  • (在式足球中)因为其它队的犯规或伤害而允许的一个定位踢球。
    (in soccer) a place kick that is allowed for a foul or infringement by the other team.
  • 豪,威廉1729-1814北美军总司令。虽然他在多次战役中打败了乔治·华盛顿,但他无力使其投降,并于1778年返回
    American inventor and manufacturer who designed early sewing machines(1845 and1846) and subsequently won patent-infringement suits against a number of manufacturers, including Isaac M. Singer.
  • 《圣经》中有提及国人的话:“柔顺的人们是有福的,因为他们将会继承大地”。
    The English mentioned in the bible: bless is the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
  • 《圣经》中有提及国人的话:“柔顺的人们是有福的,因为他们将会继承大地”。
    The English are mentioned in the Bible: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
  • 主持这项研究的是国北部纽卡斯大学的保罗·麦卡德尔博士,他说:"这些研究发现表明,如果青少年同龄人中间的毒品传播现象不是非常严重的话,生活在双亲家庭的青少年就可能杜绝吸毒现象。"
    "These findings suggest that living with both parents may inhibit drug use but only if availability through peer networks is not very high," said Dr. Paul McArdle, of Newcastle University in northern England, who led the study.
  • 他用500镑的开办费或初期投资创办了此企业。
    He started the business with an initial expenditure or initial investment of £500.
  • 国的买房制度最初是依赖买卖双方没有法律支持的君子协定。
    The English system of house-buying depends initially upon a gentleman's agreement between the buyer and the seller without and backing from the law.
  • 那是一架昂贵的像机。在像机皮套的背面,用黄色标着本人语姓名的第一个字母。
    It is a very expensive camera. I labeled with my English initials in yellow on the back side of it.
  • 法院判给伤者5000镑损害赔偿费.
    The court awarded 5000 (in) damages to the injured man.
  • 向内地100里处丛林较少。
    There's not much jungle 100 miles inland.
  • 这个市镇距内地五里。
    the town is five miles inland.
  • 瓦士湾格兰中东部附近的北海一海湾。瓦士湾有一人工开挖的通往金斯林的航道
    An inlet of the North Sea off east-central England. The Wash has a dredged ship channel that leads to King's Lynn.
  • 阿帕拉契科拉河美国佛罗里达州西北部的一条河流,从乔治亚洲边界向南注入墨西哥湾的海口阿伯拉契科拉海湾,流程约180公里(112里)
    A river of northwest Florida flowing about180 km(112 mi) southward from the Georgia border to Apalachicola Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 格兰队在最初几局里获300分.
    England made 300 runs in their first innings.
  • 先进的教学方法;关于这个问题的先进的见解;先进企业;国的工业是很先进的吗?
    the advanced teaching methods; had advanced views on the subject; a forward-looking corporation; is British industry innovative enough?
  • 还有一个跟他闹革新的工人,那就是唐
    One of the workers who followed in his steps as an innovator was Tang Ying.
  • 女性的平均腰围则从1920年的22寸增加到50年代的24寸,现在,则是30寸。
    Women's waists have grown from an average of 22in in 1920 to 24 ins in the Fifties and 30in now.
  • 我认为应该“用语教语”,而且,语言与文化是不可分割的。
    I believe we must"use English to teach English" and that language and culture are inseparable.
  • 插音,增音在一个词中间插入一个音,如中世纪语中thunder来自于古语thunor一词
    The insertion of a sound in the middle of a word, as in Middle English thunder from Old English thunor.
  • 我们向着海岸游了两里。
    we swam two miles inshore.
  • 答:法苏三国谈判所以没有成功,完全由于法政府没有诚意。
    Answer: The talks failed purely because the British and French governments were insincere.
  • 但是,我们仍旧没有忘记福特先生坚持每个零件作用统一的明思想。
    Yet we have not forgotten the wisdom of Mr. Ford's insistence on unity of purpose in every single part.
  • 刘:这本书是一本写给大多数中国语学习者的激励性质的书。
    Liu:Well,this book I'll say is an inspirational book for most Chinese English learners.
  • 格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇.
    The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry.
  • 这些文件目前正在马德里展出,文件的最后一页写着要把国女王伊丽莎白一世处死,立他自己的女儿为国的新女王。
    The last page of these documents (on display in Madrid today) deals with the execution of Queen Elizabeth and the installing of his daughter as the new queen of England.
  • 如今,国大部分家庭用分期付款的方式购买家具、家用电器和汽车。
    Today, a large proportion of all the families in Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and cars by installment.
  • 在美国,采用分期付款这一购买方式的人所占的比例比国高得多,他们将百分之十以上的收人花在分期付款上。
    In the US, the proportion is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan.
  • 他付了25镑的定金,其余的分期付款。
    He put25 down and pay the rest in instalment.
  • 你先付25镑以后12个月每月付20镑。
    You pay £25 down and twelve monthly instalment of £20.
  • 他付了25镑的定金,其余的分期付款。
    He put 25 down and pay the rest in instalment.
  • 我们以每月50镑分期付款支付这台计算机。
    We pay for the computer by paying instalment of 50 a month.
  • 我们以每月50镑分期付款支付这台计算机.
    We are paying for the computer by paying instalment of 50 a month.