  • 如果我们能够在思想上提出正确的革命理论,对于他们的反革命理论给以坚决的打击;如果我们在政治上采取适合时宜的策略步骤,对于他们的反共反进步政策给以坚决的打击;如果我们采取适当的军事步骤,对于他们的军事进攻给以坚决的打击;那末,就有可能限制他们实施反动政策的范围,就有可能逼迫他们承认进步势力的地位,就有可能发展进步势力,争取中势力,而使他们陷于孤立。
    If in the ideological sphere we can put forward correct revolutionary theory and strike hard at their counter-revolutionary theory, if in the political sphere we adopt tactics suited to the times and strike hard at their anti-Communist and anti-progressive policies, and if in the military sphere we take appropriate measures and strike back hard at their attacks, then we shall be able to restrict the effective range of their reactionary policy and compel them to recognize the status of the progressive forces, and we shall be able to expand the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces.
  • 受伤的左前锋只好退出比赛,在剩下的时里坐在一旁。
    The injured left forward was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.
  • 受伤的右中卫只好退出比赛,在剩下的时里坐在一旁。
    The injured right halfback was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.
  • 对于很多非科技人员来说,德莱克斯勒的设计介于科学和想像之而给人以强烈的印象。
    To many nonscientists, Drexier's projections for nanotechnology straddled the border between science and fiction in a compelling way.
  • 弥补时运动或走得更快以便弥补失去的时
    To move or travel fast, as in an attempt to compensate for lost time.
  • 扼要来说,建议会把现时联交所赔偿基金的最高赔偿限额由以每失责证券公司为基准计算,改为以每个投资者为基准计算。
    In essence, the reform proposes to change the current Unified Exchange Compensation Fund from a maximum compensation limit based on a per defaulting broker basis to a maximum compensation limit per investor basis.
  • 产品反购指的是接产品补偿。
    Product counter-purchase refer to compensation by indirect product.
  • 实际上我真的希望能够再有足够的时去好好地参加比赛啊。
    Hopefully I will eventually have enough spare time to compete seriously again.
  • 该局又举办配合新法例的专门训练课程,例如体力处理操作训练课程、货柜处理业的平安咭训练课程、叉式起重车操作训练课程,以及专为在密闭空工作而设的合资格操作员训练课程。
    Specialised training programmes in support of the new legislation were also held on such topics as manual handling, 'Safety Card' training courses on cargo handling, fork lift truck operations and competency courses for working in confined spaces.
  • 她办事认真,严守时,打字娴熟。
    She had been competent, punctual, a good typist.
  • 这意味着他们之的竞争是非常激烈的。
    That means they're all competing for exclusive stories.
  • 垄断性联营互相竞争的企业之达成的协议,涉及共同控制生产、市场营销及产品价格
    An agreement between competing business concerns to establish controls over production, market, and prices for common profit.
  • 当学习变成一种负担,要在有限的空里培养足够的兴趣,就变成一项艰巨工程。
    It is an arduous task to get young people keen on the language when there are so many competing interests.
  • 比赛应在运动员之进行。
    Competition should be between athletes.
  • 比赛应在运动员之进行。
    Competition should is between athletes.
  • 和赛会之的暧昧关系
    A cozy agreement with the competition.
  • 提高香港内部和在国际的竞争力,推动我们的经济持续增长。
    It will enhance our competitiveness both within Hong Kong and internationally to sustain our economic growth.
  • 为另一个国家或商业上的竞争者雇用的作谍的人。
    someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor.
  • 关于民族舞蹈、民歌谣、藏戏音乐、曲艺音乐、器乐、曲艺、民歌、民故事、谚语的集成志书,也在全面普查收集资料和整理编纂之中。
    Materials are being garnered on the basis of surveys for the compilation of books about Tibetan dance, folk rhymes, music in Tibetan opera and folk art, instrumental music, folk art history, folk songs, folklore and proverbs.
  • 据新线公司24日介绍,这部收录了许多新出炉的精彩镜头的预告片,将于美国东部时9月30日午夜12点之后正式搬上网络,让观众先睹为快。
    The trailer, a compilation of scenes from the upcoming movie, will be available for a 24-hour period beginning at one minute after midnight, EDT, on Monday, September 30, New Line said in a statement issued on Tuesday.
  • 关于民族舞蹈、民歌谣、藏戏音乐、曲艺音乐、器乐、曲艺、民歌、民故事、谚语的集成志书,也在全面普查收集资料和整理编纂之中。
    Materials are being garnered on the basis of surveys for the compilation of books about Tibetan dance, folk rhymes, music in Tibetan opera and folk art, instrumental music, folk art history, folk songs, folklore and proverbs. Collation and edit is being done now.
  • 两者的差别与它们如何编撰网站编目有关。
    The difference between the two is related to how they compile their site listings.
  • 至少我们中的大部分人在心里能编排一份“要做”和“不要做”的令人生畏的条目。
    Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of "do's" and "don'ts".
  • 计算完成一项作业所需的时。例如,汇编时、编译期、响应时、运行时、翻译[变换]时
    The time interval for computer to complete a task. e.g., assemble duration, compile duration, response duration, run duration, translate duration.
  • 新年是下决心的时候,至少我们中的大部分人在心里能编排一份“要做”和“不要做”的令人生畏的条目。
    The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of 'do's' and 'don'ts'.
  • 医生们搜集了数千个病例来证明吸烟与癌症之的关系。
    Doctors compiled thousands of case histories to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer.
  • 在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期便可能泄漏专用程序。
    In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.
  • 在编译程序中,一种用来确定计算机程序元素之特殊相关性的方法。
    In compilers, a technique used to determine the specific interdependencies of elements of a computer program.
  • 游客抱怨说房太脏了。
    The tourist complained that the room was too dirty.
  • 抱怨饭菜、房等等。
    Complain about food, room, etc.
  • 抱怨隔壁房间太吵
    Complain about the noise in he next room
  • 根据服务提供方补充条例的规定,申诉方应在要求的时内按照要求的金额向服务提供方支付固定的初始费用。
    The Complainant shall pay to the Provider an initial fixed fee, in accordance with the Provider's Supplemental Rules, within the time and in the amount required.