  • 他是我在澳大利亚期的唯一的中国伙伴。
    He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.
  • 密友一个长时的亲密朋友或伙伴
    A long-time close friend or companion.
  • 法令将规定,如果主人没有满足宠物的需求--如给予足够的食物和水、足够的空、足够的陪伴,主人就将受到起诉。
    Under the rules owners could be prosecuted if they failed to give pets what they needed -- ranging from adequate food and water to enough space and companionship.
  • 民俗研究对民知识和文化的比较研究
    The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture.
  • (“near(近)”的比较级)指在空上的两个当中距离较近的一个。
    (comparative of `near') being the one of two that is less distant in space.
  • 移动不快;需要相对较长的时
    not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time.
  • 长音的有较长持续时的。用于元音或辅音
    Having a comparatively great duration. Used of a vowel or consonant.
  • 冰期完整冰川运动期一个相对较短的温暖期
    A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation.
  • 精密地比较;尤指对于文本的比较。
    compare critically; of texts.
  • 与他的房比,我的房还小一点。
    Compare with his room, my room is even smaller.
  • 二者之无相似之处。
    There is no comparison between them.
  • 两本书之间无比较
    No comparison between the two books.
  • 车厢隔里没有别人, 我正好能伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下.
    Since there was no one else in the compartment I was able to spread myself.
  • 船舱建造成许多不漏水的隔
    The ship's hold is built in watertight compartments.
  • 这儿是我们的分隔
    Here 's our compartment.
  • 我们坐在这个分隔里吧。
    Let's sit in this compartment.
  • 车子前面的隔;是司机坐的地方。
    a compartment in front; where driver sits.
  • 汽车仪器板上放零星物件的隔
    compartment on the dashboard of a car.
  • 小书房小房,用于工作或学习
    A small compartment, as for work or study.
  • 这个包的座位已经预订出去了。
    The seats in this compartment are already reserved.
  • 座位,车厢,房公共交通工具上的座位、车厢或房
    A seat, compartment, or room on a public vehicle.
  • 包厢小分隔,尤指剧院里的包厢
    A small compartment, especially a box in a theater.
  • 飞机机身中有特殊用途的隔
    a compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose.
  • 卧车的私人单人小房
    a small private compartment for one on a sleeping car.
  • 欧洲客车上的一种;里面一般有四到六个供睡觉的卧铺。
    a compartment on a European passenger train; contains 4 to 6 berths for sleeping.
  • 一艘船上夹板之的隔;通常它被用来做医疗室。
    a compartment on a ship between decks; often used as a hospital.
  • 保存贵重物品的一个单独的房(通常是用钢铁制成的)。
    a compartment or room (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables.
  • 冷藏:绝热极好用于冷藏的箱、柜或房,用于储存冷冻食品
    A heavily insulated refrigerated cabinet, compartment, or room for storing frozen foods.
  • 谢辽日卡从冒汗的玛特威手里把两脚规夺过去,然后站稳一只脚,猛的往后一转,一刹那就在冰上画出个圆圈。
    Seryozhka snatches the compasses out of the hands of the perspiring Matvey, and in an instant, jauntily twirling round on one heel, he describes a circle on the ice.
  • 适应物,转接器,接合器适应物,如用于在一件或多件仪器的不同部件之实现有效兼容性的装置
    One that adapts, such as a device used to effect operative compatibility between different parts of one or more pieces of apparatus.
  • 提供基于ipv4的和基于ipv6的应用程序和路由器之后向兼容性的努力,将有助于你的企业完成这个过渡。
    Efforts to provide backward compatibility between IPv6 and IPv4-based applications and routers definitely will help ease the transition within your enterprise.
  • 新加坡是亚洲的新兴国家,多元种族,再加上深受西方文化及科技的冲击,我们更应全面深入了解东西方文化的区别,分歧以及它们之的融汇性。
    As a newly-emerging nation in Asia, Singapore is characterised with multiracialism and influenced by Western culture and technology. Hence the particular need for an in-depth understanding of the cultural divergence and compatibility between East and West.