  • 这种辐射来自何处,它是什么样的?这正是玛丽。居里企图发现的自奥秘。
    Where did this radiation come from and what was it like? Here was a secret of nature which Marie Curie set out to discover.
  • 大约十五年前铀的辐射由亨利·贝克勒尔发现,两年以后,对这一现象的研究首先由我,后由皮埃尔·居里和我自己扩展到了对其他物质的研究。
    Some 15 years ago the radiation of uranium was discovered by Henri Becquerel, and two years later the study of this phenomenon was extended to other substances, first by me, and then by Pierre Curie and myself.
  • ,我们批评的目的是为了帮助同志,治病救人;对于别人的批评尤应虚心采纳,作为自己反省的参考,即使是别人对自己的一点感想,也是可贵的。
    Of course, criticism is aimed at helping comrades or, in other words, curing the sickness to save the patient, so we should be particularly open-minded in accepting criticism from others as a piece of advice for self-examination. Even if other people only give their impressions of us, that is still of value.
  • 接着,这一决议说:“对于那种具有在性质上比较不重要的缺点或犯有在性质上比较不重要的错误的同志,或者对于那种虽具有严重或比较严重的缺点、犯有严重或比较严重的错误,但在受到批评教育以后,仍能把党的利益放在个人的利益之上,愿意改正并实行改正的同志,应当采取治病救人的方针。
    It adds, "To comrades whose shortcomings or errors are comparatively unimportant or those who, though their shortcomings or errors are serious or comparatively serious, can still be helped through criticism and education to place the interests of the Party above their own and are willing to mend their ways and actually do so, the principle of curing the sickness to save the patient should be applied.
  • 据初步统计,新中国成立50年来,中央下拨的特大自灾害救济补助款300多亿元,为22亿多人次解决了因灾缺粮的困难,帮助8亿多人次重建家园,重建倒塌房屋1亿多间,为2亿多人次提供衣物数十亿件,为10多亿人次治愈了因灾引起的疾玻
    According to preliminary statistics, in the past 50 years since the founding of the PRC, the Central Government has allocated more than 30 billion RMB yuan as relief funds for serious natural disasters, solving the problem of provisions in 2.2 billion cases, helping over 800 million people rebuild their homes, rebuilding more than 100 million collapsed houses, providing billions of items of clothing for 200-odd million people and curing a billion cases of disease or injury resulting from disasters.
  • 他突看见一个奇怪的物体。
    His eyes fell on a curious object.
  • 手提灯的光忽照在一个奇怪的东西上。
    The lantern light suddenly fell on a curious object.
  • 过于抽象的雕塑作品使观者感到不解和索无味。
    the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved.
  • 她的手形状奇特,手掌像普通女孩子一样小巧干净,但是手指以及拇指显比常人更大。
    Her hands were oddly shaped, the palms as small and neat as any little girl's, while the fingers and thumbs were curiously enlarged.
  • 很奇怪,南昌方面传来消息,说蒋介石、张静江诸位先生的意见,颇不以湖南农民的举动为
    Curiously enough, it is reported from Nanchang that Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Ching-chiang and other such gentlemen do not altogether approve of the activities of the Hunan peasants.
  • 她的头发是天卷曲的吗?
    Does her hair curl naturally?
  • 一个家伙与人打赌,要在一个全是蛇的坑中睡一个晚上。一想到这一点就使我毛骨悚
    A man accepted a bet to sleep for a night in a pit full of snakes. The very thought of it makes my hair curl!
  • 她的头发是自鬈曲的。
    Her hair is naturally curly.
  • 她们羡慕她那天卷曲的头发。
    they envied her naturally curly hair.
  • 卷发都不是坏家伙《银魂》
    Natural curly hair is not a bad guy 《The Silver Soul》
  • ,目前华文网络的发展仍面对着一些问题。
    Currently, Chinese-medium Internet still faces problems.
  • 园丁们咒骂它们,但它们还是有多种药用价值。
    Gardeners curse them but they also have many healing properties.
  • 他咒骂自己不该来,却也决心既来了无论出现什么情况也要挺住。
    He cursed himself for having come, and at the same time resolved that, happen what would, having come, he would carry it through.
  • 如果数百万南非人民继续承受历史所造成的无家可归、饥饿、疾病和无知的折磨,我们的自由将依是脆弱的,权利也只是一个空壳。
    Our freedom will remain fragile and our rights empty shells if millions of South Africans continue to be cursed by the legacy of homelessness and hunger, ill-health and illiteracy.
  • 他简略地回答说:"当应该,法国人就准备这样做嘛。
    He answered curtly:“ Yes,naturally; the French are going to.
  • 那条路突然向左转弯.
    The road curved suddenly to the left.
  • 我在花园里发现一枚旧币,后我把它拿给一位专家估价,可是她说这东西毫无价值。
    I fond an old coin in the garden and took it to an expert for valuation, but he said it wasn’t worth a tinker’s cuss.
  • 而瓶子上没有“毒药”字样,所以爱丽丝冒险地尝了尝,感到非常好吃,它混合着樱桃馅饼、奶油蛋糕、菠萝、烤火鸡、牛奶糖、热奶油面包的味道。爱丽丝一口气就把一瓶喝光了。
    However, this bottle was NOT marked `poison,' so Alice ventured to taste it, and finding it very nice, (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off.
  • 他的习惯是早起,后洗个冷水澡。
    His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath.
  • 该习俗仍然沿用着。
    The custom still obtains.
  • 这种习俗仍然存在。
    This custom still survives.
  • 这种风俗在某些地位仍流行。
    The custom still obtains in districts.
  • 习惯成自然。
    Once a use, forever a custom.
  • 最后,mobilecalendarclient天地集成了exchange和lotus服务器,并通过已发布的接口可进行简单定制以支持任意calenderserver。
    Finally, the Mobile Calendar Client integrates natively with Exchange and Lotus Servers, and through published interfaces it enables easy customization to support any Calendar Server.
  • 海关人员突搜查了这所房子。
    Customs men raided the house.
  • 练达之士虽能分别处理细事或一一判别枝节,纵观统筹、全局策划,则舍好学深思者莫属。
    For expert men can exe-cute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; But the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned.
  • 她能理解哥伦比亚城那个小采石场的性质,它是把大理石切割成小块出售给私人。但是当她看到巨大的石料公司的采石场,看到里面纵横交错的铁路专线和平板车,穿入石场的河边码头,和头顶上方的木制钢制大吊车,她就莫明其妙了。她没有见过世面,当不明白这些东西的性质。
    She could have understood the meaning of a little stone-cutter's yard at Columbia City, carving little pieces of marble for individual use, but when the yards of some huge stone corporation came into view, filled with spur tracks and flat cars, transpierced by docks from the river and traversed overhead by immense trundling cranes of wood and steel, it lost all significance in her little world.