  • 黑矢车菊一种属于矢车菊属的蓟属植物,其有多种颜色,聚集在有刺状被的头状序里
    Any of various thistles of the genus Centaurea, having variously colored flowers grouped in a head with a spiny involucre.
  • 绣有花型的地毯
    a carpet inwrought with flower patterns
  • 结珠芽而不是的一种葱;生长于俄罗斯和伊朗。
    leek producing bulbils instead of flowers; Russia and Iran.
  • 伊朗和伊拉克高山地区的多年生植物;香呈玫瑰红色。
    perennial of mountains of Iran and Iraq; cultivated for its fragrant rose-pink flowers.
  • 被广泛栽培的通常长有紫色冠的蜡菊属植物;分布在欧洲南部到伊朗一带;别地也有种植。
    mostly widely cultivated species of everlasting flowers having usually purple flowers; southern Europe to Iran; naturalized elsewhere.
  • 具有柔和的丁香紫色至蓝色的一种欧洲鸢尾。
    European iris having soft lilac-blue flowers.
  • 意大利北部的一种鸢尾,具有深绿至紫色的;与德国鸢尾相似但比其小。
    iris of northern Italy having deep blue-purple flowers; similar to but smaller than Iris germanica.
  • 瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合或蝴蝶的荚膜
    Opening by valves, as the capsule of a lily or iris.
  • 一种欧洲鸢尾,具有白色的,熏衣草色的重瓣和芳香的根。
    German iris having large white flowers with lavender-tinged falls and a fragrant rhizome.
  • 一种大的紫到白的鸢尾,产于欧洲的中部和南部。
    a large iris with purple or white flowers, native to central and southern Europe.
  • 一种紫、叶子有很坏气味的鸢尾属植物;生长于欧洲的南部和西部、北非。
    iris with purple flowers and evil-smelling leaves; southern and western Europe and North Africa.
  • 美国东部的一种普通鸢尾,具有蓝色或蓝紫色的;根经常入药。
    a common iris of the eastern United States having blue or blue-violet flowers; root formerly used medicinally.
  • 鸢尾一种鸢尾属植物,有狭窄的剑状叶和显著的各色
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Iris, having narrow sword-shaped leaves and showy, variously colored flowers.
  • 土耳其人头戴着冠,冠上的百合中间点缀着蝴蝶瓣,就像湛蓝色的岛屿在绿色的海洋中闪烁不定。
    there were Turk's head lilies and patches of iris , islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea.
  • 攀枝花钢铁公司
    Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company
  • 攀枝花冶金矿山公司
    Panzhihua Iron Ore Mining Company
  • 生去后,我总是不住的这样想。
    After Peanuts left, I could not help thinking about this irony.
  • 以不规则朵区分于天竺葵科。
    distinguished from the family Geraniaceae by the irregular flowers.
  • 因此,中国园里的假山多数是未加琢磨的石头,也许是化了石的树皮,十尺或十五尺高,象一个伟人孤零零地直立着,屹然不动,或是由山湖沼和山洞得来的石头。上有窟窿,轮廓极为奇突。
    Consequently most of the rockeries found in Chinese gardens are uncut rocks, which may be the fossilized bark of a tree ten or fifteen feet high standing vertically alone and unmovable like a great man, or of rocks found in lakes and caves, generally bearing perforations and having the utmost irregularity of outline.
  • 爆玉米玉米的一种爆玉米,具有加热时会爆裂成松软、形状不规则的白色一团的硬壳
    A variety of corn, Zea mays everta, having hard kernels that burst to form white, irregularly shaped puffs when heated.
  • 不论费多少,这件事一定要做。
    It must be done, irrespective of cost.
  • 他们了一星期,驾车周游意大利。
    They spent a week motoring through Italy.
  • 他雕出了一朵象牙
    He carved out a flower of ivory.
  • 澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛的小的竖直的灌木,有香的象牙似的
    small erect shrub of Australia and Tasmania with fragrant ivory flowers.
  • 楹生长在热带美洲的几种蓝楹属的树木或灌木,有羽状对生复叶和淡紫色的圆锥序的,其冠呈漏斗状
    Any of several tropical American trees or shrubs of the genus Jacaranda, having pinnately compound, opposite leaves and panicles of pale purple flowers with funnel-shaped corollas.
  • 雅卡尔,约瑟夫·玛丽1752-1834法国提机的发明者(1801年),第一台能织出复杂图案的自动织布机
    French inventor of the jacquard loom(1801), the first automatic loom able to weave complex patterns.
  • 威尔顿机织绒头地毯用提机织成的一种地毯,其丝绒表面是由一堆线圈切割而成的
    A carpet woven on a jacquard loom and having a velvety surface formed by the cut loops of a pile.
  • 翻了几页关于“blackjade”小姐的事迹之后,我实在读不下去,不得不把译本放下。像“blackjade”这样的名字,岂能与羞闭月的孱弱女子相提并论!
    I had to put the book down after reading a few pages about the adventures of Miss Black Jade because I simply could not associate a beautiful maiden of the most delicate disposition with a name like Black Jade.
  • 有块根的一年生缠绕藤蔓植物,开紫色的,豆荚有四片翼瓣;旧大陆热带地区植物。
    tuberous-rooted twining annual vine bearing clusters of purplish flowers and pods with four jagged wings; Old World tropics.
  • 简的一番话提醒了我:作为父母我们应该清楚孩子和究竟孰重孰轻。
    Jan reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our priorities.
  • 日本山茶一种原产于日本的装饰性的灌木(日本木瓜木瓜属),因其所开的红而培植
    An ornamental shrub(Chaenomeles japonica) that is native to Japan and cultivated for its red flowers.
  • 一瓶花生酱多少钱?
    How much is a jar of peanut butter?