  • 他把合同交自己的好朋友的时候骗了他(她)。
    he acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend.
  • 他的行为他的家庭带来了耻辱。
    His behaviors have brought dishonor onto his family.
  • 多伦多一家小咖啡店的老板最近被一张由加拿大邮政发他的邮政账单弄得心慌慌。账单上的欠费数额可真是不小——达24亿加元(相当于16亿美元)。
    The owner of a small Toronto coffee shop had grounds for dismay when he received a bill for C$2.4 billion ($1.6 billion) from Canada's postal service.
  • 1942年5月,当苏军一位脾气暴烈的师长得知上级委派他一个由254名妇女新组建的战斗机飞行团,而且她们大部分还不足20岁时,他沮丧地垂下双手。
    In May 1942 a gruff Soviet division commander thew up his hands in dismay when he learned that a new regiment of combat pilots assigned to him consisted of 254 women, most of them less then 20 years old.
  • 您能我讲讲迪斯尼乐园的情况吗?
    Could you tell me something about Disneyland?
  • 于是什么“一次革命论”呀,共产主义不适合中国国情呀,共产党在中国没有存在之必要呀,八路军新四军破坏抗日、游而不击呀,陕甘宁边区是封建割据呀,共产党不听话、不统一、有阴谋、要捣乱呀,来这么一套,骗那些不知世事的人,以便时机一到,资本家们就很有理由地去拿百分之四十九或五十一,而把全民族的利益一概卖敌人。
    Hence the whole bag of tricks for deceiving those who do not know what is going on in the world around them--the "theory of a single revolution", the tales that communism does not suit the national conditions of China, that there is no need for a Communist Party in China, that the Eighth Route and the New Fourth Armies are sabotaging the anti-Japanese war and are merely moving about without fighting, that the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region is a feudal separatist regime, that the Communist Party is disobedient, dissident, intriguing and disruptive--and all for the purpose of providing the capitalists with good grounds for getting their 49 or 51 per cent and selling out the nation's interests to the enemy at the opportune moment.
  • 很抱歉,爱莫能助,我没有钱借你。
    Sorry to be so disobliging, but I have no money to lend you.
  • 很抱歉,爱莫能助,我没有钱借你。
    Sorry to is so disobliging, but I have no money to lend you.
  • 一名通讯员被派去前线士兵送消息。
    A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
  • 给水调度
    water supply system dispatch
  • 税务局:能我看一下您的派遣证明吗?
    Tax official: Do you have certificate of the dispatch?
  • 拿这个处方到药房,他们就会你配药了。
    Take the prescription to the dispensary and they'll make it out.
  • 他指挥分发食物难民。
    He directed the dispensation of food to the refugees.
  • 予特许;同意免除。
    grant a dispensation; grant an exemption.
  • 特赦予宗教的豁免或特赦
    To grant an ecclesiastical indulgence or dispensation to.
  • (罗马教会1000多年以来一直反对近亲结婚,但是对于它认为是相配的姻缘却予特许。
    (The Roman Catholic Church has opposed cousin marriages for more than a millennium but gives dispensation to couples considered worthy.
  • 医生开处方病人配药。
    The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient.
  • 分发,分配,分分成并分发成几个部分
    To divide and dispense in portions.
  • 请赐我们以人生的奢侈品吧,我们将会扔掉一切必需品。
    Give us the luxury of life and we will dispense with necessary.
  • 既然你不舒服,这用的工作就你免除了。
    Since you are not comfortable, I'll dispense your duties for the week.
  • 星期六上午我父亲郑重其事地每个孩子发零花钱。
    On saturday morning my father solemnly dispense pocket money to each of the children.
  • 如果你往这台机器里放一枚硬币,它就会供你咖啡。
    This machine dispenses coffee to anyone who puts in a coin.
  • 我们管它叫杰基。它毫无保留地接受了我们这个大家庭,而我们也把爱倾注这只失去了家但幸运的小卷毛狗。
    Jacky,as we named him,accepted our large family without reservation.We in turn lavished our love upon the displaced but lucky little poodle.
  • 在计算机制图技术中,通过改变同一显示场中所有其它显示组的属性来加强定显示组的显示效果。
    In computer graphics, emphasizing a given display group by changing the attitudes of all the other display groups in the same display field.
  • 这个每周一次的节目观众们提供了一个向制片人反映不讨他们喜欢的电视节目的机会。
    This weekly programme gives viewers the chance to talk back to producers on aspects of broadcasting that displease them.
  • 我们把一切事情都交他处理。
    We placed everything at his disposal.
  • 我把车给他使用。
    I put my car at his disposal.
  • 公司我配备了一名秘书.
    The firm put a secretary at my disposal.
  • 我将把这事留莫茨先生处理。
    I'll leave the matter at Mr. Motz's disposal.
  • 我将把这事留莫茨先生处理。
    I 'll leave the matter at Mr. Motz 's disposal.
  • 我将把这批书送乡下孩子。
    I shall dispose of these books to the village boys.
  • 他先要求一方当事人接受提议,从而“中间人一个面子”,这提议之中也包含一个顾全另一方当事人面子的姿态。
    The mediator first tells one party that he or she must "give the mediator face" by accepting what is proposed. Contained in the proposal is a face-saving gesture for the other disputant.