  • 在调试期间,机器语言反译成助记符的翻译过程。
    The translation of machine language back into mnemonics during debugging.
  • 一旦公司找到经销商,就在美国上市。
    their U.S. debut will come as soon as the company finds a distributor.
  • 关于你方报已获悉,经董事会同意,于12月20日前及时奉告订货事宜。
    Re yr. for noted obtund approval by board rl adv. in time for placing dr by Dec 20.
  • 去年12月28日,墨西哥愚人节的那天,更有一份报纸刊登了开玩笑的文章说福克斯在情人节那天和萨哈冈结婚。
    On Dec.28, Mexico's version of April Fool's Day, the newspaper La Prensa ran a spoof story saying that Fox would marry Sahagun on Valentine's Day.
  • 由于各个机场的负责人在盐湖城集会,纷纷表示机场无法在12月31日前安装完毕炸弹勘测仪器,美国众议院于11月13日通过了同意期限放宽一年的决议。
    The compromise passed the House on Wednesday as airport managers meeting in Salt Lake City expressed concern that many airports would not meet the Dec. 31 deadline to finish the construction needed to install bomb-detection machines.
  • 之所以有这样的错误,当然不是由于新加坡人连简单的算术都不会,而是在新加坡独立之前,我们习惯新马当作一个整体,从1941年12月8日日军在吉兰丹的哥打¤鲁登陆那天算起到日本投降,经过三年八个月。这样讲没有错,但是新加坡被日本攻占是两个月后的事,因此,说新加坡被日本统治三年八个月就不对了。
    Of course, it is not a case of Singaporeans not being able to do simple sums. Before Independence, we were used to treating Singapore and Malaysia as an entity. So, three years and eight months is right if the counting begins from 8 Dec, 1941, the day Japanese soldiers landed in Kota Baru, Kelantan. But it was only two months later that Singapore was seized.
  • 我相信这一对抗还会持续下去,并可能在下一个十年中得出结果。
    I believed that this struggle is going to go on and it might well be decided in the next decade.
  • 必须古代封建统治阶级的一切腐朽的东西和古代优秀的人民文化即多少带有民主性和革命性的东西区别开来。
    It is imperative to separate the fine old culture of the people which had a more or less democratic and revolutionary character from all the decadence of the old feudal ruling class.
  • 这位心理学家总是工作分派给每个研究员。
    The psychologist always assign work to each researcher.
  • 防止腐败或者变坏,留作来使用。
    prevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for future use.
  • 死者自己大量的不动产遗赠给了他的女儿们。
    The deceased willed his vast estate to his daughters.
  • 遗产放弃,遗产减少(当死者没有留下足够的钱能全部其遗产上所欠的钱付清时的减少)
    reducing a legacy or legacy, where the deceased person have not leave enough money to pay them all in full
  • 卡蒂于12月12日取回她圣诞储蓄存款总额。
    Katie will get her Christmas club money on December 12.
  • 到今年十二月三十一日时你几岁?
    How old will you is on December 31of this year?
  • 我们没有香蕉;没有鸡蛋了并且也没有钱买;你不能庄重一点吗?;它没有一点帮助吗;我立刻到你那。
    we have no bananas; no eggs left and no money to buy any; have you no decency?; did it with no help; I'll get you there in no time.
  • 10年一次的人口普查又在2000年举行。
    For the 2000 decennial census, that will no longer be the case.
  • 她已决定来当个医生。
    She has decided that she will be a doctor.
  • 那孩子决定来不当水手。
    The boy decided not to become a sailor.
  • 法官于明天对案子进行判决。
    The judge will decide the case tomorrow.
  • 这个国家决定货币改为十进制.
    The country decided to decimalize (its coinage).
  • 机器语言翻译成汇编语言的程序,一般通过产生符号代码的清单来翻译已有的机器语言程序。
    A program that translates from machine language to assembly language, often to decipher existing machine language programs by generating symbolic code listings.
  • 法官于明天做出判决。
    The judge will give his decision tomorrow.
  • 库诺斯克法莱色萨利东南的两座山,位于希腊东北部。塞尔维亚军佩罗皮达斯在此地战死(公元前364年)。后来(197年)在库诺斯克法莱,罗马军弗拉米尼决定性地战胜了马其顿国王菲利浦五世
    Two hills of southeast Thessaly in northeast Greece. The Theban general Pelopidas was killed in battle here(364 b.c.). Later(197) the Roman general Flaminius decisively defeated Philip V of Macedon at Cynoscephalae.
  • 香港海关收款处的报关柜位于二零零零年四月全部关闭,届时所有贸易报关均须以电子方式进行。
    The department's declaration counters in collection offices will be closed by April 2000 when submission of trade declarations by electronic means becomes compulsory.
  •  (5)总干事应签字、批准书或加入书的交存和各该文件中包括的或按第二十条第(1)款(c)项提出的声明,本议定书任何规定的主效、退出的通知以及按照第二十四条提出的通知等,通知本联盟所有国家政府。
    The Director General shall notify the Governments of all countries of the Union of signatures, deposits of instruments of ratification or accession and any declarations included in such instruments or made pursuant to Article 20 (1) (c), entry into force of any provisions of this Act, notifications of denunciation, and notifications pursuant to Article 24.
  • 句号一种表示完全停顿的标点符号(。),放在句末或认为会完成的阐述后及许多缩略式后
    A punctuation mark(.) indicating a full stop, placed at the end of declarative sentences and other statements thought to be complete, and after many abbreviations.
  • 他将公布一项声明。
    He'll publish a statement.
  • 他用小牌吃,但是被庄家牌盖吃了。
    He trumped small, but be overtrumped by the declarer.
  • 他用小牌吃,但是被庄家牌盖吃了。
    He trumps small, but is overtrumped by the declarer.
  • 他用小牌吃,但是被庄稼牌盖吃了。
    He trumped small, but was overtrumped by the declarer.
  • 他最后宣称他的努力继续下去。
    He wound up by declaring that his efforts would be continued.
  • 表明某人死时处理其财产的愿望的合法文件。
    a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die.