  • 真人真事:在他去埃及旅行的一张照片上可以看到在一队旅游者正在凝望国王谷时,依万斯特却盯垃圾堆看,数可乐罐。
    True story: A photograph from his trip to Egypt shows a group of tourists gazing at the Valley of the Kings--Ivester is staring into the garbage, counting Coke cans.
  • 这位「调解员」去那里后,静静听。尽量让这位好争论的老先生,发泄他满肚子的牢骚。
    This “troubleshooter” listened and let the cantankerous customer enjoy himself pouring out his tirade.
  • 终点之后的慢跑并非止步不前,因为活便不能如此。
    The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest, it cannot be while you still live.
  • 至于一九五九至八零年间建成的楼宇,该署则已委聘顾问,就13083幢楼宇的钢筋腐蚀和物料衰坏情况进行研究,特别眼于楼宇的悬臂式构筑物。
    For buildings in the 1959-80 age group, the department commissioned a consultancy study on the steel corrosion and material deterioration of 13083 buildings, with particular emphasis on their cantilevered structures.
  • 它现在被辟为广东省民间工艺馆,陈列各种工艺品。
    It's been labeled as the Folk Craft Exhibition Hall of Canton with various handicraft articles on display.
  • 户外使用的折叠椅;一个木头架支撑一块帆布。
    a folding chair for use outdoors; a wooden frame supports a length of canvas.
  • 云层覆盖着森林。
    Clouds capped the woods. (喻)
  • 登山队员们接近山顶时才发现大雪覆盖山顶。
    Only when the nountaineers got near to the top, they found that snow had capped the mountains.
  • 戴着帽子。
    Keep one's cap on
  • 约翰觉得很尴尬,用手抚弄自己的几十。
    John, greatly embarrassed, fiddled with his cap.
  • 男孩戴一顶新帽子。
    The boy has on a new cap.
  • 她披着一件红披肩。
    She wore a red cape.
  • 那艘船顶风经过海角。
    The ship weathered the cape.
  • 苏斯跑出来告诉我们这个好消息。你母亲非常高兴,她拍手在路中间跳起了舞。
    Susie ran out to tell out to us the good news. Your mother was so delighted she claped her hands and cut a caper in the middle of the road.
  • 在密封的毛细管内的底部有装有水银的球状物,向上通有小管随温度的上升水银会上升。
    mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed capillary tube expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in the tube.
  • 法国的商界究竟应从何处手,优先抓紧这些良机?
    And where can the French business community best capitalise on such opportunities?
  • 德国的商界究竟应从何处手,优先抓紧这些良机?
    And where can the German business community best capitalise on such opportunities?
  • 当宣布英国节将在正对舞厅的泰晤士河南岸举行时,埃里克开始盘算该如何在自己家门口举办的这次盛会上捞一笔。
    When it was announced that the Festival of Britain was being held on the South Bank,just across the Thames,Eric began to wonder how he could capitalise on this huge event which was taking place virtually on his doorstep.
  • 一场经济危机正在威胁资本主义世界。
    An economic crisis was hanging over the capitalist world.
  • 一场经济危机正在威胁资本主义世界。
    An economic crisis was hovering over the capitalist world.
  • 所谓政治进攻,就是重于分化抗日统一战线,分裂国共合作,引诱国民党政府投降,而不是重于大规模的军事进攻。
    Political offensives mean concentration not on launching large-scale military attacks but on disrupting the anti-Japanese united front, breaking up Kuomintang-Communist co-operation and inducing the Kuomintang government to capitulate.
  • 例如在第一次世界大战中,德国屈服的前夜,这时协约国变成了绝对优势,德国则变成了绝对劣势,结果德国失败,协约国获胜,这是战争结局存在绝对的优势和劣势之例。
    For instance, on the eve of Germany's capitulation in World War I, the Entente countries became absolutely superior and Germany absolutely inferior, so that Germany was defeated and the Entente countries were victorious; This is an example of absolute superiority and inferiority towards the end of a war.
  • 龟甲,玳瑁某些乌龟或甲鱼肉体上覆盖的有花纹,角质、透明的,褐色的甲壳特别是玳瑁龟的甲壳,通常用来制作梳子,珠宝和其它工艺品
    The mottled, horny, translucent, brownish covering of the carapace of certain tortoises or turtles, especially the hawksbill, used to make combs, jewelry, and other articles.
  • 吉普赛人坐大篷车旅行。
    The gipsy traveled in caravans.
  • 高速公路上挤满了牵引宿营车的小轿车。
    The motorway is jammed with cars towing caravan.
  • 她有自己的屋子,一边是铺毛毯的床,另一边是已教会她使用的便盆。
    She has her own caravan, with a nest of blankets, which is her bed, in one corner; and a potty, which she has been trained to use, in another.
  • 纤维素一种复杂的碳水化合物,(c6h10o5)n,由葡萄糖分子组成,是大部分植物细胞壁的主要成分,在许多产品生产如纸张、织物、药物和炸药中起重要作用
    A complex carbohydrate,(C6H10O5)n, that is composed of glucose units, forms the main constituent of the cell wall in most plants, and is important in the manufacture of numerous products, such as paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and explosives.
  • 然而,这普遍流行且正感染下一代人的阿特金斯饮食理念让另外一些食品公司大伤脑筋。这些食品公司以销售富含碳水化合物的食物为主,如意大利面、比萨饼、饼干和谷类食品等,顾客对这些食品的喜好将决定他们能否营利。
    But the popularity of Atkins' eating advice, now appealing to another generation, is fraying the nerves of some food companies who rely on the consumer appetite for carbohydrate-laden foods such as pastas and pizzas, cakes, cookies and cereals, to add heft to their own bottom lines.
  • 空晶石红柱石的一种矿物质,沿晶体的长晶轴上有规律地排列含碳杂质
    A mineral variety of andalusite with carbonaceous impurities regularly arranged along the longer axis of the crystal.
  • 珍珠在几种软体动物的贝壳中,围绕一粒沙子或其他外来物质形成的一种光滑、有色泽、具有不同颜色且主要是碳酸钙的沉积物,被珍视为宝石
    A smooth, lustrous, variously colored deposit, chiefly calcium carbonate, formed around a grain of sand or other foreign matter in the shells of certain mollusks and valued as a gem.
  • 美国人购买由大豆挤压而成的统一的条状“腌肉”、装在小塑料盒里的‘‘液体人造鸡蛋”、脱脂乳酪以及掺有他们都念不出来的化合物的炭化苏打,还有充溢树汁的高纤维面包。
    (The label low flavour' would be super- fluous. ) Americans buy uniform strips of 'bacon'extruded from soyabeans, liquid fake eggs in little plastic cartons, fat-free cheese that resembles re-cycled running shoes, carbonated sodas flavoured with chemicals they can't even pronounce, and high-fibre bread bulked out with wood pulp.
  • 全国上下,那些有家室的人会把他们的“韦伯”烤架打扫干净,给孩子们打开一袋袋的热狗,给大人们则准备了一盘盘的鸡、牛排和猪排,把一块块的煤浸在气味难闻的易燃液体里,接把肉炭化,污染空气,刺激人们的胃。
    All across the country homeowners dust off their Weber grills, open packs of hot dogs for the children and trays of chicken, steak, or ribs for the adults, douse lumps of charcoal in evil-smelling flammable liquids, and proceed to carbonise the meat, pollute the air, and irritate their stomachs.