  • 亲爱的,现在走吧,不你就会迟到了。
    Darling, go now, or you will be late.
  • 亲爱的,现在走吧,不你就会迟到了。
    Darling, go now, or you will is late.
  • “孩子啊!我早想到了。”“妈,你真棒!你当想到了。”
    "Darling boy! I had though of it already." "Bully for you, Mamma! Of course you did."
  • 交换技术成了当前工业界的宠儿,但快速以太网厂家指出,管理共享式局域网比交换式局域网更容易。
    While switching seems to be the industry's current darling, fast Ethernet vendors pointed out that it is easier to manage a shared LAN than a switched one.
  • 那小孩突冲过马路。
    The child made a sudden dart across the road.
  • 突然猛地移动;猛冲
    To move in a sudden, quick manner; dart.
  • 我飞快地冲进商店,抓起一盒可信的老牌洗衣粉,后疾步走向少件商品收款处。
    Just dart into the market,grab a box of the old reliable and scoot through the express line.
  • 而,初出茅庐,总有点胆怯,所以显得有时放大,有时加宽,有时收敛,还不敢像以后在许许多多奇妙主教堂所展现出来的那样如箭似矛地直刺天空。
    Nevertheless, timid and inexperienced at the start,it sweeps out, grows larger, restrains itself, and dares no longer dart upwards in spires and lancet windows, as it did later on, in so many marvellous cathedrals.
  • 即使杰克不参加比赛时,他仍在当地的酒店练习掷镖运动,以使技能不荒疏。
    Even when he's not playing in competitions, Jack still has a game of darts in his local pub to keep his eye in.
  • 比尔最近很少来我们的酒店,而晚上的掷镖游戏上有免费食品供应时,他总是会来的。
    Bill seldom goes to our pub these days yet he always turns up like a bad penny when there is free food on darts night.
  • 我们很自地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。
    We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.
  • 达尔文觉得他不能够以自的选择的原理去解释动植物的美,所以他只好提出性的选择这个第二大原理。
    Darwin saw that he could never account for the beauties of plant and animal life by natural selection, and he had to introduce the great secondary principle of sexual selection.
  • 达尔文学说由达尔文和其他人改进的生物进化理论,指出所有物种生物体的起源和发展都是通过小的、遗传变异的自选择来增加个体的能力,来竞争、生存和再生
    A theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.
  • 正如达尔文发现了自界有机物的发展规律一样,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律。这个规律是一个迄今为止一直被蔓延滋长的意识形态所掩盖着的简单事实,即人类必须首先吃、喝、住、穿,后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等。
    Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history, the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an over-growth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc;
  • 狼突然跑进树林中。
    The wolf dashed through the woods.
  • 玛丽的母亲罚她,两周不许外出约会,但后来她又依如故了。
    Mary's mother punished her by stopping her from dating for two weeks, but then she got back into circulation.
  • 达文波特和玛丽·皮尔斯虽击球凶猛,但移动速度却不敌威廉姆斯姊妹。
    Davenport and Mary Pierce hit the ball hard but can't move like the Williamses.
  • 汤姆斯拔出剑来,突转过身跃向戴维斯,把他刺中了。
    Thomas draws his sword, turns suddenly, leaps at Davis and runs him through.
  • 警方将在拂晓展开突搜查。
    The police will carry out a dawn raid.
  • 天气不好,工作队还是设法前进,并在天亮前到达工地。
    In spite of the weather, the working team managed to shove along and arrived at the work site before daybreak.
  • 但是,如果你正在寻找白班工作,记住你白天时间仍应保持灵活机动,才能上晚班课,相反如果你晚上干兼职工作,情况亦
    But if you're looking for a daytime job,bear in mind that you might want to remain flexible during the day and therefore take your classes at night.The reverse is true if you have a part- time evening job.
  • 一些科学家推断,每天每夜都有成千上万的流星坠落到地球上,但这一理论无法得到证明,也无法加以否定,因为大多数流星必落到江河湖海中,它们占据了地球的大部分面积。
    Some scientists theorize that thousands of meteors fall to the earth during the daytime and the nighttime, but this theory is impossible to prove or to disprove, as most would necessarily land in water, which covers most of the earth's surface.
  • 她突提出此事,我感到惊奇而不知所措。
    I was dazed by her sudden offer.
  • 地;以令人眼花缭乱的方式。
    in a daze; in a dazed manner.
  • 使发呆,使惊呆因恐惧而昏厥或发呆;使茫
    To stun or paralyze with terror; daze.
  • 她很芒,不明白发生了什么事。
    She was in a daze and could not understand what was happening.
  • 那次事故后,约翰感到昏昏
    After the accident John was dazed.
  • "仓库爆炸后,仓库保管员感到昏昏。"
    After the explosion of the storehouse the storekeeper was dazed.
  • 的成功使她感到迷惘。
    She was dazzled by her sudden success.
  • 藏民族文化至今仍是中华文化和世界文化宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。
    Tibetan culture has all along been a dazzling pearl in the treasure-house of Chinese culture as well as that of the world as a whole.
  • 拉普拉塔自科学博物馆
    Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Plata
  • 我和我丈夫陷入了一种呆板的生活中:头一晚在医院,第二天晚上在家陪女儿,后又一晚待在医院。
    My husband and I settled into a deadening routine; one night at the hospital, the next night at home to be with our daughter, then right back to the hospital.