  • 我的国度,对中国表示我们的尊敬,表达我们的友谊,再过六年,来自美国和世界的运动员到贵国来参加奥林匹克比赛,我坚信,他们能见到的中国变成更加强大国家,一个走在世界前沿的国家,一个与世界和平相处的国家。
    My nation offers you our respect and our friendship. Six years from now, athletes from America and around the world will come to your country for the Olympic games. And I am confident they will find a China that is becoming a da guo, a leading nation, at peace with the world.
  • 他是个篮球健将。
    He is a dab hand at basketball.
  • 使用本清洁液可污迹很快除掉。
    If you apply this cleaning fluid, you'll find you can simply dab the dirt off.
  • 他的计划是:一根大可纶带固定在笑笑的肺动脉上,以防血流到肺部。一旦他的血压得到控制,笑笑也许会成为永久性地更改血流的第一人选。
    His plan: place a Dacron band on Shao-Shao's pulmonary blood pressure was under control, Shao-Shao might be a candidate for procedures to reroute the blood flow permanent1y.
  • 永远凝视着你——爸爸。”
    I'll be looking at you always -- Daddy."
  • 匕首刺进她的腰。
    He thrust the dagger into her side.
  • 凶手匕首刺进她的心脏。
    The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.
  • 匕首中世纪时重伤的骑士刺死而用的一种狭长匕首
    A narrow dagger used in medieval times to deliver the death stroke to a seriously wounded knight.
  • 中国的聂卫平九段出战。
    Ninth-dan Chinese Nie Weiping will take over.
  • 中国九段棋手马晓春今天同日本九段棋手片冈聪进行今年的第十盘棋赛。
    Chinese ninth-dan player Ma Xiaochun takes on Japan's ninth-dan player Kataoka Satosi for the 10 th match today.
  • 丹·拉瑟必受到新闻同业(包括一些哥伦比亚广播公司的同仁)的攻击,指责他“态度欠恭”,因而引起反对新闻媒体的浪潮。
    Dan Rather can expect to take flak from journalists, including some at CBS, for being "disrespectful" and thereby making anti-media waves; …
  • 那将是一流的跑道。
    It's going to be a jim-dandy track.
  • 飞机危险地急剧俯冲,然而,飞行员及时地其拉起成水平姿势。
    The plane was descending dangerously steeply but the pilot was able to pull it out just in time.
  • 西班牙门佩德罗·孔特拉斯认为,这个球实在是太"奇怪"了。丹麦守门员索伦森则很沮丧地表示,在"飞火流星"的"帮助"下,这届世界杯会产生更多的进球。
    Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the ball acts "strangely", while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted glumly that it would probably result in more spectacular goals.
  • 他悲观地说来可能大难临头。
    He spoke darkly of possible future disaster.
  • 他隐约谈到麻烦即来临。
    He spoke darkly of trouble to come.
  • 我迫不急待地想看到我们出生的宝宝包在你赠送的那个可爱的雪白襁褓里。
    I can't wait to see our baby-to-be bundled up in the darling"snowsack" you gave me at the baby shower.
  • 我曾在纽约为梅里尔·林奇公司的老总们做一个有关时间安排的研讨会,会上有个人递给我一张卡片,上面写着他对时间下的定义:"时间就是不让该死的事情一下子都发生,要它们一件接着一件发生。"
    I was in New York doing a time management seminar for Merrill Lynch executives, when a fellow handed me a card on which he had written his definition of time: " Time is what keeps one darned thing after another from becoming every darned thing at once."
  • 掷镖奖杯放在壁炉台上最显著的位置。
    His darts trophy takes pride of place on the mantelpiece.
  • 他不久去达尔文港。
    He will soon visit Darwin.
  • 我们不得不迅速逃走。
    We’ll have to make a dash for it.
  • 一匹狂奔的马他撞倒。
    A dashing horse bowled him over.
  • 将数据移给对象
    Moving from data to objects
  • 记录名映象到它在用户工作区中的物理位置,并运行单元使用数据库的意向通知数据库控制系统(dbcs)的过程。
    A process that maps a record name to its physical location in the user work area(UWA) and notifies the DBCS(Database Control System) of the run unit's intention to use the database.
  • 进攻是在近拂晓的时候开始的。
    The attack came just before dawn.
  • 部队将于拂晓出发
    The troops will march at dawn.
  • 我们在黎朋时动身。
    We will leave at dawn/daybreak.
  • 定于黎明将他枪决。
    He is to be shot at dawn.
  • 警方在拂晓展开突然搜查。
    The police will carry out a dawn raid.
  • 现在的问题是在於,当我们面临一个新的世纪即到来的时候,国家、国际经济、贸易和金融环境不断出现新的变化的时候,我们要采取什麽样的投资策略和方式,才能够两地的优势最大限度地结合起来,促进两地经济共同发展。
    The problem we face now is that with the dawning of a new century and the ever-changing economic, trade and financial environments on domestic and international fronts, we have to explore what kind of investment strategies and methods we should adopt in order to integrate the comparative advantages of the two economies to the greatest extent with a view to fostering the economic growth of both places.
  • 这一重大的一天被称为"进攻日"。
    The big day would be called D- Day.
  • 我们在黎明时动身。
    We will leave at daybreak.