  • māo zhǒngmāo shǔ gōng māo huò māo shǔ jiā māoxiǎo xíng shí ròu dòng yòng zhuō tián shǔ jiā shǔhěn zǎo jiù kāi shǐ xùn yǎngzuò wéi chǒng lèi tóng de pǐn zhǒng lèi bié cún zài
    A small carnivorous mammal(Felis catus or F. domesticus) domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet and existing in several distinctive breeds and varieties.
  • xīn wén jiè bào dào liǎo zài zhuī zuì fàn de guò chéng zhōng jǐng fāng gōng zhòng zhī jiān de xiāng pèi
    Cooperation between the police and the public in catching the criminal was reported by the press.
  • jié zhǐ 2001 nián guó jiā zài xīzàng tóu 3680 duō wàn yuánzhòngzhí shuǐ bǎo chí lín 5.3 wàn gōng qǐngzhǒng cǎo 6.7 wàn gōng qǐngzhì shuǐ liú shī miàn 1166 píng fāng gōng bìng dòng liǎo shì shuǐ xiàn duī gōu xiǎo liú zōng zhì gōng chéngkāi zhǎn liǎo jiāng děng xiàn de shuǐ bǎo chí zōng zhì gōng zuò
    By the end of 2001, the State had invested more than 36.8 million yuan in Tibet, built 53,000 ha of forests to conserve water and topsoil, grown grass on 67,000 ha, harnessed soil erosion on 1,166 sq km, and launched a comprehensive control project in the Radoigou small catchment area in Quxu County, Lhasa, and implemented comprehensive control projects for conserving water and topsoil in Gyangze and Nyemo counties.
  • zài fēng shā wēi hài shuǐ liú shī yán zhòng de jīn shā jiānglán cāng jiāng jiāng shàng yóu cáng jiāng liú de 28 xiàn shí shī tuì gēng hái lín gōng chéngguī huá tuì gēng zào lín 5.2 wàn gōng qǐng lín huāng shān huāng zào lín 5.3 wàn gōng qǐng, 2002 nián shí shī tuì gēng zào lín 0.67 wàn gōng qǐng lín huāng shān huāng zào lín 0.67 wàn gōng qǐng
    In 28 counties along the upper reaches of the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang rivers and the catchment area of the Yarlungzangbo River, where the hazards of sandstorm and soil erosion are serious, a project to restore farmland to forest is being undertaken, under which 52,000 ha of cultivated land will be restored to forest and trees planted on 53,000 ha of barren mountains and wasteland. By 2002, some 6,700 ha of cultivated land had been restored to forest and 6,700 ha of barren mountains and wasteland afforested.
  • guǎng gào néng zhǐ shì yòu rén de duǎn gōng de dìng wèi lüè háo guān
    Slogans may only be catchy phrases that have nothing to do with a company's positioning strategy.
  • zhuī qiú zài guǎng gào zhōng chū fāng fāng miàn miàn de gōng shí shénme méi néng chūyīn wéi xiāo fèi zhě néng duì jìn xíng fēn lèi bìng zhù xiē xìn
    Companies that aspire to stand for everything in their advertising messages don't stand for anything at all, because consumers can't categorize and remember the messages.
  • zhòng fēn cóng qīng liàng 52 gōng jīn xià zhí dào chāo zhòng liàng 110 gōng jīn shàng
    Bodyweight divisions range from the flyweight category under 52 kilos to the super-heavyweight category over 110 kilos.
  • zhè xiē bèi chǔ shè shī pèi rén gōng gòng fáng xiāng guān shè shè shī de yào
    Engineering infrastructure has been provided to cater for private and public housing and associated community facilities.
  • hūn yàn yóu wài jiè de yǐn shí gōng chéng bàn
    The wedding reception has been organized by outside caterer.
  • hūn yàn yóu wài jiè de yǐn shí gōng chéng bàn
    The wedding reception has been organized by an outside caterer.
  • zài guò nián zhōng guó xiāo liǎo duì wài guó tóu de xiē guī xiàn zhìdàn hǎi wài guó nèi fēng xiǎn tóu miàn lín de zhù yào zhàng 'ài réng rán cún zài men quē xíng de duì xiàn zài zhōng guó chū chuàng zhōng de tóu de " tuì chū zhàn lüè ", yòng piào jiāo suǒ miàn xiàng gāo shù tóu zhě de shǒu gōng kāi zhāo mài chū fèn
    Over the past few years China has removed some of its regulatory barriers to foreign investing, but a major hurdle remains for both overseas and home-grown VCs: They lack good "exit strategies" for cashing out their investments in Chinese startups, such as selling shares in IPOs on exchanges catering to high-tech investors.
  • chá zhàng yuán chá chū liǎo qīn zhàn gōng kuǎn zhě
    Auditors caught up with the embezzler.
  • hǎi suì dào jiǔ 'èr nián yòngquán cháng 1.9 gōng lián jiē gǎng dǎo tóng luó wān jiǔ lóng hóng kànnián nèi xíng chē liàng píng jūn měi 12 wàn jià shì shì jiè shàng zuì fán máng de xiàn xíng chē suì dào zhī
    The 1.9-kilometre Cross-Harbour Tunnel connects Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island and Hung Hom in Kowloon. Opened in 1972, its daily patronage was 120000 vehicles in 1998. It is one of the world's busiest four-lane road tunnels.
  • hǎi suì dào jiǔ 'èr nián yòngquán cháng 1.9 gōng lián jiē gǎng dǎo tóng luó wān jiǔ lóng hóng kànnián nèi xíng chē liàng píng jūn měi 123000 jià shì shì jiè shàng zuì fán máng de xiàn xíng chē suì dào zhī
    The 1.9-kilometre Cross-Harbour Tunnel connects Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island and Hung Hom in Kowloon. Opened in 1972, it was used by a daily average of 123 000 vehicles in 1997, making it one of the world's busiest four-lane road tunnels.
