  • 议的问题是,国会通过1998年《松尼?波诺著作权期延长法案》是否超越宪法规定的权限,以及这部法案是否违背了第一修正案。
    At issue is whether Congress exceeded its authority under the Constitution when it passed the 1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, and whether that law violates the First Amendment.
  • 他所有的儿子都从战中平安无恙地回来了。
    All his sons returned safe and sound form the war.
  • 他有两个儿子在战中阵亡。
    He lost two sons in the war.
  • 他靠诡辩赢了那场论.
    He won the argument by sophistry.
  • 他的画为收藏家所相搜购。
    His pictures are much sought after by collectors.
  • 欧洲战争策源地
    European Source of War
  • (四)四、五支队反对韩德勤、李宗仁向皖东进攻的自卫战,李先念纵队反对顽固派向鄂中和鄂东进攻的自卫战,彭雪枫支队在淮北的坚决斗,叶飞在江北的发展,以及八路军二万余人南下淮北、皖东和苏北,均不但是绝对必要和绝对正确的,而且是使顾祝同不敢轻易地在皖南、苏南向你们进攻的必要步骤。
    4. The battles of self-defence fought by the Fourth and the Fifth Detachments against the attacks of Han Teh-chin and Li Tsung-jen in eastern Anhwei and those fought by Li Hsien-nien's column against the die-hards' attacks in central and eastern Hupeh, the determined struggle carried on by Peng Hsueh-feng's detachment north of the Huai River, the expansion of Yeh Fei's forces north of the Yangtse River, and the southward movement of over 20,000 men of the Eighth Route Army to areas north of the Huai River and to eastern Anhwei and northern Kiangsu--all these were not only absolutely necessary and correct in themselves, but were indispensable for making Ku Chu-tung think twice before attacking you in southern Anhwei and southern Kiangsu.
  • 这些岛屿的主权有执。
    The sovereignty of these islands is in dispute.
  • 发展中国家维护国家主权和安全的斗面临严峻挑战。
    The developing countries are facing a serious challenge in their effort to safeguard sovereignty and security.
  • 1898年美国和西班牙之间的战
    a war between the US and Spain in 1898.
  • 英国和西班牙进行了多年战
    England and Spain waged war for many years.
  • 西班牙王位继承战争
    War of Spanish Succession
  • 各国人民只有共同努力,坚持走和平与发展的道路,继续推动军控与裁军的进程,并致力于在和平共处五项原则和其他公认的国际关系准则的基础上建立和平、稳定、公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序,持久和平才有可能,和平与发展的正义才能最终完全战胜战的邪恶。
    As long as the peoples of all nations work together, adhering to the road of peace and development, continuing to unflaggingly promote the arms control and disarmament process, and sparing no effort to establish a new peaceful, stable, fair and reasonable international political and economic order on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other commonly recognized standards for international relations, a long-lasting peace is possible, and the righteousness of peace and development will ultimately and veritably triumph over the evils of war.
  • 局部战斗有可能引发一场大规模战
    Local fighting might spark off a major war.
  • 我不想同她说话,因为那只会引起吵。
    I don't want to talk to her because it will only spark off a row.
  • 他的话引起他们之间的一场吵。
    His statement sparked off a quarrel between them.
  • 来山得斯巴达军事统帅,他在404年的伯罗奔尼撒战中取得了对雅典作战的最后胜利
    Spartan military leader who won the final victory over Athens(404) in the Peloponnesian War.
  • 文化产业是重要的朝阳产业,要抓住奥运商机,壮大实力,增强活力,提高竞力,跻身国际市场。
    The cultural industry is a key rising industry that should obviously become stronger and more competitive by taking advantage of the business opportunities spawned by the Olympics. It should become a force to be reckoned with on the international market.
  • 古代战,用矛用盾:矛是进攻的,为了消灭敌人;盾是防御的,为了保存自己。
    In ancient warfare, the spear and the shield were used, the spear to attack and destroy the enemy, and the shield to defend and preserve oneself.
  • 2.本协议的规定,不应阻止成员在其国内立法中具体说明在特定场合可能构成对知识产权的滥用,从而在有关市场对竞有消极影响的许可证贸易活动或条件。
    2. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Members from specifying in their legislation licensing practices or conditions that may in particular cases constitute an abuse of intellectual property rights having an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market.
  • 这次论没有引起公众丝毫的兴趣。
    The debate aroused not a speck of public interest.
  • 扩频技术是在无线电电磁频谱中无条例管制的部分中竞
    Spread spectrum technology competes in the unregulated portion of the radio electromagnetic spectrum.
  • 为了阻止或减少敌人有效地运用电磁谱的而采取的电子战
    electronic warfare undertaken to prevent or reduce an enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • 他听我这样说,就没有话可以说了,要论也无从起。
    “He is speechless then. There is no room for an argument.
  • 这次吵之激烈,出乎他们的意料,于是双方交锋的勇气很快冷却下来了。
    This being warmer work than they had calculated upon, speedily cooled the courage of the belligerents.
  • 如果经过这种努力而取千百万群众在我们领导之下的话,那我们的革命任务就能够迅速地完成。
    If we succeed in bringing millions upon millions of the masses under our leadership by such effort, our revolutionary task can be speedily fulfilled.
  • 取时间,快一点调整好。
    We should lose no time in speeding up this reorganization.
  • 许多无辜的人在战中受伤或死亡。
    Much innocent blood is spilt in war.
  • 企图拖延谈判以取时间
    Try to gain time by spinning out negotiations
  • 他们企图拖延谈判以取时间。
    They tried to gain time by spinning out the negotiation.
  • 他们企图拖延谈判以取时间。
    They endeavored to gain further time by spinning out the negotiation.
  • 市场经济下的公平竞是促进经济繁荣的重要因素,但竞过了头,则其负面影响就不容忽视。
    In a market economy, the crucial factor for prosperity is fair competition. But if the competition spins out of control, the negative effects must not be overlooked.