  • 我们来设想一幅从史前时期直到现在世界能源利用的曲线图,从石器时代到近代,这曲线是缓缓上升的。
    Imagine a graph of world energy use from prehistoric times to the present. It would go up showly from the Stone Age to early modern times.
  • 总之,这幅柱状图(线图)反映了美国的初婚年龄趋势,也反映了它的社会发展进程。
    This bar graph, to conclude, is a reflection of the first marriage age trends and also of the process of social development in the U.S.
  • 情况的了解,任务的确定,兵力的部署,军事和政治教育的实施,给养的筹划,装备的整理,民众件的配合等等,都要包括在领导者们的过细考虑、切实执行和检查执行程度的工作之中。
    Grasping the situation, setting the tasks, disposing the forces, giving military and political training, securing supplies, putting the equipment in good order, making proper use of the people's help, etc. -- all these are part of the work of the guerrilla commanders, which they must carefully consider and conscientiously perform and check up on.
  • 加强基层基础工作,积极创造件,把人口与计划生育工作纳入社区基层组织管理体制和综合服务体系。
    The grassroots work should be intensified and favorable conditions actively created so that the population and family planning program can be integrated with the community management system and the comprehensive service network.
  • 第三十三 破坏性地震发生后,地震灾区的各级地方人民政府应当组织各方面力量,抢救人员,并组织基层单位和人员开展自救和互救;
    Article 33 After the occurrence of a destructive earthquake, the local people's governments at all levels in the earthquake-stricken areas shall mobilize forces from all quarters to rescue people and mobilize grassroots units and personnel for self- and mutual-rescue.
  • 近年来,内蒙古、云南、广西、贵州等盛自治区,从开展社会帮教工作,发展到创建“无毒社区”活动,逐步探索出一从最基层社区抓起,以禁吸戒毒为重点,带动整个禁毒工作的新路子。
    In recent years, the Inner Mongolia and Guangxi autonomous regions and Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces have gradually probed a new way of motivating the drug control work as a whole-starting with the grassroots units (communities), and stressing drug prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts, to establish "drug-free communities."
  • 作为炉子的一部分的用金属做成的架子。
    a framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate.
  • 您昨天来信已收悉,谨于此按您所约定的件。接受此项任务。
    I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the term you mention.
  • 在精密装置中,作为一种十字线或分度标记而使用的细线
    A fine line employed as a graticule marker or an index in a precision device.
  • 房子由一砾石路与花园相连。
    The house is connected with the garden by a gravel road.
  • 彬格莱先生,你这所房子很可爱呢,从那鹅卵石铺道上望出去,景致也很美丽。
    You have a sweet room here, Mr. Bingley, and a charming prospect over that gravel walk.
  • 第七十四 违反本法规定,占用耕地建窑、建坟或者擅自在耕地上建房、挖砂、采石、采矿、取土等,破坏种植件的,或者因开发土地造成土地荒漠化、盐渍化的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期改正或者治理,可以并处罚款;
    Article 74 Occupying cultivated land to build kilns or graves or build houses, dig sand, collect stones, do mining or collect soil from the cultivated land without authorization, thus damaging the conditions for growing crops or causing desertification and salinization due to land development in violation of this law, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order correction or improvetment within a prescribed time limit and concurrently impose a fine.
  • 配有肉卤的炸薯条
    French fries served with gravy.
  • 鸡肉片或其他肉在肉汤中与胡萝卜、洋葱一起炖制,和面或团子一起食用。
    pieces of chicken or other meat stewed in gravy with e.g. carrots and onions and served with noodles or dumplings.
  • 成群游动的羊鱼;浅灰色身体上有黄色的纹。
    schooling goatfish; grayish with yellow stripe.
  • 那些女人在上面走得两脚流血,两手破裂;但与此同时,她们把罪孽的盛装留在沿途的荆棘上,赤地抵达旅途的尽头,而这样全身赤裸地来到天主跟前,是用不着脸红的。
    women who follow them will cut their feet and graze their hands, but will at the same time leave the gaudy rags of vice hanging on the briars which line the road, and shall reach their journey's end in that naked state for which no one need feel shame in the sight of the Lord.
  • 我不喜欢这里做的炸薯,太油腻了。
    I do not like the chip they serve here-they are too greasy.
  • 李妈长叹了一声,依旧从怀里摸出那一还带着油渍的大成蓝的手巾,拭一拭眼泪。
    Li-ma drew a loud sigh and pulled out her large greasy dark blue handkerchief, as always, to wipe away a few tears.
  • 这些大大改善了他们的劳动件。
    These greatly improved their working conditions.
  • 只有两野狗从这次混乱中得到了好处,
    Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake.
  • 在这种温室里的植物能在人工件下呈现出非常好看的外形。
    a greenhouse in which plants are arranged in a pleasing manner.
  • 落实《北京市城市市容环境卫生例》、《北京市城市绿化例》等有关规定,进一步明确有关单位责任范围,定期开展检查和巡查。
    Beijing Municipal Provision on Environmental Sanitation, Beijing Municipal Provision on Greening and other stipulations will be strictly enforced to further clarify the responsibility of relevant authorities and make regular check-up and inspections.
  • 第一 为了保护、培育和合理利用森林资源,加快国土绿化,发挥森林蓄水保土、调节气候、改善环境和提供林产品的作用,适应社会主义建设和人民生活的需要,特制定本法。
    Article 1 With a view to protecting, nurturing and rationally utilizing the forest resources, speeding up the greening of the country's territory, bringing into play the roles of the forest in terms of storing water, saving soil, adjusting the climate, improving the environment and supplying forest products, and meeting the needs of the socialist construction and the people's life, this law is hereby formulated.
  • 分开东西的经线,通常指英国的格林威治经线。
    a meridian from which east and west are reckoned (usually the Greenwich (England) longitude).
  • 格雷特已具备成为一名大演员的必要件。
    Greta has got what it takes to become a great actress.
  • 劳驾,我买这灰色的裤子。
    I'll take the grey trousers, please.
  • 他穿着一件蓝上衣和一灰裤子。
    He had on a blue coat and grey trousers.
  • 棋盘格相互交叉的线,如地图的网络系统,在这种系统内部分或全部球体或别的球面被显示为一个平面
    A system of intersecting lines, such as the grid of a map, on which part or all of the globe or another spherical surface is represented as a plane surface.
  • 不卫生的敞开的下水道;严酷的不卫生的件。
    unsanitary open sewers; grim and unsanitary conditions.
  • 我躺在一凳子上,老母猫跳上了另一
    on one of these I stretched myself, and Grimalkin mounted the other.
  • 不久后他却抱着一大堆书面带笑容地回来了,"我不会让一个疯女人和一狗把我赶出家门,"他说。
    Later he returned with an armful of books and grin, " I'm not letting a crazy woman and a dog drive me out of my home," he said.
  • 脚踏两路,必定要落水。
    Between two stool you fall to the grind.