  • gāi gōng quē jīng yíng jīng yàn zài dāyìng shē gòu shí yìng bié jǐn shèn
    They is inexperienced in business and extreme caution is advise in grant credit.
  • gōng píng chù zhì biǎo xiàn jǐn shèn de tóu zhě
    Play fair; an investor who plays cautiously.
  • xīn jiā de duō yuán zhǒng cǎi duō yuán wén huà fēng rán shì guó jiā de rén mín suǒ xiàn de men réng chéng rènzài wéi qún róng qià de dào shàngzhàn zhàn jīng jīng de xīn shí de jiǎo shí kāi chéng gōng de gōu tōngcái shì què bǎo duō yuán zhǒng shè huì fán róng chéngzhǎng de běn tài
    Our ethnic and cultural diversity is no doubt the envy of many countries. Yet we must be aware of the need to keep treading cautiously in managing inter-racial relations.We must also always be ready for open and honest communications. This is a basic attitude that will ensure our multiracial society will continue to thrive.
  • 2001 nián xīn nián yīnyuè huì de cd zài 1 yuè 22 gōng kāi xíngyóu teldec gōng zhì
    A CD of the 2001 New Year's day concert was released by Teldec on January 22.
  • dàn shìshǒu chí shè bèi shì chǎng shì yóu yùn xíng zài xiāng jìng zhēng de cāo zuò tǒng shàng de hěn duō tóng shè bèi suǒ chéng 3com gōng de palmos、 plc gōng de epoc cāo zuò tǒngwēi ruǎn de windowsce、 tuō luó gōng de flexos、 microware tǒng gōng de os-9 sun gōng de java děng
    But the handheld device market consists of many different devices running on competing operating systems: 3Com Corp 's Palm OS, Psion PLC'S EPOC operating system, Microsoft Corp. 's Windows CE, Motorola Corp. 's FlexOS, Microware Systems Corp. 's OS-9 and Sun Microsystems Inc. 's Java, for example.
  • yīng guó gōng zhòng cóng lái méi yòu tíng zhǐ guò cháo xiào
    The British public has never ceased girding him.
  • gōng yuán 552 nián jué shǒu lǐng mén bài róu rán běi ( měnggǔ gāo yuán shā běi ) wéi zhōng xīn jiàn zhèng quáněr hòu fēn liè wéi dōng liǎng wéi zhēng duó hàn quán zhēng dǒu xiū
    Tümaen, a Turki leader, defeated the Rouran in 552, and set up a state centered in Mobei (the area north of the vast deserts on the Mongolian Plateau). The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate.
  •   shí tiáo yòu xià liè qīn quán xíng wéi deyīngdāng gēn qíng kuàngchéng dān tíng zhǐ qīn hàixiāo chú yǐng xiǎng gōng kāi péi dào qiànpéi cháng sǔn shī děng mín shì rèn :
    Article 45 Anyone who commits any of the following acts of infringement shall bear civil liability for such remedies as ceasing the infringing act, eliminating its ill effects, making a public apology or paying compensation or damages, etc., depending on the circumstances:
  •   shí liù tiáo yòu xià liè qīn quán xíng wéi deyīngdāng gēn qíng kuàngchéng dān tíng zhǐ qīn hàixiāo chú yǐng xiǎng gōng kāi péi dào qiànpéi cháng sǔn shī děng mín shì rènbìng yóu zhù zuò quán xíng zhèng guǎn mén jǐyǔ mòshōu fēi suǒ kuǎn děng xíng zhèng chǔfá :
    Article 46 Anyone who commits any of the following acts of infringement shall bear civil liability for such remedies as ceasing the infringing act, eliminating its ill effects, making a public apology or paying compensation for damages, etc., depending on the circumstances, and may, in addition, be subjected by the copyright administration department to such administrative penalties as confiscation of unlawful income from the act, or imposition of a fine:
  • zhè gōng yuán yòu duō xiāng bǎi
    There are many cedars in this park.
  • zài gōng yuán 17 shì yīng guó chū xiàn liǎo jiào zuò de xīng tiān de jié
    During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday".
  • shèng diǎn gōng gòng qìng zhù huó dòng huò nào de yóu xíng
    A public celebration or spectacular pageant.
  • xiāo shòu zhuān jiā shuō míng rén zhī chí zhě néng wéi gōng zēng jiā xiāo shòu liàngbìng gǎi shàn gōng de xíng xiàng
    Marketing experts say celebrity endorsers can increase sales, and improve the company's image.
  • bàn gōng shì wéi zhōng xīn de yǒu tōng cháng huì yán shēn jìn xiū xián huó dòng huò xué xiào huó dòng zhōng
    Friendships that are centered around the office often do not spill out into recreational or even school activities.
  • zuò wéi xīn jìhuà de zhōng xīnwéi 'ěr xuān tōng yòng diàn gōng de měi xiàng chéng wéi běn hángyè de huò 'èr
    As the centerpiece of his new plan, Welch declared that every GE business must be No.1 or No.2 in its industry.
  • háo xià gōng shēng qīng de zhòng liàng
    the weight of a liter of hydrogen (at 0 Centigrade and 760 millimeters pressure).
  • gōng zhì róng dān wèi děng zài shè shì biāo zhǔn xià gōng jīn shuǐ de
    a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints).
  • gāo 5 gōng fēn
    He is 5 centimeters taller than her.