  • 他声称毕业于哈佛但记录里没有他的字。
    he claims to have graduated from Harvard but his name is not on the books.
  • 这个叫劳拉·史彭斯的学生,获得了哈佛大学的奖学金,但却遭到牛津大学拒绝。
    The student, Laura Spence, won a scholarship to Harvard but was rejected by Oxford University.
  • 在过去的七年中,它向美国的大学输送了12学生,其中两人去了哈佛。
    Over the past seven years it has sent 12 students to American universities two of them to Harvard.
  • 主要种植者告诉我,他们期待着今年会有一个极好的收成,而且收割要比往年早。
    Two of the leading growers tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual.
  • "这男孩很有抱负,要当一的外科医生。"
    The young boy has aspirations to become a famous surgeon.
  • 黑斯廷斯先生渴求的望并非能获得。
    The fame to which Mr Hastings aspired was quite beyond his reach.
  • 这种汽车是我厂著的带上掀式斜背小轿车的换代产品。
    This car is the successor to our popular hatchback model.
  • 约翰·史密斯是市长一派雇用来破坏他人誉的作家,他按时攻击所有其他的侯选人。
    John Smith is the hatchet man for the Mayor's Party; he smears all the other candidates regularly.
  • 美尼涅斯:我的朋友们,要是你们曾经听见你们的主将说起罗马和他在罗马的朋友们,那么我的字一定接触过你的们耳朵。我是美尼涅斯。
    Menenius: Good my friends, If you have heard your general talk of Rome, And of his friends there, it is lost to blanks, my name hath touched you ears: it is Menenius.
  • 这首为"polazarus"的歌曲,实际上更像是一段节奏鲜明,让人难以忘怀的说唱旋律,它讲述了一个逃犯在触犯法律后亡命天涯的故事。
    The song, really more of a rhythmic, haunting chant, is called "Po Lazarus". It's about a fugitive on the run from the law.
  • 站在钢萨雷斯一旁的卡斯特罗向聚集在哈瓦那卡尔.马克思剧院内5000民众发表了他自上周结束的艾连之争的艰苦而极富政治意义的历时7个月的战斗后首次公开讲话。
    Castro, who stood beside Gonzalez as he spoke to a 5,000- strong gathering at Havana's Karl Marx theater, was giving his first public speech since last week's end of the bitter and highly-politicized, 7-month battle over Elian.
  • 夏威夷是著的旅游胜地。
    Hawaii is a famous tourist resort.
  • 美国州,位于太平洋中部,由夏威夷群岛组成。
    a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands.
  • 这本书使他得到了鹰派的声。而由于该书获得畅销,他不仅赚了钱,而且使他从此得以出入政府内部的许多机密部门。
    It gave him a hawkish reputation and by becoming a best seller it earned him money and also entry into many governmental inner sanctums.
  • 这种为声部和钢琴创作的歌曲——以德文“抒情歌曲”命而闻——是早期作曲家几乎无人问津的形式:海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬也谱写过几首这种歌曲,但其中没有一首像舒伯特的那样是经过精心制作的,也没有一首像舒伯特的那样达到这样高的艺术水平。
    This kind of song composed for voice and piano which is generally known by its German name Lied (plural Lieder) had hardly been touched by earlier composers ; there are a few by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, none of them so carefully worked out nor so far developed as Schubert’s.
  • 彼得里后来被取消了冠军资格;海斯被宣布为获胜者。但这之前,英美两国官员为次已经争吵了一个小时,观众台上还爆发了冲突。
    Pietri was later disqualified in favor of Hayes,but only after British and U.S.officials argued for an hour and fights had broken out in the stands.
  • 这些字只是说明了每个美国人都已经知道的事:吃对健康可能是有害的。
    They're just explaining what every American already knows: eating may be hazardous to your health.
  •  (四)危险废物,是指列入国家危险废物录或者根据国家规定的危险废物鉴别标准和鉴别方法认定的具有危险特性的废物。
    Hazardous waste means waste that is dangerous and is included in the national list of hazardous waste or identified as such according to the criteria and methods of identification for hazardous waste as prescribed by the State.
  • 他在40 个人的班级里排第九
    He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
  • 他是候选人单上的第一
    His name heads the list for the candidates.
  • 考试中,莎莉在班上列榜首。
    Sally headed the class in the examination.
  • 如果使用soap的http绑定的话,soap1.1要求在http头上出现一个为soapaction的头字段。
    SOAP 1.1 requires the presence of the HTTP header field named SOAPAction when an HTTP binding is specified.
  • 币鸟一种体形小而尾短的鸟,有长而尖的喙,以头朝下向下爬树而闻
    Any of several small, short-tailed birds of the family Sittidae, having a long sharp bill and known for climbing down trees headfirst.
  • 称命一份文件、法令或诉讼程序的
    A heading that names a document, statute, or proceeding.
  • 海伦在演讲比赛中获得第一
    Helen came first in the speech competition.
  • 喂!我的字是汤姆。
    Hello, my name is Tom.
  • 因此有...之名
    H-(comes) the name...
  • "该城镇修建在群山之中,故取'山城'。"
    "The town was built among the hills, hence the name Hilltown."
  • 由此产生磁铁这个称。
    Hence comes the name magnet.
  • 由此得出磁铁这个称。
    Hence comes the name"magnet".
  • 欧姆定律就是由此命的。
    Hence comes the name of Ohm's Law.
  • 我今后在我的姓上便有冠以双s的誉衔头了。
    I have henceforth the privilege of adding to my name the honourable title of a double S.