  • 我们以每月50镑分期付款支付这台计算机.
    We is pay for the computer by pay instalment of 50 a month.
  • 布鲁斯采纳传奇雄威廉·华莱士所献的计策,完成了自治大业。
    the Declaration of Independence was celebrated, at the instigation of King Robert the Bruce.
  • 国人本能地赞赏那些没有才能而又对人家的赞赏谦虚的人。
    The English instinctively admires any man who has no talent and is modest about it.
  • 教某人英语
    instruct sb. in English
  • 克莱夫,罗伯特1725-1774国士兵、政治家,在保卫大不列颠在印度利益的过程中起过重要作用
    British soldier and statesman who was instrumental in securing Great Britain's interests in India.
  • 测链测量用的一种工具,包含有100个相连的钢铁环,长66尺(20。1米)
    An instrument used in surveying, consisting of100 linked pieces of iron or steel and measuring66 feet(20.1 meters).
  • 海上运费,每1000平方尺绝缘板约28美元,标准硬质纤维板为10美元。
    Ocean freight is approximately$28.00 for the insulate board, and$10.00 for the standard hardboard, per1, 000 square feet.
  • 麦克劳德,约翰·詹姆斯·理查德1876-1935国心理学家,因发现胰岛素获得1923年诺贝尔奖
    British physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
  • 不可逾越的差距;无敌的雄。
    insuperable odds; insuperable heroes.
  • 他买了十万镑的寿险。
    He is insured for 100,000 pounds.
  • 这家公司给他的财产保险1万镑。
    The company insured his property for 1O,O00.
  • 不要过分严格看待国小说,它们只是一班失了业的知识分子(作出来)的聊以解闷的东西罢了。
    One should not be too severe on English novels; they are the only relaxation of the intellectually unemployed.
  • 布鲁姆伯利国伦敦中北部的居住区,因在20世纪初期与知识界的人物,包括弗吉尼西·沃尔夫、e。m。福斯特及约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的关系而闻名于世
    A residential district of north-central London, England, famous for its associations with members of the intelligentsia, including Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and John Maynard Keynes, in the early20th century.
  • 虽然他有很重的法国口音,但一点也不影响讲语的人听懂他的话。
    He speaks with a strong French accent, which by no means affected his intelligibility to an english ear.
  • 目光紧盯别人不放在国被认为是无礼的,如果小孩子看别人的时间过长,目光过于热切,会遭到父母的训斥。
    Staring at people is considered rude in Britain and young children will be reprimanded by their parents if they look too long and too intensely at another person.
  • 许多国人外出旅行到一些国家时,常有被人盯着而颇感不安的经历,这是因为他们从小受到的教育和他们的文化都表明盯着他人看是无礼的、不友好的行为。
    Many English people traveling to some countries find being looked at intensely an unnerving experience because of this early training and their culture's definition of it as being rude and unwelcoming.
  • 这个学期你们有语精读课程吗?
    Do you have an intensive reading of English this term?
  • 他们没有学习语的意图。
    They have no intention of studying English.
  • 当然这些北大学生是从中国广大人口中筛选出来的精,但是如果不是基于北大的历史与传统,他们不会有足够的信心跟美国总统进行有效的对话。
    Of course, the students of Beida are very intelligent because they are selected from a large population base. But without the sense of Beida's history and tradition, they would not have this confidence to interact effectively with the American President.
  • 香港除了在学校里,在其他语文教学方面,都尽可能使用双语授课(香港学生即使在文中学读书,课本虽是文,但授课时仍是双语并用),课外更大力提倡以华语交流。
    There, schools use both languages for teaching whenever possible. (Even in the English secondary schools, the lessons are sometimes conducted in both languages though the textbooks are often in English) .Students are also encouraged to interact in Chinese outside their schools.
  • 香港除了在学校里,在其他语文教学方面,都尽可能使用双语授课(香港学生即使在文中学读书,课本虽是文,但授课时仍是双语并用),课外更大力提倡以华语交流。
    There, schools use both languages for teaching whenever possible. (Even in the English secondary schools, the lessons are sometimes conducted in other languages though the textbooks are often in English.) Students are also encouraged to interact in Chinese outside their schools.
  • 这次比赛展示了天津市较高的语教学水平,加强了院校之间的交流与合作。
    This competition revealed the high English standards in Tianjin and promoted intercollegiate exchange and cooperation.
  • 语在国际交往中比德语使用得更为广泛。
    English is more widespread and more used in international intercourse than German.
  • "近来,人们对开凿吉利海峡隧道的想法又有了很大兴趣。"
    "Recently, there has again been great interest in the idea of a Channel Tunnel."
  • [英]怀孕, 有喜
    in an interesting condition [situation]
  • 隔行插入译文的语教科书
    an English text with an interlinear translation
  • 舞蹈不应只是歌曲间的穿插表演而应成为独立的艺术形式这一主张,首先由国人约翰·韦弗提出。几十年后,让·乔治·诺弗尔——芭蕾史上最重要的人物之——在其著名的《关于舞蹈和芭蕾舞论》(1760年)里,宣传厂不少同样的想法。
    The idea that dance should not be just an interlude between songs but should be self-sufficient was first Put forward by the Englishman John Weaver, Jean-Georges Noverre, one of the most important figures in the history of ballet, propagated much the same idea a few decades later in his famous Letters on Dancing arid Ballet(1760).
  • 法国和国间的一系列间断性战争;1337年到1453年。
    the series of wars fought intermittently between France and England; 1337-1453.
  • 巴邻帝,巨港印度尼西亚的城市,位于苏门答腊岛东南部。在17和18世纪它是印度王国的权力中心,在1617年它成为荷兰的贸易港并且后来紧接着被国占领。人口787,187
    A city of Indonesia on southeast Sumatra Island. Center of a powerful Hindu kingdom in the seventh and eighth centuries, it became a Dutch trading post in1617 and was later occupied intermittently by the British. Population,787, 187.
  • 良师育才,桃李满天下南开大学。
    Internationally known site of learning and academic research-- Nankai University.
  • 国在欧洲和国际环境下,为推行国内经济体制改革日程方面做了很多工作。
    The UK words hard to promote the economic reform agenda domestically, within the European context and internationally.
  • [英]俘虏收容所
    an internment camp (=[美]detention camp)