the importance of this question in the whole Party, and every Party member should be prepared to take up arms and go to the front at any moment.
  • 在产品使用地的安费用。
    Erecting expenses incurred at the site where the products are used.