  • 锡克教徒通常戴头巾,头发不加修剪,很容易辨认来。十九世纪时,他们加入英军服役,随军从印度北部旁遮普来到香港。
    The Sikhs - distinguished by their stylised turbans and unshorn hair - came to Hong Kong from the Punjab, in North India, as part of the British Armed Forces in the 19th century.
  • 在两者中作选择要么继续干下去,要么全部放弃
    To proceed with an activity or abandon it altogether.
  • 沉默永远不出差错。
    Silence never make mistake.
  • 从正在做的某事中退;放弃某事物
    Abandon sth in which one is engaged
  • “修好了,”那修理工从车底下爬来说道,“我已经更换了你的消声器。”
    "Right as a trivet now,"said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car. "I've replaced your silencer.
  • “现在呱呱叫啦,”机修工从汽车底下钻来时说道,“我已经把你的消音器换了。”
    "Right as a trivet now," said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car. "I've replaced your silencer."
  • 声音的说;只用嘴唇来说词句。
    articulate silently; form words with the lips only.
  • 她撕开信封的时候,大家都不声地瞧着。
    The others watched silently as she opened the envelope.
  • 他们想不话来表达自己感情,就默默地握住我们的手。
    Unable to find words to express themselves, they silently grasped our hands.
  • 钟形圆饰多立斯柱头顶板下的凸装饰
    A convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital.
  • 他很晚回到帐篷,尽可能不声地钻了进来。
    He came back to the tent very late and crept in as silently as he could.
  • 他刚默祷完,就看见利百加肩上扛着水罐走来。
    Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water-jug on her shoulder.
  • 那位职员用算盘将上周的花销计算来。
    The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus.
  • 他的侧面影像现在窗帘上。
    His silhouette appeared on the curtain.
  • 在地平线上现一排光秃秃的树。
    There are a line of bald trees silhouette against the horizon.
  • 他不只是钱,有时他的下属会吃惊地发现他在附近的街道上偷偷摸摸地捡垃圾。
    He doesn't just give money:his staff are sometimes taken aback to see him skulking in the streets nearby,picking up litter.
  • 在地平线上现一排光秃秃的树。
    There is a line of bald tree silhouette against the horizon.
  • 她站在窗前,晨空衬托她的轮廓。
    She stand in front of the window, silhouette against the dawn sky.
  • 走进门,经过灌木丛,一所房子的侧影便现在眼前。
    Entering the gate and passing the shrubs, the silhouette of a house rose to view.
  • 清晰易辨的气味;明显的松节油的气味;清晰的轮廓;轮船显清晰的侧影;清晰的指纹。
    a distinct flavor; a distinct odor of turpentine; a distinct outline; the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette; distinct fingerprints.
  • 制服将体现"麦克唐纳标牌:束腰,轮廓突,主色调为海军蓝,并将大量使用有弹性的布料,从而突优雅的身材。"
    The uniforms will have "the MacDonald stamp; a tight waist and sharp silhouette. The main color will be navy and I'll be using lots of stretch material, which helps define the body."
  • 挡风玻璃内侧有一架平视显示器,正好在我的视线下方,突然屏幕上现活动着的白色人影。
    A head-up display(HUD) on the inside of the windshield, just below my line of vision, suddenly comes alive wit white human silhouettes.
  • 硅石现在灰岩中的玉髓或蛋白色硅石
    A siliceous rock of chalcedonic or opaline silica occurring in limestone.
  • 铝可以通过俘获。粒子、排质子而被蜕变成一种稳定的硅原子。
    Aluminium can be transformed, by the capture of an alpha particle and the emission of a proton, into a stable silicon atom.
  • 去时别忘了把衣服穿上。
    garments of the finest silk.
  • 年内,机管局共批逾140个经营零售店和食肆的牌照,其中包括全球最大型的单一免税烟酒特许经营牌照,以及香水和化妆品、百货商品、钟表珠宝、书店、健康护理用品和便利店等特许经营牌照。
    During 1997, the AA awarded licences for the operation of more than 140 retail and catering outlets, including the world's largest single duty-free liquor and tobacco concession, perfumes and cosmetics, general merchandise, watches and fine jewellery, bookstores, pharmaceuticals and convenience stores.
  • 英国所付的“礼物”仅仅是交换价值,而法国所偿付的高昂代价却是力量的丧失,这种礼物就好象是土耳其皇帝惯于送给他的帕夏(paslia)的那种珍贵的“丝绳”一样。
    The English 'present' in mere value would be dearly paid for in loss of power;it would seem like the present which the Sultan is wont to make to his pashas by sending them valuable silken cords.
  • 江陵马山战国墓土丝织品
    silks excavated from the tomb of Warring States period at Mashan,Jianling
  • 丝绸是中国的传统口产品之一,在国外很畅销。
    Silks are one of China's traditional exports and they are usually well received abroad.
  • 丝绸是中国的传统口产品之一,在国外很畅销。
    Silks is one of china's traditional export and they is usually well receive abroad.
  • 丝绸是中国的传统口产品之一,在国外很畅销。
    Silks are one of China 's traditional exports and they are usually well received abroad.
  • 例如,要生产与标准aa型电池电量相当的纸张电池,它的面积大约要有一平方英尺。
    To produce as much power as a standard AA-sized battery,for instance,would require a Power Paper battery of about a square foot in size.