  • 顿语在德国、瑞士及低地国家使用的一种或多种西部德语
    One or more of the West Germanic languages of Germany, Switzerland, and the Low Countries.
  • 在很好的件下成长,例如,细菌和微生物。
    develop under favorable conditions, such as germs and bacteria.
  • 曾经有些教主义者讥笑毛泽东注重农村革命根据地为“上山主义”。
    The "principle of going up into the hills" was a dogmatist gibe against Comrade Mao Tse-tung for his emphasis on rural revolutionary bases.
  • 产于印度南部和斯里兰卡,树高,叶大,可用作伞和扇子或切成状作书写纸。
    tall palm of southern India and Sri Lanka with gigantic leaves used as umbrellas and fans or cut into strips for writing paper.
  • 我小心翼翼地伸手去摸那蛇。
    I reached out gingerly to touch the snake.
  • 我非常喜欢这花格棉布裙子。
    I like this gingham skirt very much.
  • 形似长颈鹿,但身体较小且脖子短很多,腿上有纹。
    similar to the giraffe but smaller with much shorter neck and stripe on the legs.
  • 围绕植物割一带会因为打断水分和养料的循环而杀死它。
    cut a girdle around (a plant) so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients.
  • 所有女孩都希望苗
    All girls want to be slender.
  • 消息使我十分开心。
    The news gladdened my heart.
  • 她拨开云层见到他正呆在一明镜般的小河岸上,身旁有一头美丽的小母牛。
    She brushed away the darkness and saw him on the banks of a glassy river with a beautiful heifer standing near.
  • 峡谷里的景色非常美丽。
    The scene is very beautiful in this glen.
  • 新加坡动物园的野生蛇从33英尺高的塔上飞到地面的录像和照片显示,它先悬挂在枝上,并将身体弯成j字形,然后用力加速弹入空中,同时将身体铺平至正常宽度的近两倍。
    Videotapes and photographs of wild-caught snakes gliding from a 33-foot-high tower to the ground at the Singapore Zoological Gardens reveal that the animal first dangles from a branch and loops its body into the shape of a J. It then launches itself into the air by accelerating up and away from the branch, and flattens its body to nearly twice its normal width.
  • 她拉开窗帘,瞥见了那河。
    She draw aside the window- curtain and have a glimpse of the river.
  • 她拉开窗帘,瞥见了那
    She drew aside the window - curtain and had a glimpse of the river
  • 当他开始吹奏曲子时,我们才一眼瞥见那蛇。
    When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake.
  • 盒子里面有一金色的链子,上面坠着一块闪闪发光的绿色油炸"玻璃弹子。
    There inside, glistening green, a fried marble hung from a golden chain.
  • 图片上是个被阳光透晒成棕褐肤色的男人后背,在阳光下油光发亮,他身上仅佩带一金色的皮带子站在一片美丽的海滩上,双手搭在臀部。
    It showed the rear view of a very sun-tanned man, glistening with oil, standing on a perfect beach wearing only a golden thong.He had his hands on his hips.
  • 金属丝,金属箔用于装饰的非常薄的闪光金属制成片状、状物、线状物
    Very thin sheets, strips, or threads of a glittering material used as a decoration.
  • 我个人认为,人类的潜能只有在思想全球化的件下才能得以发挥。
    It is my personal belief that the human potential can only be realized by the globalization of ideas.
  • 在经济全球化和新经济不断发展的件下,如果不能与其他企业建立良好的合作关系,任何企业都难以获得成功。
    Given the development of economic globalization and the New Economy, enterprises can hardly succeed without good cooperative relations with other enterprises.
  • 世界多极化和经济全球化趋势的发展,给世界的和平与发展带来了机遇和有利件。
    The growing trends toward world multipolarization and economic globalization have brought with them opportunities and favorable conditions for world peace and development.
  • 结有纹的球形或卵形果实,有白色绿色或灰色的瘤。
    plant bearing squash having globose to ovoid fruit with variously striped gray and green and white warty rinds.
  • 他的钱大部分用来购买美国股票,华尔街的萧使他忧心忡忡。
    He had most of his money in American stocks and Wall Street's gloom was very worrying.
  • 没有一通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。
    No road of flowers lead to glory.
  • 没有一铺满鲜花之路通往光荣。
    No path of flower lead to glory.
  • 目在词典或类似的项目中的单词或短语
    A word or phrase treated in a glossary or similar listing.
  • 载有约11500的《汉英法律词汇》于一九九九年十二月出版。
    A Chinese-English Glossary of Legal Terms was published in December 1999. It contains about 11500 entries.
  • 这条路通向哪?
    Where does this road go to?
  • 这条路通到哪里?
    Where does the road go?
  • 管道引伸[通往]隔壁房间。
    This pipe goes to [into] the next room.
  • 项链放不进这个盒子。
    The necklace won't go in the box.