  • 当大规模的暴乱显示出内战的端倪时,他又在政治上和精神上发展了这一点做法,虽然时间证明这场战纯属兄弟之
    He directed it politically and spiritually while massive turbulent forces let loose in civil war, a war truly as time has shown, of brothers.
  • 当大规模的暴乱显示出内战的端倪时,他又在政治上和精神上发展了这一点做法,虽然时间证明这场战纯属兄弟之
    He directed it politically and spiritually while massive turbulent forces let loose in civil war, a war truly as time has shown, of brothers.
  • 有关政策的论导致了党内的分裂。
    Argument over policy led to a split in the party.
  • 他们花了两个小时为一些程序问题论不休。
    They spent two hours splitting hairs over matters of procedure.
  • 约翰老爱吹毛求疵,常在鸡毛蒜皮的小事上惹起论。
    John is always splitting hairs; he often starts an argument about something small and unimportant.
  • 客人们无休止的吵当然破坏了宴会的胃口。
    The never-ending quarrel among the visitors certainly spoiled their appetite for the banquet.
  • 那次访问被一次论弄糟了。
    The visit was spoilt by an argument.
  • 该大臣就政府试图在北方各郡减少失业的问题同反对派发言人进行论。
    The minister joined issue with the opposition spokesman on the question of the government's attempts to reduce unemployment in the northern countries.
  • 消息来源说……一家由索尼公司自己经营的商店……将降价出售本公司的货品并与索尼经销商竞。第一个这样的商店将在芝加哥开业。一位索尼公司女发言人[对此说法]未敢苟同。
    Sources say… a Sony-operated store …will sell the company's own goods cut-rate and compete with Sony dealers. The first such store will open in Chicago. A Sony spokeswoman begged to differ.
  • 艺术节是新加坡最重要艺术盛会,无论哪个团体受邀参加,都是全力以赴,能取到的赞助也比平常高。
    The Singapore Arts Festival is the premier arts event here. Any group that has been invited to be part of it will be able to get a higher-than-usual sponsorship and will endeavour to do its best.
  • 历史告诉我们,正确的政治的和军事的路线,不是自然地平安地产生和发展起来的,而是从斗中产生和发展起来的。
    History tells us that correct political and military lines do not emerge and develop spontaneously and tranquilly, but only in the course of struggle.
  • 利用奥运会举办城市的独特优势,结合北京重点奥运项目的需求取承办一系列世界级高水平体育比赛。
    Strive to host a number of world class sporting events in the light of the needs of Beijing's major Olympic sports by making use of the unique advantage of the Olympic host city.
  • 以正大光明或者公平竞为特点或者提倡这些。
    marked by or calling for sportsmanship or fair play.
  • 这场吵表明了一些人如何把自己的婚姻消耗在竭力改变配偶的思想上。
    This argument illustrates how some people spend their marriages struggling to change a spouse’s mind.
  • 这些原理不过是现在的阶级斗、我们眼前的历史运动的真实关系的一般表述。
    They merely express, in general terms, actual relations springing from an existing class struggle, from a historical movement going on under our very eyes.
  • 政府制订艺文政策总体方向时,首先要拓展公平竞和开放的空间,鼓励民间对文化内容的多元诠释,和容许不同表达方式,才能提供广阔的沃土,让种子发芽茁壮成林,间接在吸引人才方面更易荟萃精英,愿意在此落地生根。
    Therefore, the Singapore government would be well-advised to map out policies on arts and culture conducive to fair competition in an open and liberal environment.Discussion of cultural issues should be encouraged and different modes of expression allowed, so that talent will be more likely to come and stay, just as seeds sprout and take root more easily in rich soil.
  • 国际竞是实现现代化的动力。
    International competition was a spur to modernization.
  • 中国人民在中国共产党领导下被迫进行了三年多的人民解放战,由于当时的国民党集团倒行逆施,已为全国各族人民所唾弃,中国人民终于推翻了南京的“中华民国”政府。
    The Chinese people were compelled to respond with a people's liberation war which was to last more than three years under the leadership of the Communist Party. Since the Kuomintang clique had already been spurned by the people of all nationalities for its reign of terror, the government of the "Republic of China" in Nanjing was finally overthrown by the Chinese people.
  • 我厌恶为钱的事兴太太吵。
    I hate to squabble with my wife about money.
  • 孩子们在为谁赢了比赛而吵。
    The children were squabbling about who had won the game.
  • 发生口角因坏脾气引起的小的吵;为琐事
    To engage in a petty, bad-tempered quarrel; squabble.
  • 不要干预他们的吵--让他们个水落石出。
    Don't interfere in their squabble--let them fight it out among themselves.
  • 一个小礼物会消除这对夫妇的吵。
    The small gift will smooth over the squabble between the husband and wife.
  • 汤姆跟妹妹都著要骑那辆自行车。
    Tom keep squabble with his sister about who is going to use the bicycle.
  • 我回家总是发现你和你妹妹吵。
    I always arrive home to find you squabbling with your sister.
  • 汤姆跟妹妹都著要骑那辆自行车
    Tom kept squabbling with his sister about who was going to use the bicycle
  • 母亲再也不能忍受孩子的吵时,就抓住他俩的头发碰撞他们的头。
    When the mother could bear the children's squabbling no longer, she grabbed them both by the hair and knocked their heads together.
  • “‘我对你的爱更深’的感觉可以被压制一时,但并不会彻底消失,常常会在吵中浮现。”
    "That feeling of 'I've always loved you more' may be subverted for a time, but it never goes away completely and it often emerges in squabbling."
  • 不要把论搁在一边,而要正视它,解决它。
    Don't try to set aside an issue; face it squarely and settle it.
  • 对越自卫还击战,在军事上、政治上都得到了胜利,不仅对于稳定东南亚局势,而且对于国际反霸斗,已经起了重大的作用,将来还会起作用。
    Our self-defensive counter-attack on Viet Nam has brought us victories both military and political, and has been a major, long-term factor both in stabilizing the situation in Southeast Asia and in carrying on the worldwide struggle against hegemonism.
  • 但这在全战中只是三个阶段中的一个阶段,虽然其时间可能最长。
    Though this stage will possibly be the longest, it is still only one of the three stages in the entire war.
  • 我们中国几十年来的革命运动,经过了许多的奋斗阶段,但是没有一次像现在的抗日战这样广大的。
    Our revolutionary movement has gone through many stages of struggle in the last decades, but at no stage has it been so broad as in the present War of Resistance.