  • 苍白的功利主义的
    Housing of bleak utilitarianism.
  • 着或盖着某物的外层。
    the outer covering or housing of something.
  • 螺桨毂盖,机头整流罩某些飞机上于螺旋桨叶毂上的整流罩
    A fairing fitted over the hub of the propeller in some aircraft.
  • 哈勃空间望远镜随着其高级观测摄像机的安而得以升级。
    The Hubble Space Telescope got an upgrade with the installation of its Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • 在美国纽约北部河流的西海岸的美国的军事置;美国陆军军官学校的遗址。
    United States Army installation on the west bank of Hudson river north of New York City; site of United States Military Academy.
  • 舱内的马达安在船体内侧的马达
    A motor attached to the inside of the hull of a boat.
  • 用对磁性物质有反应的机械置引爆的水雷。
    a marine mine that is detonated by a mechanism that responds to magnetic material (as the steel hull of a ship).
  • 室一直充满兴奋的叫声和类似马嘶的笑声。
    dressing-room was filled with the hum of enthusiasm and laughter like the neighing of horses.
  • 潘多拉作为对普罗米修斯盗火的惩罚送给人类的第一个女人。将有会给人们带来灾难的所有邪恶的盒子托付给她,她出于好奇打开了盒子因而使人世间有了所有邪恶
    The first woman, bestowed upon humankind as a punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire. Entrusted with a box containing all the ills that could plague people, she opened it out of curiosity and thereby released all the evils of human life.
  • 伪装的谦卑
    A masquerade of humility.
  • 把泥鸽子抛在空中练习射击的置。
    a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters.
  • 我们急忙把水泵安好。
    We hurried to get the pump installed.
  • 燃料发动机因其使用燃料而与电动、发条驱动或液压发动机而区别的机械
    Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel.
  • 千斤顶,起重机通过杠杆、螺丝钉或水的压力把重物提起的便携式
    A usually portable device for raising heavy objects by means of force applied with a lever, screw, or hydraulic press.
  • 煤气箱可以贮金属氢化物,需要时可加热使氢气放出。
    The gas tank could be idled with this metallic hydride and the hydrogen driven off by heat as needed.
  • 水电站电气装置
    electric equipment of hydroelectric power station
  • 水电站机电设备安装
    installation of mechanical and electric equipment of hydroelectric power station
  • 他是一个虚伪的人,假对那件事一无所知。
    He is nothing but a hypocrite, pretending that he knows nothing about it.
  • 信教的伪君子(莫里哀所作喜剧中的主人公之后)。
    a hypocrite who pretends to religious piety (after the protagonist in a play by Moliere).
  • 伪善,伪虔诚对宗教或道德教义的假遵守,而心里却不以为然;假虔诚的
    Hypocritical observance of the letter of religious or moral law without regard for the spirit; sanctimoniousness.
  • 虔诚或过度虔诚。
    excessively or hypocritically pious.
  • 人们看他的时候,他假在虔诚地做祈祷。
    he behaved hypocritically by praying piously when people were watching.
  • 安瓿小的玻璃容器,满后密封,主要用于贮放皮下注射液
    A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution.
  • 一般的汽车就能满足需要,特殊车轮的饰物和双色调漆只是不必要的点缀品而已。
    The basic car it adequate and the special wheel trims and two-tone paintwork are just icing on the cake.
  • 那么这种海特模牌服是再好不过了。
    Then this Heathermoor clothes is ideal.
  • 就好消息来说,分布式对象的复杂但理想的目标已经超出了常规,这里单一的对象模型让您通过配和购买可互用的对象来重建公司的应用程序。
    The good news is that the complex but idealistic goal of distributed objects -- where a single object model lets you rebuild corporate applications by assembling and buying interoperable objects -- has been blown off course.
  • 他扮演这个白痴;当不好的消息传来时,她聋作哑。
    He acted the idiot; She plays deaf when the news are bad.
  • 发火置,点火器一种用电池或永磁发电机起动的电子置,用来产生火花点燃内燃机中的混合燃料
    An electrical system, typically powered by a battery or magneto, that provides the spark to ignite the fuel mixture in an internal-combustion engine.
  • 永磁发电机,磁电机产生交流电流从而给控制放电置的火花塞配电的置,用于一些内燃机的点火系统
    A device that produces alternating current for distribution to the spark plugs, used in the ignition systems of some internal-combustion engines.
  • 一种可以防止没有钥匙的人使用机车、并与点火开关合二为一的置。
    a device incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key.
  • 他假装不知道。
    He made a pretence of ignorance.
  • 他假装不知此事。
    He pretends ignorance of the affair.