  • 流产不成活的胎儿过早地从子宫中分娩出来
    Premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus.
  • 然后你在入口处转门那儿把辅币塞进投币口,就推动转门进去了。
    Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.
  • 你在入口处转门那儿把辅币塞进投币孔里,就推动转门进去了。
    You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.
  • 够在硬币投币机应用的金属或塑料圆盘。
    a metal or plastic disk that can be used (as a substitute for coins) in slot machines.
  • 子宫内膜异位指功性子宫内膜组织出现反常的位于子宫外的情况,通常导致疼痛和痛经
    A condition, usually resulting in pain and dysmenorrhea, that is characterized by the abnormal occurrence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus.
  • 惰能致贫。
    Sloth is the key of poverty.
  • 懒散磨去才智的锋芒。
    Sloth turneth the edge of wit.
  • 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体。(美国总统富兰克林.b.)
    Sloth , like rust , consumes faster than labor wears .(Benjamin Franklin , American president)
  • 阴蒂,阴核一种位于阴门前部的伸长勃起的小器官,与阴茎相类似
    A small, elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva, homologous with the penis.
  • 我不永远这么过分地消耗精力
    I can't burn the candle at both ends forever.
  • 够插入计算机突出的侠槽的以增加计算机容量的一种印刷电路。
    a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities.
  • 为了抵抗来自sun公司的威胁,微软公司抢先宣布了他与英特尔公司一道公布的netpc的技术规范,即该机将运行本地下载的微软应用程序(但没有扩展槽)。
    In an effort to steal Sun's thunder, Microsoft announced it was launching, with Intel Corp., a specification for a NetPC that would be able to run downloaded Microsoft applications locally, but would have no expansion slots.
  • 摈除悲伤而代之以希望。
    She can slough off a sadness and replace it by a hope.
  • 蜡烛不两头点,精力不可过分耗。
    You cannot burn the candle at both ends.
  • 对工作和对同事应尽的义务不轻易抛弃。
    One's obligations to one's work and colleagues can't easily be sloughed off.
  • 能不能开慢一点。
    Can you slow down?
  • 欧元区的经济增长停滞不前:进一步表明没有一个地区或国家够免受全球经济萧条的困扰。
    Economic growth in the Euro-area has stagnated:further indication that no region or country can remain insulated from a global slowdown.
  • 人非圣贤,孰无过。
    To err is human.
  • 这次解决经济滑坡的问题,要清理一下急需解决哪些问题。应该解决的问题要加快解决,要用快刀斩乱麻的办法解决,不拖。
    When we address the question of economic slowdown this time, we should sort out the urgent problems and solve them without hesitation.
  • 财政大臣-即我国的首席财政部长-说过没有一个经济体够免受全球经济萧条的影响。
    The Chancellor of the Exchequer - our Chief Finance Minister - has said the no economy can remain totally insulated from the effects of a global slowdown.
  • 同时我们在当前全球经济衰退的时期绝对不自鸣得意-不像10年或20年前-基础很稳固:低通货膨胀率,稳定的大众财政状况。
    And while we will never be complacent, at this time of global slowdown - unlike 10 or 20 years ago - the fundamentals are sound: low inflation, stable public finance.
  • 时间不能倒流。
    Time past cannot be called back again.
  • 全球跨国直接投资总量增长速度放缓,流入发展中国家的国际资本今年可继续减少;
    With the slowdown of the aggregate growth of global transnational direct investments, the inflows of international capital into the developing nations this year may continue to decline;
  • 格涅斯基相信,本周将发布的失业数字将不说明[经济]是否可疲软,因为“除非订单减少到不可否认的程度,商家不会开始解雇工人。”
    Genetski believes that the unemployment numbers, to be released this week, won't shed much light on a potential slowdown, because "businesses won't start laying off workers until the evidence of reduced orders is undeniable."
  • 前面已提到经济放缓为我们提供了修养生息的契机,希望我们把握现有的实力及时机,进一步加强发展“人民体系”的决心与努力。
    As mentioned earlier, the economic slowdown is an opportune time for us to consolidate our economy and put it on a healthier plane. Let's take this opportunity to tap our present strength and acquire a greater will to further develop the "People Sector".
  • 他说世界经济最重要的问题售中在美国与德国:美国否在未来几个月摆脱经济不景气;德国在经济急剧恶化以至拖垮欧洲大陆其他地方以前否解决它的通货膨胀问题?
    The most important questions about the world economy, he says, focus on the United States and Germany: Will the United States come out of the recession in the next few months, and can Germany resolve its inflation problem before a sharp slowdown sets in and topples the rest of continental Europe?
  • 你能说得慢一点吗?
    Could you speak slower?
  • 你能开慢一点吗?
    Can you drive a little slower?
  • 场地上草很长影响球的速度。
    Long grass makes the field slower.
  • 载舟,亦覆舟。
    The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.
  • 你看你能慢一点吗?
    Do you think you can go a little slower?
  • 你看你能慢一点吗?
    Do you think you could go a little slower?