  • 因此,那类涉及到将东方人归类到“少数人群体”的法律就必须改称东方人为亚洲人,而另类涉及物例如东方药品的法律就不必改。
    Therefore, one law which defines "minority group" to include "Orientals" will be changed to refer to "Asians", but another law which refers to "Oriental medicine" will be left unchanged.
  • 引用两项以上权利要求的多项从属权利要求,只能以择方式引用在前的权利要求,并不得作为另项多项从属权利要求的基础。
    Any multiple dependent claims, which refers to two or more claims, shall refer to the preceding one in the alternative only, and shall not serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claims.
  • 主教们照例把自己的教名全部写在他们的布告和公函头上。当地的穷人,由于种本能的爱戴,在这位主教的几个名字中,挑选了对他们具有意义的个,称他为卞福汝主教。
    The usage being that bishops shall announce their baptismal names at the head of their charges and their pastoral letters, the poor people of the country-side had selected, with a sort of affectionate instinct, among the names and prenomens of their bishop, that which had a meaning for them; and they never called him anything except Monseigneur Bienvenu [Welcome].
  • 从此我们可以领悟到些令人肃然竦然的东西,甚至死亡本身。
    Something of the awfulness, even of Death itself, is referable to this.
  • “关心”是因特网上的个讯息,——深情、撒娇、趣事,只是白色屏幕上的黑色字眼而已,而不是你想听到的清脆的声音,想看到的温情的微笑,甚至因不赞同而蹙眉的表情。
    "Concern." is the message on the Internet, affectionate, teasing and anecdotal, yet merely black print on white screen. It is not the golden tones, the warm smile or even the disapproving frown one wants to hear and see.
  • 本字典;叫我去查词典
    Refer to a dictionary; refer me to a dictionary.
  • 为病人配备名专家;提供张支票给委员会。
    refer a patient to a specialist; refer a bill to a committee.
  • 那年轻人亲切地看着他。“这若是我自己的房间,我定情愿让给你住。”他说。
    The young man regarded him with an affectionate expression “If it was my room I should let you have it, like a shot,” he said.
  • 在你生日之际,向你致以亲切的祝贺。生日意味着个新的开端,意味着重新把握生活的机会。
    Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.
  • 每个人都会当次裁判?
    So everyone could be a referee?
  • 恩爱夫妻公开地情深意切的对夫妇,或尤其在公共场合互相感情外露的夫妇
    A couple who are openly affectionate or demonstrative with each other, especially in public.
  • 场比赛裁判怎样给分。
    How does the referee score a bout?
  • 你可以毫无拘束地用种深情的亲呢态度来对待它们。
    you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality.
  • 顺便问下,你们那时有裁判吗?
    By the way, did you have a referee?
  • 裁判人员包括名台上裁判员、若干台下评判员和名计时员。
    Officials include a referee, judges and a timekeeper.
  • 他给他的家人写了封充满感情的信。
    He wrote down an affectionate letter to his family.
  • 裁判判定他在第回合被击败.
    The referee counted him out in the first round.
  • 一本简易参考书
    A handy reference book.
  • 种有序的参照标准。
    an ordered reference standard.
  • 相亲相爱、乐于表露自己情感的家人。
    an affectionate and demonstrative family.
  • 他深情地拍了下她的膝盖.
    He gave her knee an affectionate pat/He gave her an affectionate pat on the knee.
  • 开出一张参考书单
    Draw up a list of reference books
  • 参考本百科全书找到答案。
    reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer.
  • 种文件的参考边缘,或笔划的边限。
    A document reference edge or a stroke edge.
  • 相对编码中,在某区域内寻址时所参照的绝对存储器地址。
    In relative coding, the absolute storage address to which addresses in a region are referenced.
  • 当该键值作为个存取标识仍然有效的时候,或者它在仍是有效的时候,发布者把该uuidkey键值所引用的信息删除了。
    While the key was once valid as an accessor, and is still possibly valid, the publisher has removed the information referenced by the uuid_key passed.
  • java有个特别的“垃圾收集器”,它会查找用new创建的所有对象,并辨别其中哪些不再被引用。
    Java has a garbage collector, which looks at all the objects that were created with new and figures out which ones are not being referenced anymore.
  • 另外,包含的serviceinfors元素将仅会反映概要数据,每个匹配了所提供的categorybag参数之的服务(包含的或引用的)的概要数据都会包含在个serviceinfo元素内。
    Additionally, the contained serviceInfos elements will only reflect summary data (in a serviceInfo element) for those services (contained or referenced) that matched on one of the supplied categoryBag arguments.
  • 通过由本修饰词限定的语义来搜索分类类别将产生对个注册的商业实体的确定的匹配,发生该确定匹配的条件是个完整的businessentity元素所包含的所有的categorybag(包含所有被businessentity包含或引用的businessservice的category元素)的联合包含了指定的过滤标准。
    Searching for a category will yield a positive match on a registered business if any of the categoryBag elements contained within the full businessEntity element (including the categoryBag elements within contained or referenced businessService elements) contains the filter criteria.
  • 在ibmseries/1中,由管理程序所管理的种逻辑资源。每种目标都赋以个名字,以便用户和管理程序引用。目标可以隐含个或几个物理资源的使用。
    In Series/1, a logical resource which is managed bythe supervisor. Each object is assigned a name so that it can be referenced by both the user and the supervisor. It may imply the use of one or more physical resources.
  • 目的地的mac地址没有出现在arp高速缓存中(例如,有可能超时了),路由器必须向与包的目的ip地址有关的子网广播个arp请求,拥有此ip地址的端站就作出响应,把mac地址发送回去,路由器因此更新高速缓存,把新的mac地址装进包的报头并发送该包。
    In the event that the destination MAC address does not appear in the ARP cache -- it might have timed out, for instance -- the router must broadcast an ARP request to the subnet referenced by the packet's destination IP address.The endstation with that IP address responds, sending back its MAC address.The router updates its cache, installs the new MAC address into the packet header and launches the packet.
  • categorybag:这是个类别引用的列表。
    categoryBag: This is a list of category references.