  • 我聽了他那些沒寸的話,心裏很不痛快。
    I was annoyed by his insensitive remarks.
  • 令人不悅或討厭的。
    very unpleasant or annoying.
  • 一個一年或多年生草本或小灌木屬;主要布於地中海。
    annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs; mainly Mediterranean.
  • 定期、期付出的年金,每次所付款項大約相等。
    an annuity paid in a series of more or less equal payments at the beginning of equally spaced periods.
  • 中國經濟以驚人的速度增長,每年平均增長率接近百之十。
    The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging near to 10% per annum.
  • 貨物貿易和服務貿易在過去20年別增加約九倍和四倍。
    Over the past two decades, the Hong Kong economy has been expanding rapidly, with GDP growing by 5% per annum and per capita GDP by 4% per annum in real terms.
  • 中國經濟以驚人的速度增長,每年平均增長率高於百之十。
    The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging almost 10 per cent per annum.
  • 中國的經濟,每年平均增長率接近百之十。
    The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging close to 10 per cent per annum.
  • 在一九九二至九六年間,香港與東盟地區國傢的貿易額,每年平均增加百之二十一。
    Our trade with ASEAN nations rose by an average of 21 per cent per annum from 1992 to 1996.
  • 事實上,在過去三年,我們的人口每年增長百之二,比各地大都會的增長為高。
    Indeed over the last three years our population has been growing at two per cent per annum, higher than any metropolis in the world.
  • 自一九九一年開始,我們與馬來西亞的貿易額顯着增長,每年平均增加百之二十五,至今,貴國已成為我們第十大貿易夥伴。
    Trade with Malaysia has risen markedly since 1991 - an average of 25 per cent per annum - and to the extent that you are now our tenth largest trading partner.
  • 中國自一九七八年起嚮世界開放以來,經歷了重大轉變,經濟增長速度驚人,增長率平均每年接近百之十。
    China has undergone dramatic changes since she opened up to the outside world in 1978. The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging close to 10 per cent per annum.
  • 依據香港特區政府經濟顧問的析,隨着內地加入世貿組織,香港與內地相關的出口由現在至二零一零年纍计會增加15%(平均每年增長1.3個百點),而本地生産總值於同期則會增加5.5%(平均每年0.5個百點)。
    An analysis by the HKSAR's Government Economist shows that the Mainland's WTO membership will bring about an estimated increase of 15 per cent in Hong Kong's exports involving the Mainland by 2010 (averaging 1.3 per cent per annum); and an increase of 5.5 per cent in GDP during the same period (averaging 0.5 per cent per annum).
  • 除某些特別例子(主要為《銀行業條例》下的認可機構)外,任何人貸款或建議貸款的利率超過年息六,不論是否持牌放債人,均屬違法。
    With certain exceptions (primarily authorised institutions under the Banking Ordinance) any person, whether a licensed money lender or not, who lends or offers to lend money at an interest rate exceeding 60 per cent per annum commits an offence.
  • 我們會加快闢拓土地的工作、擴大香港的集體運輸係統和其他基礎設施,並會加快進行建屋工程,把每年建成的住屋單位增至八萬五千個,務使在未來十年,全港市民擁有自置居所的比率達緻百之七十。
    We will be speeding up land formation, extending our mass transit system and other infrastructure and increasing the pace of home construction to 85,000 units per annum to achieve a home ownership rate of 70 per cent in the next 10 years.
  • 房頂至今尚完好,但是這兒教士的收入每年衹有二十鎊,外帶一所有兩間屋的屋子,而且眼看恐怕就要决定衹給一間了,所以沒有一個教士願意擔當牧羊人的責任,特別是傳說他的“羊群”寧可餓死他,也不願從他們自己腰包裏多掏出一錢來養活他。
    The roof has been kept whole hitherto; but as the clergyman's stipend is only twenty pounds per annum, and a house with two rooms, threatening speedily to determine into one, no clergyman will undertake the duties of pastor: especially as it is currently reported that his flock would rather let him starve than increase the living by one penny from their own pockets.
  • 於是,時不時地就會有人預言世界末日即將到來,這種預言一般是建立在對《啓示錄》的新的數學析或者對異常天文現象的觀察上。
    Thus, peri-odically someone will predict the end of the world,usually based on a new mathematical interpretation of the book of Revelations or observation of an astro-nomical anomaly.
  • 要求不要透露姓名的情報官員說,5月份在布什政府高級官員中傳閱的絶密情報顯示,被偷運進美國的導彈是俄製sa-7地對空導彈或美製“毒刺”式防空導彈。這些導彈都是恐怖主義子在阿富汗秘密獲得的。
    Classified intelligence reports circulated among top Bush administration policymakers in May identified the missiles as Russian-made SA-7 surface-to-air missiles or U.S.-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles obtained covertly in Afghanistan, said intelligence officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
  • 身體組織內缺少氧成
    a very strong drive resulting from oxygen deficiency in bodily tissues (short of anoxia).
