  • 裁判员的职责是给"成功"或"失败"的信号。
    A referee is responsible for signaling "good lift" or "no lift".
  • 通过灯光或机械地挥舞手臂发可见信号的装置。
    an apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms.
  • 闪光信号,照明弹一种能产生强光用来发信号、照明或鉴定物体的装置
    A device that produces a bright light for signaling, illumination, or identification.
  • (军事)日落时发降旗信号的号声。
    (military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset.
  • 我们招呼租车司机把车开过来。
    We signalled the taxi driver to pull over.
  • 那位警察发信号,让车辆向前行驶。
    The policeman signalled to the traffic to move forward.
  • 司机发准备右转弯的信号。
    The driver signalled to show that he is turning right.
  • 司机发准备右转弯的信号。
    The driver signalled to show that he was turning right.
  • 机长按照规定程序检查了全部仪器,然后发信号,可以起飞了。
    When all the instruments had been checked out according to the established routine, the aircraft commander signalled that he was ready for take-off.
  • 一八一五年二月二十四日,在避风堰了望塔上的了望员向人们发了信号,告之三桅帆船法老号到了。它是从士麦拿发经过的里雅斯特和那不勒斯来的。
    ON THE 24th of February, 1810, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.
  • 在视察了店面的运营情况后,他走向冰淇淋柜,取两个冰淇淋,付了钱,然后对我和迈克打了个手势说:“孩子们,我们去走走。”
    After finding out how things were going in the store, he reached into the ice-cream freezer, pulled out two bars, paid for them, and signalled to Mike and me."Let's go for a walk boys."
  • 报告书问世之后,建议成立由本地教育专家与机构参与的教育统筹委员会,进行较全面策划、拟定政策及监察效果,反映港英政府有了统筹教育的意识。
    Then, A Perspective on Education in Hong Kong suggested that an Education Commission including local experts and institutions be set up to draw up plans, make policies and check on their implementation. This signalled a change in the mindset of the colonial government, which was starting to see the need for overall planning in education.
  • 该船上发否定的回答信号。"no","not"
    The ship signaled back a negative.
  • 那男孩子的错被指之后,满脸羞愧。
    The boy stood abashed as his mistakes were pointed out.
  • 在核口方面,作为《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国,中国奉行不主张、不鼓励、不从事核武器扩散和不帮助别国发展核武器的政策,制定了核口三原则,即:仅用于和平目的;
    Regarding nuclear exports, China, a signatory to the NPT, has pursued a policy of not supporting, encouraging or engaging in the proliferation of nuclear weapons and not assisting any other country to develop such weapons. It has laid down three principles regarding nuclear exports: They should serve peaceful purposes only;
  • 在香港特区作的仲裁裁决,可在超过135个签署了《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(《纽约公约》)的司法管辖区执行。
    Awards made in the HKSAR can be enforced in more than 135 jurisdictions that are signatories to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
  • 在香港特区做的仲裁裁决,可在超过120个签署承认和执行《外国仲裁裁决纽约公约》的其他司法管辖区执行。
    Awards made in the HKSAR can be enforced in more than 120 jurisdictions which are signatories to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
  • 我不能够辨别这个签名。
    I cannot identify this signature.
  • 他不愿露惧色而有失身份。
    He would not abase himself by showing fear.
  • 屋顶凸招牌一种类似屋顶的构造,通常挂有一块招牌,凸于(剧院或旅馆的)入口之上
    A rooflike structure, often bearing a signboard, projecting over an entrance, as to a theater or hotel.
  • 八十年代以来,中国部分地区现了一些邪教组织,打着宗教旗号进行违法犯罪活动。
    Nevertheless, since the 1980s some pernicious organizations have sprung up in certain areas of China, which engage in illegal and even criminal activities under the signboard of religion.
  • 在立交桥、城市道路、大型公共场所和主要街道竖立标注国际通用文字的新型站牌、导向路标,方便国内外旅游者的行需要。
    For the convenience of domestic and foreign visitors, new types of signboards and signposts in commonly used international languages will be erected at overpasses, major public places and along urban roads and streets.
  • 签名者一位签名者,其名字现在文件的底部或末尾。常与the连用
    A signer whose name appears at the bottom or end of a document. Often used with the.
  • 加上后几百年的荒废失修,诸多洞窟现了严重开裂和大面积坍塌。
    What with its abandonment and lack of repair in the last few hundred years, serious cracks and large areas of collapse have occurred in quite a few cave openings.
  • 一种无数值或逻辑意义的计算机输数据。
    Computer output with no mathematical or logical significance.
  • 对这一措词的意义,大多数新闻记者都没有听来。
    Most newsmen missed the significance of the phrasing.
  • 据研究人员统计,接下来的几十年,欧洲人口将持续减少。即便生率显著提高也无法改变这一状况。
    Europe's population will continue to decline for decades even if birthrates improve significantly, researchers have calculated.
  • 从1965年首次报道以来,男士们明显地比女士享有更多空闲时间--大约一周多5个小时。
    For the first time since 1965, men report having significantly more free time than women -- about five hours more a week.
  • 他抛弃家人出国
    He abandoned his family and went abroad
  • 他抛弃家人出国
    He abandoned his family and go abroad
  • 由音响或显示设备发的信号,用以表示系统现了错误或异常情况。
    An audible and/or visible signal used to signify the existence of some error or abnormal condition in the system.
  • 昨日的选举标志着我们为筹备香港特别行政区第一届立法会进入一个新的阶段,我们会加紧宣传和推广五月二十四日立法会选举,我期望看到在未来数周内全港每个角落的选举气氛会更加热烈,我亦呼苸全港二百八十万已登记的选民,在五月二十四日踊跃投票选立法会议员。」。
    "The elections yesterday signify the beginning of a new phase in preparing for the election of the First SAR Legislative Council. We will step up our publicity efforts to increase public awareness about the LegCo election on May 24. We expect to see a lively election atmosphere throughout the territory in the coming weeks."