  • 现金付款,他们以九折优待。
    They give10% discount for cash payment.
  • 我可以给你打折。
    I'll give you a discount.
  • 我多打一点折扣好吗?
    Can I have a little more discount?
  • 我们只能你百分之一的折扣。
    We can only allow you a 1% discount.
  • 我们可以你学生折扣。
    We will allow you a student discount.
  • 他讲述了牛顿的引力定律,人以深刻的印象。
    He discoursed impressively on Newton's theory of gravity.
  • 讲解为了…提供信息陈述或比喻性的说明,或对有难点的题材的解释
    A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material.
  • 但是,如果完全没有参与任何讨论和交流,我们就连尝试克服困难的机会都不自己。
    But without discourse, without sharing, we do not even give ourselves the simple chance of being able to try to work things out.
  • 你有没有弄明白这些日子以来是谁一直在你送花?
    Did you ever discover who had been sending you the flowers these days?
  • 秘密安置准备人发现的东西。
    something planted secretly for discovery by another.
  • 粗野的球迷他们的球队丢脸。
    Violent fans bring discredit on their teams.
  • 全家带来了耻辱。
    He brought discredit on the whole family.
  • 一个人耻辱的行为。
    an act that brings discredit to the person who does it.
  • 这样的行为会你带来坏名声。
    your actions will bring discredit to your name; because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute.
  • 再来看看日本,他们在历史问题上耍小聪明,玩弄伎俩,为不光彩的过去涂脂抹粉,结果反而是在自己抹黑。这是日本所无法掩盖的丑陋之处。
    There is nothing Japan can do to cover up its ugly past - using little tricks to try to hide it serves only to discredit itself.
  • 事先某人暗示用隐秘的、谨慎的方式将有用的信息告诉他人
    To impart useful information to(another) in a subtle, discreet way.
  • 定调制电路中能被传送的离散信号码元数。
    The number of discrete signal elements that can be transmitted in a given modulation scheme.
  • 一手事情都交他酌办。
    Everything is left to his discretion.
  • 酌情发放老年人的补助金
    Discretionary payments to old people
  •  一些“编者按”说:“日本东芝公司予中国笔记本电脑用户的不平等待遇,让全体中国人愤愤不平。”
    "The discriminative treatment by Toshiba has enraged all Chinese," said an editor's note.
  • 美国用户美元赔偿,而中国用户只能得到“补丁”?中国人受不了。
    The Chinese could not tolerate the discriminative treatment: while consumers in America received handsome compensation, those in China could get nothig but the "patch".
  • 优惠税;优惠税率;优惠待遇;一家对工会成员在雇用和提升上予优先权或好处的优惠商店。
    a discriminatory tax; preferential tariff rates; preferential treatment; a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting.
  • 一种鸟病常传染人。
    infectious disease of birds.
  • 他们只研究病变器官的细胞,这些细胞的基因改动不会传下一代。
    They have worked only with the cells of diseased organs, where genetic changes can't get passed on to future generations.
  • 他给父母亲丢脸。
    He's a disgraceto his parents.
  • 诬蔑…打上耻辱或恶名昭彰的烙印;诬蔑
    To mark with disgrace or infamy; stigmatize.
  • 掩饰给予伪装
    To furnish with a disguise.
  • 他指望断承祖父留下的一大桩地产。得知一大部分遗产留了他的一个远房表亲时,他感到憎恶。
    He expects to inherit a large estate left by his grandfather. To his disgust, he learns that the bulk of the estate has been left to his distant cousin.
  • 人丧气或胆怯的信息交流。
    a communication that leaves you disheartened or daunted.
  • 女主人把牛排分大家。
    The hostess dished out the beefsteaks.
  • 她正忙着客人端饭菜。
    She is busy dishing out food to the guests.
  • 他们喜欢所有的人提建议。
    They enjoy dishing out advice to everyone.