  • 这只小鸟死,因此它没有引起猫的注意。
    The young bird played dead and the cat ignored it.
  • 这个手稿的饰很精致。
    The illumination of the manuscript is delicate.
  • 酒精灯一种有油或酒精并通过灯芯燃烧来照明的容器
    A vessel containing oil or alcohol burned through a wick for illumination.
  • 错觉艺术手法在美术和饰中使用的造成幻觉效果的技术或方法
    The use of illusionary techniques and devices in art or decoration.
  • 由于任何人都很容易搞到一杆枪,以致武抢劫的发案率像前面所讲的那样迅速增加。
    And as it is easy for anyone to lay his hand on gun, armed robbery has been fast rising in frequency as is illustrated by the figures above.
  • 自动跳起式置或立体图片
    A device or an illustration that pops up.
  • 盒的后面我想可以搞个一个人在使用电脑的插图。
    For the back of the package, I like some type of illustration which show someone using a computer.
  • 正文正文,如一本书中区别于插图和其他饰的文字
    The text, as of a book, distinct from illustrations or other ornamentation.
  • 插图用在印刷品(如书)中说明和饰性的部分,如线条画或照片
    An illustrative and decorative element, such as a line drawing or a photograph, used in a printed work, such as a book.
  • 能够放大图像的置。
    an instrument that magnifies an image.
  • 坚持以科学的理论武人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人。
    We should continue to arm people with scientific theory, provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with lofty ideals, and inspire them with excellent works of literature and art.
  • 演员使用的用来扮演黑人的化品(通常用焦土)。
    the makeup (usually burnt cork) used by a performer in order to imitate a Negro.
  • 她的天真只是一种伪
    Her innocence is only an imitation.
  • 作老於世故,而实际上却很不成熟。
    He pretends he's been around but he's really very immature.
  • 此外,又印备内载廉署信息的袋电话簿,在罗湖出入境管制站向新移民派发。
    A pocket-size telephone book with ICAC messages was distributed to every immigrant at the Lo Wu immigration control point.
  • 固定并保护身体的一部分的整形外科置。
    an orthopedic device used to immobilize and protect a part of the body (as a broken leg).
  • 伊朗政府向各个商店颁布了指令,严令禁止生产和销售"不合道德标准的服":就是那种紧身的、太短的衣服。
    Authorities sent directives to shops to stop the production and sale of "immoral coats," which are body-clinging and too short, the newspapers reported.
  • 得过多而使功能消弱。
    fill to excess so that function is impaired.
  • 用中空的铁造的形状象人的具有长钉以惩罚罪犯的置。
    hollow iron frame shaped like the human body and lined with spikes to impale the victim.
  • 一种不耐烦的表示;出感兴趣的样子。
    made a display of strength; a show of impatience; a good show of looking interested.
  • “完全”为了对“不全”的爱,把自己饰得美丽。
    The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the Imperfect.
  • 一种可以防潮的纸张状透明物,用来包糖块、香烟等。
    a transparent paper-like product that is impervious to moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc..
  • 打碎土块并使土地松软的耕作置。
    a cultivating implement that pulverizes or smoothes the soil.
  • 军事法规、军事规章在武力量内部实施;
    The military statutes and regulations are implemented within the armed forces.
  • 把松散的东西握在一块的各种各样的小置。
    any of various small implements used to hold loose articles together.
  • 他假理解了老师话的全部含意。
    He pretended to understand the full implications of his teacher 's remark.
  • 当然,对好多家庭而言,无止境满足孩子对时、唱片和音乐会的要求从经济上讲是不可能的。
    For many families, of course, keeping up with their children's costly demands for designer clothing, CDs, and concert tickets is a financial impossibility.
  • 出假面目的人;冒名顶替者
    One who assumes a false pose; an impostor.
  • 置的像灯塔被抛锚在永久的灯塔处将会是不可行的。
    a ship equipped like a lighthouse and anchored where a permanent lighthouse would be impracticable.
  • 腔作势者为给人留下印象而故作姿态、性格或风度的人
    One who affects a particular attitude, character, or manner to impress others.
  • (在说话、书写或行动中)腔作势
    K, write or behave in an affected way in order to impress others
  • 别忘了,第一个印象很紧。经过意见调查我们发现目前用塑料潢入口处大厅是不行的。
    Remember first impressions count and the survey found that vinyl entrance foyers just don't cut it these days.