  • 时下鲜和礼篮也十分流行,朱莉娅·ng如是说。
    Flowers and gift baskets are always popular favourites for the day, reveals Julia Ng.
  • 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提名。
    In 1989, a year after Mystic Pizza, Julia was nominated of an Oscar for Steel Magnolias.
  • 这是我在旧货拍卖场简直没钱买到的。
    I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale.
  • 这是我在旧货拍卖场简直没钱买到的。
    I get it next to nothing in a jumble sale.
  • 样跳绳高小红得分最高。
    Gao Xiaohong got the highest score in fancy rope jumping.
  • 拱,穹隆在天板和墙之间形成交汇点的弯曲表面
    A curved surface forming a junction between a ceiling and a wall.
  • 永新、酃县、宁冈、遂川四县交界的大小五井山区,和永新、宁冈、茶陵、莲四县交界的九陇山区,这两个地形优越的地方,特别是既有民众拥护、地形又极险要的大小五井,不但在边界此时是重要的军事根据地,就是在湘鄂赣三省暴动发展的将来,亦将仍然是重要的军事根据地。
    The Five Wells mountain area at the juncture of Yunghsin, Linghsien, Ningkang and Suichuan Counties, and the Chiulung mountain area at the juncture of Yunghsin, Ningkang, Chaling and Lienhua Counties, both of which have topographical advantages, are important military bases not only for the border area at present, but also for insurrections in Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi in the future, and this is particularly true of Five Wells, where we have the support of the people as well as a terrain that is especially difficult and strategically important.
  • 六月份你可以看到好多
    You could see many flowers in june.
  • 我想看人类进程的展示,时代的万筒。
    I should want to see the pageant of man's progress, the kaleidoscope of the ages.
  • 可他立即国目前的急需驱走了万筒一样的回忆。
    But he swiftly dismissed the kaleidoscope of memory, oppressed by the urgent need of the present.
  • 一种普通的多年生棋盘;产自从田纳西州到堪萨斯州到得可萨斯州地区。
    a common perennial death camas; Tennessee to Kansas to Texas.
  • 一种小灌木,具有短且多叶的枝干,数量众多的小头周围带有黄色到橙色的边;分布于亚利桑纳州南部直到墨西哥和堪萨斯州的东部。
    subshrub having short leafy stems and numerous small flower heads with nearly round yellow-orange rays; Arizona south to Mexico and east to Kansas.
  • 浓密的小灌木,头状序类似紫苑,有白色的边;生长在从亚利桑那州向东至堪萨斯州、向南至墨西哥的沙漠地区。
    bushy subshrub having flower heads that resemble asters with broad white rays; found in desert areas of Arizona east to Kansas and south to Mexico.
  • 现在生意很顺利,她不久就可以说服她的丈夫,至少六个星期去度个像样的假。
    The business was now on an even keel, and soon she'd be able to persuade her husband to take a decent holiday of at least six weeks.
  • 如果这雨继续下,园就完蛋了。
    If this rain keeps up the garden will be ruined.
  • 好,凯利先生。你想订什么样的
    Fine, mr. kelly. What do of flower do you have in mind?
  • 我是吉姆凯利。我想订些请你们送到我家。
    This is Jim Kelly. I'd like to order some flowers and have them sent to my home.
  • 当大卫转过身回答简的问题时,凯利却把割草机推到了草坪边的圃上--结果割草机所过之处,尸遍地,原本美丽的圃留下了一条2尺宽的小径。
    As David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn -- leaving a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!
  • 他们的小狗罗佛的窝在后园。
    Their dog Rover lives in a kennel in the back garden.
  • 爆玉米上述玉米种子爆制而成的可食物
    The edible, popped kernels of this variety of corn.
  • 北美一种草本植物,叶嫩而多裂,乳黄色,密生,出自根状茎上的小块茎,总状序。
    American plant with cream-colored flowers and tuberous roots resembling kernels of corn.
  • 光滑山核桃树美国东部的两种落叶树的一种(山核桃属光滑山核桃或山核桃属甜山核桃),长有羽状的复叶、以柔苇序聚集的雄和核略有苦味的果实
    Either of two deciduous trees(Carya glabra or C. ovalis) of the eastern United States, having pinnately compound leaves, male flowers grouped in catkins, and nuts with somewhat bitter kernels.
  • 回鹘人落居西域及其建立的这些地方政权与中原王朝关系十分密切,喀喇汗王朝的统治者就自称“桃石汗”,意即“中国之汗”,表示自己是属于中国的。
    The Uighur local regimes had very close relations with the ruling dynasties in the Central Plains. The ruler of the Karahan Kingdom called himself the “Peach Stone Khan,” meaning “Chinese Khan,” to indicate that he was a Chinese subject.
  • 类似于牛排和腰馅饼,但是没有牛排。
    like steak and kidney pie but without steak.
  • 再说我也没有点这煎牛腰呀。
    And I didn't order this fried ox kidney, either.
  • 美洲的野,有肾状的唇瓣。
    any of several American wildflowers with a kidney-shaped lip.
  • 、牛排和洋葱在酒中翻炒,拿面皮包住,然后烤制。
    steak with sauteed kidneys and onions cooked in wine and stock then covered with pastry and baked.
  • 霜使花枯萎。
    The frost killed the flowers.
  • 底鳉一种产于大西洋沿岸圣·劳伦斯海湾南部胖体鳉(异背底鳉鳉鱼属),尤用作鱼饵
    A stout-bodied killifish(Fundulus heteroclitus) of the Atlantic coast south of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, valued especially as bait.
  • 香港的另一种“电车”是由山顶缆车有限公司经营的缆车。缆车线全长1.4公里,从中环(园道)直达山顶。该线在一八八八年投入服务,并曾在一九八九年进行现代化工程。
    Hong Kong's other tramway is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central (Garden Road) to the Peak. The 1.4-kilometre line began operation in 1888 and was modernised in 1989.
  • 向日葵羞于把无名的朵看作它的同胞。
    The sunflower blushed to own the nameless flower as her kin.
  • 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿未来的日子锦上添
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday. You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted. May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too.