  • 翰那模样好惨,活像一只落水的老鼠。
    John looked piteous, like a drowned mouse.
  • 有人让翰和完全像他一样聪明的对手进行较量。
    John was pitted against an opponent just as smart as he was.
  • 从匹茨堡到纽有直达车吗?
    Be there a through train from Pittsburgh to New York?
  • 从匹茨堡到纽有直达车吗?
    Is there a through train from Pittsburgh to New York?
  • 在纽的普莱西德湖——1980年冬季奥运会的举办地——奥运会历史上人工降雪首次得到使用。它的总造价为5百万美元。
    At Lake Placid, New York, where the 1980 Winter Olympic Games were held, artificial snow was used for the first time in Olympic history, at a cost of $5 million.
  • 翰的特点是将全部费用一次付清。
    It's typical of John to plank out the whole cost all at once.
  • 翰爽快地付钱请大家喝酒。
    John planked down the money and called for drinks for everyone.
  • 每年美国人花250亿美元用来购买种子、花草、灌木、树木及促使植物生长的肥料。
    Each year American gardeners spend about 25 billion dollars buying seeds, plants, bushes and trees, plant food to make their plants grow bigger.
  • 托卡马克一种用于聚变研究的环形室,等离子体在其中被加热并被电磁场
    A doughnut-shaped chamber used in fusion research in which a plasma is heated and confined by magnetic fields.
  • 他大十分钟就吃完了两份排骨和一满盘青菜,而且吃完还要。
    He knocked off two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes, and then asked for more.
  • 他大10分钟就吃完了两份排骨和一满盘的青菜。
    He knocked of two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes.
  • 在纽演出一年之后,演出者决定到外地去巡回演出。
    After playing in New York for about a year, the producer decided to take the play to the road.
  • 母亲、父亲、孩子三方面的关系;三方协议;三方条;三分法;三方决赛。
    the triangular mother-father-child relationship; a trilateral agreement; a tripartite treaty; a tripartite division; a three-way playoff.
  • 奥斯本,翰·詹姆斯生于1929英国剧作家,“愤怒的年轻人”组织的一员,因其第一部剧作愤怒的回顾(1956年)而享有盛名
    British playwright and member of the Angry Young Men who is best known for his first play, Look Back in Anger(1956).
  • 翰以暗中获得国王宽恕为理由,阻止对他提出公诉。
    John pleaded a pardon secretly obtained form the King in bar of the prosecution.
  • ,保证庄重的誓言,如信念的
    A solemn pledge, as of faith.
  • 允许或答应,尤指婚
    Permission or a promise, especially a pledge to wed.
  • 有一个全权代表事实上拒绝在条上签字
    One of the plenipotentiary actually refuses to sign the treaty
  •    第八十一条中华人民共和国主席代表中华人民共和国,接受外国使节;根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定,派遣和召回驻外全权代表,批准和废除同外国缔结的条和重要协定。
    Article 81. The President of the People's Republic of China receives foreign diplomatic representatives on behalf of the People's Republic of China and, in pursuance of decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, appoints and recalls plenipotentiary representatives abroad, and ratifies and abrogates treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states.
  • 完全忘记了会;我完全筋疲力尽了。
    clean forgot the appointment; I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out.
  • “安德里老公,闭住你的鸟嘴,要不,看我掉下去砸在你的脑袋上。”翰一直吊在柱顶上,接过话头说道。
    “Matre Andry,” said Jehan, still hanging fast to his capital, “hold thy tongue, or I fall plump on thy head.
  • 多极化的概念被越来越多的国家认可和接受,普遍认为多极比单极好,多极对世界和平有利,不能想象拥有200个国家、50多亿口的世界由一个国家来“领导”。
    The concept of multi-polarity has been accepted by more and more countries, and most people think multi-polarity is better than single polarity and is beneficial to the whole world. It is unimaginable that the whole world of some 200 countries and a population of more than 5 billion could be ruled by one country.
  • 那柱子看起来像是八尺高。
    The pole looked about eight feet tall.
  • 有200名警察值勤。
    There were over 200 police on duty.
  • 警察把约翰带走了。
    The policeman walked John off.
  • 1998年,全世界125个国家中每天有1000人得小儿麻痹症。
    In 1998, polio struck some 1,000 people per day in 125 countries.
  • *世界卫生组织在全世界减少或消灭了若干疾病的发病率,包括天花和小儿麻痹症,而该组织每年的预算为4.21亿美元,为在得克萨斯州的达拉斯建造一座新的美航中心、篮球/曲棍球设施所需的费用。
    * The World Health Organization (WHO), which has reduced or eliminated the incidence of a number of diseases worldwide, including smallpox and polio, has an annual budget of $421 million – about what it cost to build the new American Airlines Center, a basketball/hockey facility in Dallas, Texas.
  • 翰的汽车是他的珍爱之物,他总是把它擦得亮亮的。
    John's car was the apple of his eye. He was always polishing it.
  • 翰逊先生,我们对于贵公司的削面打光机,一直感到有些麻烦呀!
    Mr. Johnson, we've been having a little trouble with your surfacing and polishing machine.
  • 翰对每个人都很有礼貌。
    John was impregnated with politeness to everyone.
  • 布什总统访日,到头来低声下气,乃是典型的选举年政治手法:把我们的麻烦归咎他人。就如同纽市长归咎州长,州长归咎总统,总统归咎外国。
    President Bush's trip, ending with hat in hand in Japan, was typical election-year politicking: Blame someone else for our troubles. Just as the mayor of New York City blames the governor and the governor blames the President, the President blames another country.
  • 奖项的评选工作仅仅由大90名好莱坞外国新闻社的成员来完成,评选范围也很小。
    The awards are chosen by roughly 90 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, making it a rather small polling.