  • 螞蟻間有明確的工。
    There is a clear division of labor in ants.
  • “四人幫”把今天我們社會裏的腦力勞動與體力勞動的工歪麯成為階級對立,正是為了打擊迫害知識子,破壞工人、農民和知識子的聯盟,破壞社會生産力,破壞我們的社會主義革命和社會主義建設。
    The Gang of Four distorted the division of labour between mental and manual work in our society today, misrepresenting it as a class antagonism. Their aim was to attack and persecute intellectuals, undermine the alliance between the workers and peasants and the intellectuals, damage the productive forces, and sabotage our socialist revolution and construction.
  • 所以,你們應三番五次地告訴各級幹部,在進入新區後,一開始就要註意團结一切可能團结的人,中立一切可能中立的人,化敵人營壘中一切可能化的人,這個策略應包括中央係在內。
    Therefore, you should repeatedly explain to cadres at the various levels that the first thing they should do after arriving in a new area is to unite with all those who can be united with, eliminate antagonism towards us among all those who can be so persuaded and separate anyone who can be separated from the enemy camp. These tactics should also apply to the central group.
  • 但是,共産黨一鐘也不忽略教育工人盡可能明確地意識到資産階級和無産階級的敵對的對立,以便德國工人能夠立刻利用資産階級統治所必然帶來的社會的和政治的條件作為反對資産階級的武器,以便在推翻德國的反動階級之後立即開始反對資産階級本身的鬥爭。
    But they never cease, for a single instant, to instil into the working class the clearest possible recognition of the hostile antagonism between bourgeoisie and proletariat, in order that the German workers may straightaway use, as so many weapons against the bourgeoisie, the social and political conditions that the bourgeoisie must necessarily introduce along with its supremacy, and in order that, after the fall of the reactionary classes in Germany, the fight against the bourgeoisie itself may immediately begin.
  • 然而西安事變後和平實現是事實,這種情況是由多方面促成的(日本進攻的基本方針,蘇聯和英美法的贊助和平,中國人民的逼迫,共産黨在西安事變中的和平方針及停止兩個政權敵對的政策,資産階級的化,國民黨的化等等),不是蔣介石一個人所能决定和推翻的。
    But the fact is that peace was attained after the Sian Incident and was the product of several factors (Japan's fundamental policy of invasion, the favourable attitude of the Soviet Union and also Britain, the United States and France towards internal peace in China, the pressure of the Chinese people, the Communist Party's peace policy during the Sian Incident and its policy for ending the antagonism between the two regimes, the differentiation within the bourgeoisie, the differentiation within the Kuomintang, and so on); peace cannot be made or unmade by Chiang Kai-shek alone.
  • 這些表示了戰爭主體有廣狹的區別(工農聯合,或工農資産階級聯合),戰爭對象有內外的區別(反對國內敵人,或反對國外敵人,國內敵人又北洋軍閥或國民黨);表示了中國革命戰爭在其歷史進程的各個時期中有不相同的內容。
    They indicate the breadth of the main forces in the war (an alliance of the workers and peasants, or of the workers, peasants and bourgeoisie) and whether our antagonist in the war is internal or external (whether the war is against domestic or foreign foes, and, if domestic, whether against the Northern warlords or against the Kuomintang); they also indicate that the content of China's revolutionary war differs at different stages of its history.
  • 階級使社會化為許多對立體,階級消滅後,那時就有了整個的人類之愛,但是現在還沒有。
    Classes have split society into many antagonistic groupings; there will be love of all humanity when classes are eliminated, but not now.
  • 資産階級處於不斷的鬥爭中:最初反對貴族:後來反對同工業進步有利害衝突的那部資産階級;
    The bourgeoisie finds itself involved in a constant battle. At first with the aristocracy; later on, with those portions of the bourgeoisie itself, whose interests have become antagonistic to the progress of industry;
  • 主要是布在南極附近海洋的大型略帶褐色的海燕。
    large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas.
  • 南極洲的大部地方不屬於任何國傢。
    The greater portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius.
  • 通常為陸棲的食草性龜,四肢與象的類似並有爪;廣泛布於除澳大利亞和南極洲之外的幹旱地區。
    usually herbivorous land turtles having clawed elephant-like limbs; worldwide in arid area except Australia and Antarctica.
  • 板塊構造學說中假想的一個大陸,後來裂成印巴次大陸和澳洲以及非洲和南美洲。
    a hypothetical continent that (according to plate tectonic theory) broke up later into India and Australia and Africa and South America and Antarctica.
  • 洋海洋的幾個主要劃,包括大西洋、太平洋和印度洋以及它們嚮南極的延伸和北冰洋
    Any of the principal divisions of the ocean, including the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, their southern extensions in Antarctica, and the Arctic Ocean.